




1、国家蒸蒸日上,人民幸福万分!The country is prospering and people are extremely happy!

2、Let's take this special day to remind ourselves of the courage and bravery of our country's founders. Happy National Day!

3、Happy National Day! Let’s stay true to our roots!

4、You two are a perfect match。Here’s wishing you both a lifetime of happiness。你们是天生的一对,祝你们永远幸福。

5、May the spirit of National Day inspire you to achieve greater heights!

6、Happy National Day to all those who have served our country with distinction and honor!

7、Happy National Day to the home of the Great Wall!

8、Happy National Day to all who proudly call themselves citizens of our beloved country.

9、May the flame of patriotism burn brightly on this National Day!

10、Let's honor the sacrifices and hard work of our ancestors on National Day!

11、Happy Independence Day – let’s celebrate the gift of our freedom!

12、Wishing you a National Day filled with happiness, joy, and success!

13、May pride and love for our country fill our hearts this National Day.


15、Happy National Day to all the proud citizens who make our country great!

16、On this National Day, let's celebrate our unity, strength, and resilience as a nation!

17、May this National Day be a celebration of the limitless potential of our nation and its people.

18、Enjoy the patriotic fervour of National Day!

19、Happy National Day to the land of mountains and rivers!

20、Celebrating the national day with joy and pride!

21、Happy National Day to all fellow citizens, may our country continue to thrive and prosper in the years ahead.

22、Wishing you a joyous and peaceful National Day filled with celebration and unity.


23、On this National Day, let us renew our commitment to the development and progress of our country!

24、Let's celebrate the strength and resilience of our great nation on National Day!

25、Happy National Day – a time to renew our commitment to our country!

26、Wishing you a happy National Day filled with love, joy and prosperity.

27、Let’s promote sustainable development on National Day!

28、Let’s honour the legacy of our forefathers on National Day!

29、I'm proud to be a citizen of China on this National Day!

30、Let's celebrate the progress and strength of our beloved China on this National Day.

31、Here's to the most amazing nation in the world! Happy National Day China!

32、Happy National Day! May China continue to lead the world!

33、As we celebrate this National Day, let us renew our commitment to uphold the values that our nation holds dear.

34、Let's celebrate the glory of our nation on this National Day! 让我们一起庆祝我们伟大的国家在国庆节绽放的辉煌!

35、May this National Day bring peace, happiness, and prosperity to our nation and to all its citizens.

36、A toast to our great nation on National Day!

37、Let’s appreciate our rich cultural heritage on National Day!

38、Let's celebrate the beauty and diversity of our Nation on this National Day!

39、May China continue to prosper and flourish on this National Day!

40、Let’s renew our commitment to our great country on National Day!

41、Wishing you all a joyous National Day filled with love, peace, and happiness.

42、Let’s respect diversity and inclusivity on National Day!

43、On this National Day, let's honor the rich history and diversity of our great nation, and look forward to a brighter future for all Americans.

44、Let's continue to work together towards a better tomorrow on National Day!



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