
英语教案:I like.......



幼儿园,是孩子快乐的家园;家庭则是孩子理想的起点。教师与家长之间要互相理解、互相帮助,和孩子做朋友,放低姿态,互相尊重,彼此包容!那么,怎么充分利用家庭与校园之间的资源对幼儿进行教育呢?为了让您在使用时更加简单方便,下面是小编整理的“英语教案:I like.......”,欢迎大家阅读,希望对大家有所帮助。

1、引导幼儿能熟练运用“I like…..”的句型,听懂“What do you like?”




T:Good morning, Girls and boys.

C: Good morning, Miss xiong .

T: How are you today ?

C: I am fine.

T:What day is today?

C:Today is …….


Walking walking

三、New lesson

1、 情景表演:



Monkey:Hello,I am a monkey,I like banana.

Rabbit: Hello, ,I am a rabbit, I like carrot.

Cat: Hello, ,I am a cat, I like fish.


C:Monkey、 Rabbit 、Cat.



T:猴子说:“I like banana”。兔子说:“ I like carrot”.小猫说:“ I like


T:What do you like?

Monkey: I like banana.


2、去果园摘水果(进一步学习使用“I like…..”的句型)

T:刚才小朋友表现的都很棒,我要带小朋友到果园去摘水果,摘自己喜欢吃的水果到相应的水果篮里,然后老师分组提问:(小朋友摘水果)What do you like?I like apple/banana/orange/pear.

(进一步加强他们对“What do you like?”的理解,学会使用:“I like…..”的句型。


苹果、梨、桔子、香蕉举起手搭成一个筐,念儿歌:“水果水果,多有多、甜又甜,看谁先来尝一尝,尝一尝!”当念到最后一句时,把小朋友筐住,老师问问题:“What do you like?”筐住的小朋友回答“ I like…..”然后站到相应的水果后面,游戏依次进行,只到每个小朋友被筐住,玩拔河的游戏。

4、 T:Are you tired ?

C:Yes .

T:Time is up ,we must go home .Byebye.



英语教案:I ’m in the *****

一、 给予角色,激发活动兴趣

1.师幼问好:Say good morning to the teacher.Ok I’m miss shen . I’m glad to see you. What’s you name?

2.0H,today I’m very happy .let’s do some sports with me? 带领幼儿运动jump run walk swim

3.I’m very tired ,let’s have a rest ok? Go back to your seat.


1.学习house1.look what’s this? House 齐读几遍,look at my mouse,分解读音。配以有节奏的词读house .one by one.

2.学习短语:what lolour? Yes ,red house.读几遍,let’s play a game ok?迷迷转,转到谁谁来说短语。变调读。

3、累加迁移经验:“yellow house \blue house\green house”


三、 学习句型:

1、示范:now, close you eyes,摸摸头“good”

2、oh look, where is mummy?Yes ,I’m in the red house.

3、Please ,call me.跟老师说句型。换一个房子练说句型。

1、who wants to be try? Ok, let’s call******

幼儿回答“I ’m in the blue house.”

2.I’m in the green house.I’m in the yellow house

3.选择自己喜欢的房子进入。Which house do you like ,when the bell ring you can go .4.听指令进入房子。5、给颜色宝宝。Look ,this is colour babies, which do you like?

英语教案:I can


幼儿园的双语教学在幼儿教育界引起各种各样的争议,有的人表示赞成,有的人表示反对,当时我持着赞成态度,为证明我赞成的观点,我大胆地尝试,设计了一节用双语进行教学的中班综合活动《I CAN》,用Authouware制作了电脑课件,主要是让幼儿更直观地复习数字、颜色、运动项目,让幼儿在游戏中学习,在轻松的环境中学习。


1、 通过电脑动画的辅助,幼儿较快地掌握数字、颜色和运动项目的英语单词,培养幼儿思维反应能力。

2、幼儿能大胆开口说英语,并积极地参与英语游戏,增强幼儿对学习英语的兴趣 。







备注:用巨型“Can you…”问,回答“Yes,I can.”,则在相应的表格内打“ ”,回答:“No,I can not.”的在相应表格内打“╳”。


一、 进场

英语问候歌:“Hello,Good day!”


1、 第一关:复习数字“花落谁家”。


2、 第二关:复习颜色:“配对游戏”


幼儿用英语句型:“I like……”自己喜欢的颜色,然后在颜色块选择相对的颜色,拖放到有英文字母的圆圈内。例如:幼儿选择:“I like red.”就选中红色的色块,放在写有“Red”的圈内,如果放对在“Red”圈就会响 起掌声,放错了红色块就会回到原来的位置上去。

3、 第三关:复习运动项目:“I can”游戏。

玩法:当电脑出现一张运动的图片,幼儿马上说出运动的英文单词,并做出动作,如:出示的是“跳”的图片,幼儿马上说出:“I can jump”,并做出跳的动作。


分别用几个游戏学习运动的动词:“Sing、Dance、Swim”,并用句型:“Can you……?”来问同伴,同伴用“Yes,I can.”,“No,I can not.”来回答。



英语教案:I’m a forg


1、复习单词:polliwog 、 duck 、 goldfish 、 frog 、 tortoise ,复习句型:Where are you going? I’m going to look for my mother.

2、学习小蝌蚪变成青蛙,外形特征特征变化的短语:back legs turn out,front legs turn out , no toise.




2、请一位老师扮演青蛙妈妈,三个幼儿分别扮演duck goldfish tortoise角色





导入:T: we are polliwogs. Do you know where is our mother?

S: I don’t know. T:OK! Now, we are going to look for my mother


1. Duck

T: What’s that?

S: Duck ! Hello duck .

D: Hello! Polliwogs,Where are you going ?

T: I’m going to look for my mother .(根据幼儿掌握情况,进行重复巩固)

S: 幼儿学说:I’m going to look for my mother .

D: Oh , I know Your mothers have two big eyes and a big mouth.

T: what does your mother look like ?

S: Two big eyes and a big mouth .

T: let’s say Thank you to duck.

D: You are welcome .Let’s go .

S: Ok,Let’s go!

2. Fish

T: Hello! Fish!

F: Hello !Where are you going ?

T,S: I’m going to look for my mother .(反复学习这句话)

F: Oh,I know .Your mothers have four legs.

T: What does your mother look like ?

S: Four legs.

3. Tortoise(方法同上,学习Where are you going? I’m going to look for my mother. A white belly)

4. Play games : 让每个孩子复习巩固Where are you going?

I’m going to look for my mother. 学习小蝌蚪变成青蛙,外形特征特征变化的短语:back legs

turn out , front legs turn out , no toise .

5. 为妈妈做图片,复习巩固back legs turn out, front legs turn out , no toise


6. 找到妈妈(老师扮演的青蛙妈妈出场)。

M: Hello! Babies, I am your mother . Come here!

T, S: Mummy! Mummy! Ah! Ah! I love you!


英语教案:Do you like to eat


1.初步学习单词banana和orange,复习apple、pear的发音,复习歌曲Good morning.

2.初步感知sweet 和Do you like to eat? 的含义。





1.复习歌曲“Good morning to you.”

T: good morning, boys and girls. Let’s sing the song “good morning

to you”, Ok?

C: Ok.


T: Look! I have a beautiful basket. There are some fruits in it!

Look, that’s…

C: 香蕉

T: Yes, This is a banana.


T:(尝一口)Banana is sweet. Follow me. Banana is sweet. Do you like to

eat banana?

C: Yes.

T: If you want to eat banana, Let’s sing the song “I like banana.”


C: Ok.

T: Ok, very good!


Monkey: Mrs. Gao, Miss Gao.

T: Let’s have a look, what’s coming?

C: Monkey.

T: Monkey, Yes!

M: I want to eat…(着急说不出来)

T: Oh, The Little monkey wants to eat the banana, but she can’t speak English. Can you say it in English? Let’s tell her together, Ok? Ok, what’s this?

请幼儿一起说:This is a banana

T: Yes, Monkey. Banana, Do you know?

M: Yes, I know.

T: If you want to eat the banana, you’ll say it in English once

more. I’ll give it to you, ok?

M: Ok! I want to eat the banana.

T: Ok, here you are. Bye.

M: Bye, Thank you

T: You’re so great to help the monkey to solve the problem. Now I’ll introduce a good friend to you.

QiQi (手偶琪琪): Good morning children. Today I bring you a kind of fruit, I’ll give it to you, but I want to tell you it’s English name before I give it to you. But I can’t speak English.

: It doesn’t matter, Now, I’ll teach you the word. Then let’s teach Qi Qi together, Ok?

C: Ok.

T: Orange, orange, orange is sweet.

What do you like? Do you like to eat orange?

Please say it to your friends beside you.

请小朋友之间相互说:“I Like orange. This is an orange.

T: Now, Do you know what this is? What’s this?

C: Orange.

T: Ok, Let’s tell QiQi together. This is an orange.

Qi: I know I know. This is an orange. It’s for you.

C: Thank you, Qi Qi.

Qi: You are welcome

T: Let’s play a game, I’ll ask one of you to touch in my basket.

Then you’ll tell the other friends. What have you touched. Ok?

C: Ok.

T: What’s this?

C: Apple (orange, pear, banana).

T: Oh, The fruits are sweet. Do you want to eat?

C: Yes.

T: Ok, Let’s sing the song “I like fruits”, Ok?

C: Ok.

T: Ok, before eating the fruit you must say: “I like…”,understand?

C: Yes.

T: Ok, come here.


一、 延伸




英语教案:what do you want? i want ....

目标:1、理解what do you want? I want……的含义,学习想要want、巧克力chocolate的正确发音。

3、复习“in the morning”中的句式,能进行语言互换。


准备: 1、 各种食品,苹果apple, 桔子orange, 饼干biscuit蛋糕 cake, 糖果candy,巧克力chocolate、



过程: 1、导入活动。

引导幼儿进入情境,复习“in the morning”中的句式,能进行语言互换。内容:


Brush my teeth/ wash my face/ wash my hands/ comb my hair



Head, head, turn around Feet, feet jump and jump



(2) 师生对话,练习句式。

I、提问:Kala bear的点心屋来了客人,它怎么招待客人的?(what do you want?)

客人是怎样回答的?(I want…..)

II、 教师帮助幼儿理解对话的含义。

III、师生练习对话,分集体、小组、个人练习对话(what do you want?)(I want…..)

(3) 请幼儿参与情境表演。

I、 介绍Kala bear snack room的食品名称,重点纠正(巧克力chocolate)的发音。



玩法:由Kala bear 来布置今天的超级任务“在单词卡片中找字母c”,谁找到就可以带走点心,还有Kala bear的kiss。

英语学习:What’s it like?


游戏是孩子最喜欢的活动形式。根据这一特点,让幼儿通过看看、说说、演演的有趣形式,让孩子们在游戏中边玩边学,自主学习、轻松快乐地理解学说句型What’s it like?体验游戏表演带来的快乐。


1、继续掌握What’s it like?的句型。






1、Good morning boys and girls. (or: say hello to the teacher.)

2、(1)What’s the weather like today?(show the sun picture)

A sunny day.

(2)Do you like sunny day? Why? Tell me the reason.

3、Let’s sing a song.(hello)

二、Read the story:

Show:Yoyo rabbit doggy piggy.

Say hello with them.

Today, I will give you a short story.

First listening:

1、 Listen to the radio.(First, please listen the radio and look at

the picture. Then guess what happen in the story.)

2、 Question: Who can tell me what happened in the story?

Second listening: Read after the radio.


1、 What does this circle looks like?(lemon、apple、tomato……)

2、 Game: Which is lost?

四、Act the story with teacher:

1、All the students.

2、 Who will try to act the story.


一.Teaching contents and demand.






Listen Say

Key sentence

Let’s start again. Take your ball. Ouch!

Throw it to your friend. You hear a plane.

Look up. The ball comes back.

What is seven and three? Ten

What’s five minus five? Zero.

Listen Say


New words

seven eight nine ten ball doll train car bike plane boat

Listen Say


二.Key points and difficult.

1. Words and letters:

The pupils can speak out the words of unit 3 is the key point in

this unit, and the difficult is pupils can use them. Let the pupils

can count the toys, help them review the numbers.

2. Key sentences:

Let the pupils learn to say the key sentence “Let’s start again.” in

the games, and practice it more and more when they playing. But let

the pupils learn to say “What’s ** and ** ? ” or “What’s ** minus

**? ” is very difficult, give them more time to practice.

三.Teaching periods.

Teaching aims:

1.Let the sudents guadually undrstand and imitate he instructions they hear on the tape.

2.Let the students to number the picures from 1 to 6 , auording to what they hear.

Teaching prepare:

Recorder Pictures Cards


1.Sing a song:“ The number song “

2.Count .

one frog , two frogs , three frogs …………

one book , two books three books …………

one pen , two pens , three pens …………

one pencil , two pencils ……………………

elicit:one plane , two planes ……………


one ball , two balls ……………………

Listen and mime

1.Listen to the instructions on the tape.

2.At the same time , the teacher performs the actions . the students watch the teacher and imitae the actions.

3.Repeat several times .

4.Listen to the tape . let the students to perform the actions .

5.Let the students to understand the Action story.

6.The teacher gives the instructions in the same order . let the students do it.

7.The teacher gives the instructions in jumbled order . let the

students to perform the mime actions one at a time.

8.Match in groups

Lisen again . Number the pictures

1.The students open their books and understand every pictures

2.Listen to the tape and number the pictures from 1 to 6 to the

order given.

3. Check.


kboard design:

Unit 3 Toys


Teacher’s note:

Period 2 ( Part3. 9 )

1 ( 15 )


Teaching aims:

1.Let the students to learn to use: (1)Numbers 7--10 (2)Lets start again.

2.Let the students to learn to sing a song : Ten little fingers .

Teaching prepare:

Recorder Pictures Cards


1.Sing a song : The number song .


one frog , two frogs , three frogs ………… ………… six frogs

one plane , two planes , three planes ………… …………

one ball , two ball , ………… …………

Teach Numbers :

1.Teach seven , eight , nine , ten

2.Count :one ball , two balls , three balls , four balls , five balls , six balls ,seven balls .

3. ount :eight planes , nine cars , ten frog.


Play hopscotch .

1.Guess numbers

The cards face to the students . then turn around . Let the

students to guess numbers .

2.Chain pass

a.Open the books . Let the students to look at the teacher .

b.Play the tape . As the sametime. the teacher pointing to the

corresponding picture each time

c.Ask the students to point to the right pictu books.

d.One by one pass the ball and say : one . two . three . four .

five . six . seven . eight . nine . ten . Lets start again .


Match in groups



Objectives:1 in order to promote chilren’s memory of the words:fine cloud rains now .2a chieve the music alhearing training inorder top romote.


Warm up:Sing as ong

Do agame:

Method:1when you hear your name,stand up.



2when you hear the weather,do like me.








Roll play game:

New song:


Little bear:how is the weather?

Old bear:It’s fine day.




Supporting materials: tapes, cards, the

ghost’s coat , the magician’s

hat / bag/ stick , house models,


Teaching contents: princess, sheriff,ghost, clown Sentence : What ’s the weather

like today ?

Song: 《Party song》

Princess, sheriff, ghost, clown. one, two, there, four, five sit down. Princess, sheriff, ghost, clown. Five, six, seven, eight sit down.

Teaching process:

1.a.Greetings: Good morning ,everybody!

Look outside . What ’s the weather

like today ? Yes, it’s sunny. When

the sunny I ’m very happy .

b.Warming up :

Well, well … We are happy now.

Let’s play a game. Ok?

Up, up, up. Down, down, down . Left, left, left. Right, right, right.

Be a XX go go go ! (Go over there ,then teacher say :The monster is coming .Children must go back to their seats as quickly as they can .If someone go back slowly , he will be eaten by the monster .)

2. Directions:

(1)First teacher be princess/sheriff/ ghost/clown and do the action . Let them guess: who am I ? Then show them cards let them guess.(The teacher become a magician .) the magician use Abracadabra, one , two , three…Oooh! show the cards for the



a: Shaking

Show children. the magician’ bag and let them guess :what are they in the bag?

Invite one child come to the front . the kid and teacher catch the bag and shake quickly. Then let he/s he take out a card and say : princess/sheriff/ghost/clown

b: Jumping

Invite one boy/girl come to the front.

The teacher say: I say the clown one time ,you jump to the clown one time.

I say the clown two time ,you jump to the clown two time. Make another children clap hands and say the word.


a. At the first ,let the kids listen to the song and see the teacher ’s action.(1x)

b. Teacher teach them one sentence by sentence slowly.(1x)

c. let everybody sing this song.(3x-)

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1、幼儿能够理解“Ilike…”和“Idon’tlike…”的中文含义。 2、在教师的引导下,幼儿能够大胆地使用“Ilike…”和“Idon’tlike…”的句型。 3、幼儿能积极参与到游戏活动之中,...

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设计意图: 幼儿园的双语教学在幼儿教育界引起各种各样的争议,有的人表示赞成,有的人表示反对,当时我持着赞成态度,为证明我赞成的观点,我大胆地尝试,设计了一节用双语进行教学的中班综合活动《I CAN》,...

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一、给予角色,激发活动兴趣 1.师幼问好:Saygoodmorningtotheteacher.OkI’mmiss shen.I’mgladtoseeyou.What’syouname? 2.0H,t...

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活动目的: 1、复习单词:polliwog、duck、goldfish、frog、tortoise,复习句型:Whereare yougoing?I’mgoingtolookformymother. ...

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一、活动目标: 1.初步学习单词banana和orange,复习apple、pear的发音,复习歌曲Goodmorning. 2.初步感知sweet和Doyouliketoeat?的含义。 3.初步学...

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