



1、I don't want to be with you this time!

2、Happy birthday, may you smile with the sun, the card is all money!

3、Today my birthday, Zhao Yuejun, happy birthday!


5、We can't hear the sound of nature, the sound of earth, the sound of human beings, and the sound of things; in the sixty-six nights of bitter music, the only thing I can feel is the rhythmic beat of my heart in my body,,. Happy birthday to myself!



8、To live, you have to move forward. After two years of confusion, your goal, your dream, you must remember, always remember! Happy birthday to myself!

9、More and more people leave, and the people who stay are more and more important. Time is too fast. Don't be too slow. Mom and dad worked hard, happy birthday!

10、There is always a moment, because a person's words, just like being thrown a basin of cold water, brush once, from head to foot! Happy birthday to myself!

11、In the past 50 years, a lot of the past events are just like yesterday. Life is like a dream. In a twinkling of an eye, I am over 50 years old! Happy birthday to myself!

12、May I go out of half a life and return to be still a teenager. May my flashy all over my body, with my original heart unchanged, happy birthday to myself. Thanks for my sister's birthday present. I like it very much!



15、Broken shell happy, not much to say, the journey is long, let's go together! Happy birthday to myself!

16、Congratulations on your birthday and wish you all the best in the coming year!

17、Face up to myself, cherish my life, and make my future life more beautiful! Happy birthday to myself!

18、Treat yourself, happiness is incomparable, treat others well, happiness is incomparable, treat life kindly, health incomparable! Happy birthday to myself!

19、Happy age of 23, no chicken soup, no quotations, to work hard, to be a lovely fairy, happy birthday!

20、I hope that the new year will have a new beginning. To myself, happy birthday.

21、Sun father and sun mother have a sun son. What congratulations should we say to them? Do you think of it? Answer: Happy Birthday!

22、Put away your pressure, expand your smile; shed your fatigue, change your look; take your smile, rush out of your flower season. Remember, youth is beautiful, happiness is invincible. Happy birthday to you!

23、A person's birthday is also very happy!

24、I hope there is no loneliness in my days. Happy birthday to myself!



27、Today is my birthday, a day to be remembered and proud of, a day of one's own!

28、I wish you a happy birthday, adhere to the faith, go on well, you will be happy in the future, you must have a good future!

29、Good day an house, auspicious day move, happy life depends on hard-working hands to create! Happy birthday to myself!

30、Not every morning there is a sunrise, not every night there is cool, not every sailboat can sail far, not every life has glory, but every birthday has my blessing never forget, I wish you happiness and health, smile often on your face!

31、Day is my birthday, I have never forgotten to wish myself happy birthday, youth permanent, more and more beautiful girl!

32、Time is like bricks and tiles, building our lives, happiness is like colorful, decorating our lives, I wish you a warm and sweet life, happy birthday!



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