
英语学习:English song “Do you know the fireman”



家庭共育一般是以学校为中心,家庭为辅助来进行教育的!家长与教师之间需要经常进行沟通与交流,用心教育孩子是每一个家长与教师的责任与使命!那么,我们在教育孩子的时候应该注意哪些方面?为了让您在使用时更加简单方便,下面是小编整理的“英语学习:English song “Do you know the fireman””,供您参考,希望能够帮助到大家。


1、 感受歌曲节奏特点,喜欢和老师小朋友一起用英文演唱,游戏。

2、 结合图片实物了解歌曲中人物的职业。


1, 图片:医生、护士、警察、司机、厨师

2, 玩具:听诊器、注射器、枪、方向盘、锅铲 玩具箱

3, 已掌握一些职业的名称


1、 师生问候,引出主题,并复习以前掌握的人物职业名称。

T:Hello, boys and girls.

C:Hello, Jane.

T:Your are my good friends. but I have lots of friends.

Guess! Who are they?


T: what’s her/his job?

C: she/he is a doctor /nurse/ policeman/cooker/driver.

2、 发现新的图片,接触新名称——fireman.

由教师的提问:what’s his job? 引发小朋友关于消防员工作的讨论,了解他们的辛苦和勇敢。

T:so, if someone ask me : Do you know the fireman?

I can say: oh, he is my best friend.

3、结合图片欣赏歌曲。Listen to the tape, and show kids the picture.

4、Teacher sings a song again.

--- Do you know the fireman?(向左边幼儿做出询问的表情和动作)

--- The fireman, the fireman?(手指图片)

--- Do you know the fireman? (向右边幼儿做出询问的表情和动作)

--- Oh, he is my best friend.(先指图片再指自己)

5、根据歌曲内容提问,幼儿将听到的词句反馈出来。教师特别讲解Do you know xxx 的用法,以及best  friend的含义。



8、玩游戏:Do you know

大家问一个幼儿Do you know doctor?这个幼儿就从玩具箱中摸出相应的玩具听诊器,作看病的动作。




英语教案:Do you like to eat


1.初步学习单词banana和orange,复习apple、pear的发音,复习歌曲Good morning.

2.初步感知sweet 和Do you like to eat? 的含义。





1.复习歌曲“Good morning to you.”

T: good morning, boys and girls. Let’s sing the song “good morning

to you”, Ok?

C: Ok.


T: Look! I have a beautiful basket. There are some fruits in it!

Look, that’s…

C: 香蕉

T: Yes, This is a banana.


T:(尝一口)Banana is sweet. Follow me. Banana is sweet. Do you like to

eat banana?

C: Yes.

T: If you want to eat banana, Let’s sing the song “I like banana.”


C: Ok.

T: Ok, very good!


Monkey: Mrs. Gao, Miss Gao.

T: Let’s have a look, what’s coming?

C: Monkey.

T: Monkey, Yes!

M: I want to eat…(着急说不出来)

T: Oh, The Little monkey wants to eat the banana, but she can’t speak English. Can you say it in English? Let’s tell her together, Ok? Ok, what’s this?

请幼儿一起说:This is a banana

T: Yes, Monkey. Banana, Do you know?

M: Yes, I know.

T: If you want to eat the banana, you’ll say it in English once

more. I’ll give it to you, ok?

M: Ok! I want to eat the banana.

T: Ok, here you are. Bye.

M: Bye, Thank you

T: You’re so great to help the monkey to solve the problem. Now I’ll introduce a good friend to you.

QiQi (手偶琪琪): Good morning children. Today I bring you a kind of fruit, I’ll give it to you, but I want to tell you it’s English name before I give it to you. But I can’t speak English.

: It doesn’t matter, Now, I’ll teach you the word. Then let’s teach Qi Qi together, Ok?

C: Ok.

T: Orange, orange, orange is sweet.

What do you like? Do you like to eat orange?

Please say it to your friends beside you.

请小朋友之间相互说:“I Like orange. This is an orange.

T: Now, Do you know what this is? What’s this?

C: Orange.

T: Ok, Let’s tell QiQi together. This is an orange.

Qi: I know I know. This is an orange. It’s for you.

C: Thank you, Qi Qi.

Qi: You are welcome

T: Let’s play a game, I’ll ask one of you to touch in my basket.

Then you’ll tell the other friends. What have you touched. Ok?

C: Ok.

T: What’s this?

C: Apple (orange, pear, banana).

T: Oh, The fruits are sweet. Do you want to eat?

C: Yes.

T: Ok, Let’s sing the song “I like fruits”, Ok?

C: Ok.

T: Ok, before eating the fruit you must say: “I like…”,understand?

C: Yes.

T: Ok, come here.


一、 延伸




英语教案:where do you live

教学组织形式: 小组型 教学策略 参与教学策略 课前训练: 朗读儿歌。 信息来源 实物 录音 字母和单词卡片 教师授课行为 学生学习行为

采用的策略和方法 辅助手段 一.引入 1.Learn the new words-- classroom and desk. a.

Ask:(Point to the class- room) Look, this is our classroom. b. Ask:

What’s in our classroom? Ask: What’s it? It’s a desk. 二.新授 Say:Our classroom is nice. We must keep it clean. 1.Say: Clean the desk. Do the action. P: classroom This is our class- Classroom. Answer: There is / are (bag/chair…) in our classroom. P(read):desk P: Clean the desk. Read and do it. 启发谈化教学法 教师授课行为 学生学习行为 采用的策略和方法 辅助手段 2.Sweep the floor, put the rubbish into the waste basket and clean the classroom. Say:Clean the classroom. 3. Invite some students to read and do the action. 4.Play the assette. 5.Practise: Change the words.

三.活动 1.If you are the teacher, how did you arrange the students to clean the classroom. 2.Invite some groups to act out the dialogue.

P: Read and do the action . Listen to the instructions ‘Clean the desk, please.’ and ‘Clean the classroom, please.’ Repeat and mime the actions. P: Clean the floor/ blackborad/wind- dow …,please. One student give the commands and other mime the actions. Students vote for the best group. 分组活动法 录音 教师授课行为 学生学习行为 采用的策略和方法 辅助手段 四。字母教学 1.

教学字母Aa A.发音apple B.书写A a 2.教学字母Bb A.发音bird—[b] B.书写B b

3.找出字母Aa Bb 4.书写字母 Read the letters. P: apple apple ,I like apples. Read the letters P: bird bird [b] [b] [b] I can see a

bird. 从单词和字母中找出字母A a Bb 个别指导法 字母卡片 幻灯 Unit 1 Where I live Clean the desk, please. Clean the classroom, please. A a B b

英语教案:what do you want? i want ....

目标:1、理解what do you want? I want……的含义,学习想要want、巧克力chocolate的正确发音。

3、复习“in the morning”中的句式,能进行语言互换。


准备: 1、 各种食品,苹果apple, 桔子orange, 饼干biscuit蛋糕 cake, 糖果candy,巧克力chocolate、



过程: 1、导入活动。

引导幼儿进入情境,复习“in the morning”中的句式,能进行语言互换。内容:


Brush my teeth/ wash my face/ wash my hands/ comb my hair



Head, head, turn around Feet, feet jump and jump



(2) 师生对话,练习句式。

I、提问:Kala bear的点心屋来了客人,它怎么招待客人的?(what do you want?)

客人是怎样回答的?(I want…..)

II、 教师帮助幼儿理解对话的含义。

III、师生练习对话,分集体、小组、个人练习对话(what do you want?)(I want…..)

(3) 请幼儿参与情境表演。

I、 介绍Kala bear snack room的食品名称,重点纠正(巧克力chocolate)的发音。



玩法:由Kala bear 来布置今天的超级任务“在单词卡片中找字母c”,谁找到就可以带走点心,还有Kala bear的kiss。

英语教案:Who are you ?


2、幼儿能听懂老师用Who are you 提问,并能用I’m ****.进行回答。



一、 师生用英语相互问好。

Hello children. Hello Miss Zhang.


1、Today , Miss Zhang have a something. Look ! what’s this?

Yes . handchife .(对,是手帕)

Now . guess . what am I doing ?

Oh , sorry , you’re wrong .

Now , look at me . I’ll hide my eyes by this hankchife . Then I can’t see anything.

Oh , let me touch you . (我要用手绢将眼睛蒙起来,然后用手去摸你们,看看老师会摸到哪个小朋友?) who

are you? who are you? who are you?

Hao hao . really? (让摸到的小朋友自己说出自己的名子)., I’ll take off the hankchef

when you say “one two three” .

“one two three” . oh, yes , you are hao hao .

the game is very fanny. Let’s try it again ,ok?(游戏重复进行,再去摸4、5个小朋友。)

2、the game is very fanny. Then let’s play another game . I’ll throw the ball when I ask “who are you?” if you catch the ball ,you should answer me your name . ok?(我来扔球,谁接到了球,我一边扔一边问“who are


Look carefully. Who are you? (I’m****)纠正幼儿发音。发音时嘴巴要合上,不然小虫子要飞到你的嘴巴里去哟。

3、Children . look , what’s this?

Yes . plane . I’ll fly the plane , when I ask “who are you?” if you catch the play ,you should answer me your name . ok?

我来飞飞机,我一边扔一边问“who are you?你是谁,谁接到了飞机,就回答我你叫名子,但是要在名子前面加上I’m***

4、Children , you’re very great!

Now . let’s play another game . (瞎子摸鱼)first , you see , what’s this? Yes a fish. This time , you will be fish , I’ll be blind.

You can swim everywhere in the circle , I’ll try to cache you . if I catch you, I’ll ask “who are you ?” if your answer is right,you can free and you can get a little red flower. if your answer is wrong ,I’ll eat you.Understand?(要求幼儿能大声的回答)。(在教室里做次游戏后就换到操场上的圆圈里去做这个游戏。)


英语教案:Where are you

目的:1.词in on under beside behind



2.Banana apple cake biscuit cake fish box

3.bag book pencil-box pencil

4.cat (头饰)


1. Good morning boys and girls.(Good morning.)

2. Who am I ? (cat)

3. Yes, I am a cat !And I am a hungry cat!

4. I want to eat some fish .


1. Where is it ?

Is it on the table ? (No, it isn’t.)

What is it ?(It is an apple.)

2. Is it under the table?(No, it isn’t.)

What is it ? (It is a banana.)

3. Is it beside chair?(No, it isn’t.)

What is it ? (It is a cake.)

4. Is it behind chair? (No, it isn’t.)

What is it ? (It is a biscuit.)

5. Where is it ?

Is it on the paino?

Oh, here’s a box on the paino.

Let me take a look.

6. Who can find it ? Please. Anyone?

7. Oh,it is in this box.

8.Oh,it’s time to go to school.


1. Where is my bag?

2. Who wants to help me?

(It is behind the chair.)

3. Wher is my book?(It is under the chair.)

4.Where is my pencil-box?(It is on the table.)

5.Where is my pencil?(It is in the pencil-box.)

6.What a silly cat!!

7.Thank you ,Thank you ,Thank you very much!


1. Now ,let’s play a game.

2. Who wants to try ?

3. Listen, we are have fuor tables.And a pencil for each of table.

4. Are you ready?(Yes ,sir.)

5. Ok.follow the instraaction.

Put it on the chair……You last(the game)You are winner(the game)

6.Who wants to be a teacher?Please.

7.Once again.

Game《go go go》

1. Last ,let’s play a game with your father and mother.

2. stand up (找自己的爸爸和妈妈)

3. Are you ready?(Yes,sir.)

4. Ok, game begain.

(1) go go go ,go go go ,stop.

(2) Stand beside the window.

(3) Stand behind the chair.

(4) Stanf on the chair…………..


1. Last,Let’s say a rhyme..

2. Are you ready?(Yes ,sir.)

3. Listen to the music.

4. Left left right right ,go ,turn a round ,go go go.

On on on the head

In in in the hand

Behind behind behind the back

Under under under the chair

5.Ok ,so much for today.Bye bye.

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英语活动设计 活动名称:Englishsong“Doyouknowthefireman” 活动目标: 1、感受歌曲节奏特点,喜欢和老师小朋友一起用英文演唱,游戏。 2、结合图片实物了解歌曲中人物的职业...

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教学目标: 1、感受歌曲节奏特点,喜欢和老师小朋友一起用英文演唱,游戏。 2、结合图片实物了解歌曲中人物的职业。 教学准备: 1,图片:医生、护士、警察、司机、厨师2,玩具:听诊器、注射器、枪、方向盘...

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