
最新教案1B Unit 3 Colours period 3



作为小学英语老师,我们要让同学们听得懂我们所讲的内容。老师在新授课程时,一般会准备教案课件,有了教案上课才能够为同学讲更多的,更全面的知识。怎么写好一份优秀的小学英语教案呢?下面是由小编为大家整理的“最新教案1B Unit 3 Colours period 3”,欢迎阅读,希望您能阅读并收藏。


1. 词汇:and

2. 句型:1)what colour is it? it is…


1.asking “wh” questions to find out the colours of objects:

eg: what colour is it?

2. using adjectives to identify colours e.g. it is red.


1. asking “wh” questions to find out the colours of objects:

eg: what colour is it?


pre-task preparation

1. t: it’s a fine day. now we are in the park. what do you see in the park?

p: i see kites/ a dog/ apples…

t: i see apples. apple red. i see bananas. banana yellow.

  please say: apple red   banana yellow  

p: kite blue,  sky blue ,  sun red,  leaf green

t: look at the tree. the leaves are green. the trunk is brown.

  so the tree is green and brown.

while-task procedure

1. (lead in): …and…  1) read the phrase

     black and white,  red and yellow,  green and brown,  blue and


   2) practice 1:  make a rhyme.

     _______ and _______  i can see.

     _______ and _______  for you and me.

     eg: blue and yellow, i can see.

  blue and yellow, for you and me.

   3) practice 2:  guessing game

(show a green and red flower) t: what colour is it?

p: it’s _______ and _______.

2. (lead in): what colour is it? it’s …

t: i see blue and yellow. what is it?  p: it is a kite. 

t: look at this kite. what colour is it?

(on board) what colour is it?

1) read the sentence. 

2)practice ★1: (a game)  p all: what colour is it?   (t: change the colours behind one student  when i say “stop”, the student in front of me guesses the colour)

p1: is it blue?   pall: yes, it’s blue./no.

     (if he or she guesses wrong, please continue guessing)

3)practice ★2. t: (point to your own things and ask me)

   p: what colour is it?

t: it’s….

4)practice 3: ask and answer in pairs: (point to the thing in our classroom)

    p1: what colour is it? p2: it’s blue/purple…

3.  play a game (tick-tack-toe)

1)  give them a model  t: what colour is it?

  p: it’s red. it’s an apple. what colour is it?

  t: it’s pink. it’s a peach.

2)  play the game with your deskmate

post-task activities:

1. t: sam and may are playing in the park. they are happy. they are talking. what are they talking about?

t: hello, tom.

p: hello, may.

t: what is this?

p: it is a tree.

t: what colour is it?

p: it’s green and brown.


1. listen to the tape and repeat.

2. try to make a new dialogue.


最新教案牛津小学英语1B Unit4 教学反思

牛津小学英语1b unit4 教学反思


俗话说:“兴趣是最好的老师。” 学生对他所学的东西一旦有了兴趣,就会不知不倦,越学越爱学。为了使学生对英语产生更大的兴趣,在教学过程中,我经常通过生动活泼的课堂教学活动,如说唱、游戏、表演等形式,使学生主动、愉快地参与学习活动,从而达到寓教于乐的目的。下面我想谈谈我在这节英语课中的的一些具体做法。

我上的这节课的内容是牛津小学英语第二册第四单元第一课时。本单元的主要教学内容是“学习用品”,本课的重点是使学生熟练掌握四个学习用品的单词和复习句型what’s this? it’s a…,并进行适度的拓展,使他们结合实际情况比较自如地应用已学知识。首先我们在歌声“how are you?”中开始了这堂课,轻快的音乐让孩子们马上进入了英语语言的氛围中。接下来是复习环节,我出示了常规的实物与图片:what’s this ?  it’s a……的句子带动复习词汇。如:pencil, pencil box, bag, book. 课文的导入部分,我设计了guessing game, 让学生猜一猜我的包中有些什么学习用品,学生兴致很高。教学过程中的趣味游戏,是小学生永远感兴趣的活动,在游戏中让学生复习操练单词,有利于化难为易,也有利于减轻学生的负担。然后,由词汇的复习进入句子和对话的训练;由已学过的生活场景的对话表演引入到本课交际用语,学生们在自然生活的情境中自由地交流,合作学习,愉快地表演。最后把整课内容通过chant联系起来,通过自编儿歌的形式, 激发学生的学习热情,巩固本课所学内容。

总之,兴趣的产生和强化都离不开我们教师的培养和激发,一个成功的英语教师要在教学中有意识地培养学生对英语的持久兴趣,激励学生不断处于较佳的学习状态之中,使他们对英语乐学、善学、会学。 因此,课堂教学手段必须不断更新,用灵活多样的教学方法,组织学生进行广泛的语言实践活动,通过多种手段激发学生实践的热情,加强对学生学习英语的兴趣的培养,当学生对英语产生兴趣之后,他们就会积极参与到教学之中,使自己成为学习的小主人。

最新教案牛津英语1A Unit 1 my Classroom(第3课时)

教学目标:1. to make the students use nouns to identify common classroom objects

2. to make the students pronounce properly

教学过程教学重点:to learn the words: pen pencil book bag ruler rubber

教学难点:to make the students connect the words with the objects

教学准备:objects  word pictures  cards  cassette player


step 1: warming up

t: class begins

s: stand up, please.

t: good morning.

s: good morning.

t: sit down, please.

t: first, let's listen to a song.

(let them listen to the song quietly)

t: now, let's do. i say and you do.

(practise four sentences in let's act)

step 2: presentation

t: look! what's this?


t: it's a box. guess, what's in it?


t: pencil

(read after the teacher)

t: who can read?


(give compliments when they read well)

(teach "rubber, book" in the same way)

t: open your book, turn to page 4. let's read together.

s: (read after the teacher)

step 3: consolidation

t: now, let's play a game.

s: ok.

t: i read and you point.


t: now, listen to the tape and tell me what do you hear?

s: (encourage the first student who puts up his\her hand and answers right.)

s: (practise by yourselves)

step 4: ending


read these six words to your parents.

t: stand up, please. goodbye! boys and girls.

s: goodbye!

2023教案Unit 2 Good morning The third period

a. greeting

(the teacher stands at the door and greets the students as they come in the door.)

t: hello. hi.

(the teacher stands in front of the class and greets all the students again and prompts them to answer.)


ss: hello.

继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如class begins, stand up, sit down, please. hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。

b. free talk:

t:class begings.

s1: stand up.

t: hello, boys and girls.

ss: hello, miss han.

(the teacher looks at individual students and prompts them to answer.)

t: hello.

s1: hello.

t: i’m …

s1: i’m …

t: good morning!…

s: good morning!

开起小火车,一个接一个和后面的小朋友打招呼。并且使用——good afternoon。——good evening。进行替换。


when we meet someone in the …, we should say “good …!” now, let’s watch and listen.

(创设几个场景,不同的人在不同的场合互相招呼说good morning/afternoon/evening!。)

d、sing a song





e、play a game




——good morning。

——good afternoon。

——good evening。

e、assign homework









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