



2024圣诞节作文50词 篇1


妈妈还装扮了我的房间,只见上面写着“marry Christmas”几个醒目的大字。我想在圣诞树下许愿:我想要一盒饼干和一个游戏机。


It was almost Christmas, and my mother helped me buy a little Christmas tree and decorated it with a lot of decorations. It was beautiful.

My mother also dressed up my room, which read "marry Christmas" in bold words. I want to make a wish under the Christmas tree: I want a box of biscuits and a game machine.

I believe everyone is ready, let's meet Christmas!

2024圣诞节作文50词 篇2




I'm sure you all love Christmas. Everyone must have a wish, I also have a wish, is to want a color change apple. I hang up my socks on the bed, and my mother says, "go to sleep, and in the morning you can see the presents in your socks.

In the evening, I heard someone coming into my room, and I quickly closed my eyes. My mother put the presents in the stocking. I said to my father and mother happily in the morning, "I have a Christmas present."

It was a merry Christmas.

2024圣诞节作文50词 篇3


The second morning, that is, Christmas. I got up very early, and looked at the Christmas tree that was not yet clear with lights on the window. The scene of the festival with the two mothers in the morning came into view. But I do not seem to cry, because life can give a person great pain, and will give this person a strong heart.


"Hey, rugby, got up very early today. Come down. " Daydream, deen has a medical institution with the bus waiting for me downstairs. After I get dressed and went downstairs, let him drive with my mother and I went to the house at the foot of the Golden Duck Senshan, along the way, remember the countless times lying in the coffin of the kind mother, heart full of guilt. After that, I put my mother on the hill and buried her at my fathers tomb. Then his hands clasped together, pray for their happiness in heaven. Duck Higginson was in a cold winter and the temperature was low, but I didnt have the slightest chill, because there was my home and my parents were snuggled up to each other. They were looking at me in heaven and watching how their son started his new life.


Then, I let the deen take me to the suburbs, but I did not go into that bar, but asked a waiter quietly handed Murong a night in a dream I want to note, the content is probably.


Girl, I like you, really, from the first sight I saw you like you. I dont understand what it feels like, but I really want to tell you sincerely that I want to make friends with you and even make you my girlfriend.


But I must apologize to you that I cant fulfill my promise to come to your birthday party.


Because I met some things that let me start to look at life again. Maybe you cant even remember what I am like, but as long as you remember, there would be a boy to win.

2024圣诞节作文50词 篇4

On Christmas Eve, I had a beautiful dream.

I dreamed that I went to the yeti village. There are lots of snow people waving at me. I saw lots of very nice little houses there. There are many Christmas elves in the house. The elves were friendly to me and they took me to see Santa Claus. "I'm going to give you a present," said Santa. "just go with me." Say, Santa Claus blows a whistle, the reindeer pull the car, ga da, ga da's run e, I and Santa Claus sit on the car, Santa's back gift, I hold the list of gifts. The deer got up and I pulled off the list and found the list was so long that I could stretch out the list with two arms, but it wasn't long enough. As I read the list, Father Christmas sent presents. The streets were filled with children's laughter, some singing, some dancing, all happy.

The gift was finally handed out. I went back to the yeti village with Santa Claus. When I was about to say goodbye to them, Father Christmas stopped me and the old man took out his last present from his pocket and gave it to me. I thanked Santa and went home. I think this is my happiest Christmas.(OK语录网 www.968OK.COM)

2024圣诞节作文50词 篇5

Again beautiful Christmas, although this is not Chinas festival, but for us this group of crazy love make love kids, are worth celebrating. Every Christmas Eve, many teachers always comes out in the comments, and many fail. You hear: we can dress up as all kinds of people on Christmas day, and bring their own small gifts.

The second day, I went to the classroom, its so beautiful. The Christmas tree is tower, wearing a green dress, small bell hanging on, gently touched, ding dong, ding dong sound; Golden small lights, like the stars in the sky blink of an eye; Small colorful lanterns, flash, hung above the students present.

Then look at the students dress up, see in our daily life are not seen: the princess, angel, wizards, hunters, grandpa... Some students even drag, I became a Santa Claus.

Then, we recognize each other, this is a small beautiful, she is the most beauty, as the princess; This is the little hero, he likes magic, dress up a mage... In the end, only two classmates didnt identified by us.

Then, we according to the student id, in turn, present from the Christmas tree with closed eyes to touch, I wish I can get a good gift.

This Christmas, more mysterious!







2024圣诞节作文50词 篇6



Today is Christmas day, my mother bought me a gift, I happily open on see, is a Santa Claus, he has a long beard, wearing a long red hat, hat engraved with "merry Christmas" four word, I like.

I hope every student will receive a Christmas present as happy as I am.


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