
Put on & Take off



优秀的人总是会提前做好准备,为了使每堂课能够顺利的进展,教师通常会准备好下节课的教案,最好的解决办法就是准备好教案来加强学习效率,。提前准备好教案可以有效的提高课堂的教学效率。幼儿园教案的内容要写些什么更好呢?以下是小编收集整理的“Put on & Take off”,欢迎阅读,希望您能阅读并收藏。

Put on & Take off

活动内容:Put on & Take off 执教教师:马魏娜 活动目标: 1. 乐意参加英语活动,对英语活动感兴趣。 2. 复习单词:coat、cap、glaves、shoes、sport shoes 新授单词:glasses(眼镜)、pants(裤子)、scarf(围巾) 3. 能结合所学单词熟练运用句型Put on…… Take off……. 活动准备: 1. 多媒体VCD(事先录制) 内容: A.太阳升起时小朋友起床,穿戴自己的衣物(句型练习:Put on……、出现新授单词glasses、pants、scarf) B.天黑了,小朋友准备上床睡觉(句型怜惜:Take off……) C.两名幼儿相互间发指令(复习巩固单词与句型) 2.图片:glasses、pants、scarf 4.实物:coat、cap、gloves、glasses、pants、scarf 活动过程: 一、Warming up rhyme: coat coat coat、cold cold cold if you are cold, put on your coat. 二、观看录像,学习新单词 1.T: Everybody, there is a program for you! Please watch carefully! 2.教师播放录像A 3.T: ok! In this program, there are three new words for you, what are they? 4.教师出示图片学习新单词:glasses、pants、scarf glasses:Everybody, follow me! Glasses!(集体幼儿跟教师念) say: put on my glasses. Pants: What’s this? (pants) (集体念后,个别幼儿念) Say: put on my pants. Scarf: What’s this? (Scarf) Ok, pass around.(开火车念) Say: put on my Scarf. 5.Ok, who wants to be a teacher and ask us? (请一名幼儿提问:What’s this? What are they?其他幼儿回答:glasses、pants、scarf) 三、再次观看录像、巩固所学单词与句型 1.T: Ok! let’s go on.(继续观看录像B) 2.T: It is so interesting, let’s do it together, ok? Take off my cap\ Take off my coat\ Take off my pants\ Take off shoes T: Once again! Take off my cap\ Take off my coat\ Take off my pants\ Take off my shoes. 四、游戏介绍,师生、生生互动 1. T: Here is a game for you, Watch carefully!(观看录像C) 2. T: That’s all! Do you understand? 3. 集体游戏: T: Now, there are coat、cap、gloves、shoes、sport shoes、glasses、pants、scarf T: I want two children of you, who wants to try? 游戏规则:请两名幼儿比赛,比赛幼儿听教师口令作相应动作,(put on your……take off your…….最快者为胜) T: Who wants to try? You say, they do! 4. 分散游戏: T: On the tables, there are coat、cap、gloves、shoes、sport shoes、glasses、pants、scarf here. T: Find your coat、cap、gloves、shoes、sport shoes、glasses、pants、scarf. And put on them. T: Then make a friend. You say and your mate do it.\ Your mate say and you do it. Understand? T: Ok! Come on, Let’s do it! 五、集中结束 1. 音乐起,幼儿集中。集体念儿歌《put on and take off》 Put on your cap、put on your coat、put on your pants、put on your shoes. I feel cold, I feel cold. Take off your cap、Take off your coat、Take off your pants、Take off your shoes. I feel warm, I feel warm.


中班英语教案:get on /get off the bus

教育目标: 1、复习单词 bus

2、学习短句 get on /get off

3、学习句子 get on the bus get off the bus


1、问好:good morning boys and girgs

2、出示bus 图片,what is it?

3、复习 bus

4、出示纸偶小动物,做上车动作并教get on the bus ,并要小朋友,学说get on

5、幼儿练习说get on the bus 并做让小动物上车的动物,等幼儿都学会后,做小动物

下车动作并教学get off the bus ,幼儿跟学。


幼儿把小椅子当bus ,教师发号指令:get on the bus ,幼儿迅速坐到小椅子上,

教师说get off the bus 时小朋友迅速从小椅子上起来,


7、 Time is up goodbye.

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【活动目标】 1.乐意参加英语活动,对英语活动感兴趣。 2.复习单词:coat、cap、glaves、shoes、sportshoes 新授单词:glasses(眼镜)、pants(裤子)、scarf...

2019-12-12 阅读全文

下面是《geton/getoffthebus》的内容一文,给你带来丰富精彩的内容,欢迎阅读!2、进修短句geton/getoff 3、进修句子getonthebusgetoffthebus 教诲历程:...

2021-08-12 阅读全文

教育目标:1、复习单词bus 2、学习短句geton/getoff 3、学习句子getonthebusgetoffthebus 教育过程: 1、问好:goodmorningboysandgirgs 2...

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