







我说课的内容是小学PEP英语四年级Unit 2 What time is it?的第一课时,我主要从教材、教法、学法、教学过程等几个方面来展开我的说课。


1、首先,我来说说本课时的教学内容和教学地位。本课时是本单元的第一课时,主要教学几个词组和一个句型。其中,有些单词和本堂课所教的这个句型,我们在三年级的时候,都已经接触过。有些话题建立在之前所学过的数字的基础上,让学生新旧知识结合,不断积累。我借助“任务型”教学,采用多样化的教学手段,将听、说、玩、演溶于一体,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,使学生通过合作学习体验荣誉感和成就感,从而树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力。将所学语言用于生活,并且进一步懂得“Time is gold, money can’t buy time”。




根据新课程标准的总体目标和具体要求,以及本人对教材的一点理解,结合我们班 学生实际情况,我把目标设计如下:

1)能够听、说、认、读breakfast lunch dinner English class music class class

2)学会问答时间“What time is it ?” It is ……



学会问答时间:(1)、What time is it? It is …../It is time for …..(2)、引导学生把所学知识运用到实际生活中,培养学生交际能力以及综合语言运用能力。



2)在practice这个环节中,我则会出示一些课件(有关时间的),如果生能够准确、大声说出时间,我将会给他们一个“very good、great、wonderful ”等标志的小贴纸,采用竞争的方式,学生这样则会情绪高涨,学习的兴趣将会迈入一个高阶段。








歌曲能给学生创造一个开放宽松环境,使学生心情愉快,营造和谐的英语学习氛围。使学生怀着轻松愉快的心情投入学习,所以,这个环节中,我选择播放三年级时学过的“Ten Little Candles Dance”.二)合作交流、探讨新知


看课件询问:What time is it?

设计这个意图,请同学们听录音,回答老师的问题,“What time is it?”生利用手中的手表将听到的几点在手表中调好,会的教不会的,培养生的爱帮、乐于请教的学习态度。

2)学习句型:What time is it? It is nine o’clock.这里让学生听老师的自问自答的对话,让生猜猜几点了,用英语怎样表达。


3)学习句子:It’s time for English class


T: What time is it?Ss:It’sseven /twelve/six o’ :It’s time for I’m hungry.出示吃早餐、吃午饭、吃晚饭的时间,教学 breakfast lunch dinner。

B、教师接下来说:Now ,look at the picture ,what are you doing?


T:: are having English class.让学生接下来找到我们班的课程表,看看星期三有什么特殊课,或者老师做出相关的动作让学生们猜猜是什么类型的课。这样学习music class

三)Practice1、Play a game(出示课件 幻灯片15——17张)

师出示课件6、9、13这几张。What time is it?










另外,在这堂课英语课中,充分利用现有资源设备——远程教育设施,根据有利的设施,电脑、电视等辅助教学。例如,在这堂课中,教学“What time is it?”这个句型时,用多媒体课件形式呈现出来,这样直观,有可看、可讨论性,帮助学生理解。而且在无形中,让学生有这样的感慨:科学真的太发达了,太便捷、神奇了。在不知不觉中,学生自己也会暗暗下决心,好好学习,将来也可以好好的利用电脑。







pEP小学英语四年级下册 Unit6 Part A第一课时教学设计



2)、能力目标:能够听懂句型What are they?作出简单的回答They are…。3)、情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生积极参与语言交际活动;树立爱护动物的意识。


1)本课重点:掌握有关农场常见牲畜的名称hen、lamb、sheep、cow、horse and goat及复数形式的表达。




四、教学过程 Step 1: Warm up and talking T:I like animals,do you like animals S:Yes,趣味游戏 复习旧知 listen and guess 设计理念:听动物的声音能让学生心情愉悦,营造了和谐的英语学习气氛,起到了热身的作用,为下面的学习做了铺垫。(教学参考时间:3分钟)Step2.创设情景,呈现新知 1.创设情景,初步感知 These animals are at a are many animals at the you want to know their name.播放视频,板书课题。


2、齐学新知,循序渐进。幻灯片呈现动物图片及所要学习的新单词:hen、goat、horse、cow、sheep and lamb。

利用看图片导出单词,以各种游戏讲授单词,并且边学边板书,边学边评价。设计理念:利用大量的游戏,让学生在玩中学,在学中玩,(游戏:当小老师、听声音小组合作学习、小组比赛等)。通过数动物引出单词的复数,再从单词过渡到句子,循序渐进、符合学生的认知规律。(教学参考时间:15分钟)Step 3:Pratice

1、Pair work。看课件

教师先示范,同桌用句型What are they ? They are….进行描述。

设计理念: 此活动不但操练了What are they ? They are….而且也培养学生交际能力,利用形象生动的情境,突破了教学难点。

2、Group ask group

3、Let’s PK every group choose two students,one read the words,the other point the words or put up the ’s 让学生看图片,再播放,跟读,并做出相应动作。 say you do.(S stand up) work 设计理念:Let’s do是一项TPR活动,深受孩子们喜爱,它的节奏和动作能刺激大脑皮层,激活记忆,使孩子们在对各指令的反应中自然习得语言。在学习了新单词之后,采用Let’s do这一TPR活动,加深记忆,巩固所学。(教学参考时间:10分钟)Step4:趣味情景 拓展延伸 Visiting.创设师生互动参观农场情景。

老师先做示范,再让学生分别饰演游客和导游,进行表演练习。---A : Welcome to my I help you?---B :Yes.---A :What are they ?---B :They are …..设计理念:创造了一个开放的语言交际环境,使学生在玩中学,学中玩,激发学习兴趣。让学生动起来,对所学的句型进行充分的练习,让学生感受到学以致用的乐趣。


Step5、Consolidation and homework 归类总结,布置作业 a.总结:运用归类法总结新知。

B.作业:Design your favourite farm and label your parents about your design in English.设计理念:设计主题,培养学生创新思维能力。



上层是: hen、lamb、sheep 下层是: cow、horse goat




Unit 4 At the farm



2、单元教学重点:单词:sheep, hen, cow, horse, goat, lamb及其复数形式的表达;句型:How many„do you have;四会单词及四会句子的掌握。



1、能够区分农场上常见的牲畜和蔬菜,如:goat, sheep, horse, donkey, tomatoes, potatoes.2、能够运用句型,如:What are they? Are they„?How many„?询问动物和蔬菜的名称及数量等。






1、在教学过程中,对于学习困难的学生,可通过请学生复述老师的话或是复述同学的 回答,让学生对老师和同学的发言引起注意,让学生意识到要仔细听别人的说话。







1、听、说、认读主要语言结构:What are these? Are these...?并能根据实际情况进行简略回答。


句型What are these? Are these„?及其简略回答。教学难点: these的发音。教学过程:


1、教师和学生聊一聊每个人喜爱的蔬菜。(I like„Do you like„?)

2、教师说谜语,引导学生用Are they„?来猜猜是什么蔬菜。

a、They are red.They look like apples, but they aren’t apples.What are they?

b、They are tender and green.What are they?

c、They are long and orange.Rabbits like eating them.What are they? d、They are round, pink and white.What are they?

e、They are brown.French fries are made of them.What are they?

学生猜对了,教师回答Yes,they are.并拿出相应的单词卡片请学生拼读,如果猜错 了,教师回答No, they aren’t.再请其他人猜, 直到猜对为止。


1、教师请学生将装有蔬菜卡片的盒子盖好放在桌子上,然后走到同学们中间,随意指着几个盒子问:Are these„?,并引导学生根据实际用Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.回答。如果学生回答的是No, they aren’t.教师要继续问:What are these?并引导学生用They are „回答。教师适时板书句型框架。

2、教师将自己带来的蔬菜卡片分别放在几个盒子里,请几个学生过来边摸边问:Are these„?或What are these?教师做出相应的回答。


4、播发Let’s talk的录音,学生听录音,后跟读、模仿。



1、完成Let's play部分,操练句型:What are these? Are these„?


听第38页的Let’s talk 部分的录音,读给同伴、朋友或家长听。



1、能听、说、认读单词:tomato、green beans、potato、carrot以及它们的复数形式。




3、Let’s chant的录音。教学重点:

单词:tomato、cucumber、potato、onion、carrot 教学难点: potato和tomato的复数形式。教学过程:


请学生欣赏Let’s chant部分歌谣。


1、教师手举一个西红柿,说:I like tomatoes.Do you like tomatoes?引导学生用I like „或I don’t like„根据自己的实际情况表达。

2、教师再拿起一夹青豆,边说边完全呈现:Oh,it’s long and green.They are green beans.Do you like green beans? 让学生在回答中学习单词。

3、出示土豆:Do you know it?French fries are made of it.It’s a potato.Do you like potatoes? 学生根据用I like „或I don’t like„根据自己的实际进行情况表达。

4、请学生猜谜语:They are long and orange.Rabbits like eating them? What are they? 学习单词carrot。




2、让学生观察歌谣中like后的蔬菜单词和Let’s learn中的单词有什么不同。启发学生说出like后的名词是以复数形式出现的。教师适当强调tomato和potato的复数形式拼写的变化,carrot的复数形式读音的变化。


读课文第39页并背诵 Let's chant。




2、能听、说、读、写 horse, fork, homework, world map四个词语。教学重点:

能听、说、读、写horse, fork, homework, world map四个词语。教学难点:

正确书写horse, fork, homework, world map四个词语。教学过程:



A: What are these?

B: They are...A: Are these...? B: Yes, they are./No, they aren't.2、请学生表演A部分Let’s talk的对话。


1、播放Read, listen and chant的录音,让学生听歌谣。


3、播放Read, listen and number 的录音,让学生给单词排序。



1、完成Look, listen and write部分的练习。

四、布置作业 抄本课单词3+1模式



1、能听懂 “What are those? Are they...? How many...?”,并能在情景运用。



句型What are those? Are they„?How many„do you have?的理解与应用。教学难点:




2、提问:What can you hear in this song ? 学生说出在歌中听到的动物的单词。


1、教师拿起几支笔握在手中,不要露出笔尖。引导学生用Are they来猜猜是什么笔, 教师根据实际回答:Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.2、教师随手拿起几个笔袋:Are they pencil-boxes? 学生回答:Yes, they are.或No, they aren’t.然后教师说:They are not pencil-boxes.They are pencil-cases.3、组织学生分组利用自己的学习用品问答 A:Are they „? B:Yes, they are./No, they aren't.4、学生汇报练习情况,当学生对话后,教师要接着问:How many„do you have?引导学生答出相应的数量。

5、打开Let’s talk部分课件,学生观看1-2遍,在情景中理解对话的语句。






A:Are they „?

B:Yes,they are./ No, they aren’t.(They are.„)

A:How many „ do you have?

B:I have.„








句型:What are they?和Are they„?的问答。教学难点:



1、教师提问:I love animals very much.Do you love animals?What animals do you know?



1、教师说:Do you know a farm? There are many animals at a farm.Let’s go and have a look教师出示Let’s learn(A),说:Look,it is a farm.So many animals.What can you see?









1、请一位同学拿一张卡片(复数形式的图片)站在前面,不让全班看到正面是什么,其他人用Are they„?来猜图片内容。猜错了,该同学要说:No,they aren’t.猜对了,说:Yes, they are.2、学生两人一组做猜卡片的游戏。


将Let’s learn部分的图讲给家长听。



1、能让学生运用These/Those are...写句子。


3、会唱Let’s sing 的歌曲。

4、能听懂 Story time 的内容。教学重点:

掌握两个重点句子:“These/Those are...”的正确书写。教学难点:

在四线格中的正确书写These/Those are...教学过程:


1、日常口语交流。A: What are these/those?

B: They are...A: Are these/those...? B: Yes, they are./No, they aren't.2、Review:A、B两部分的词语及对话。


1、让学生练习运用These/Those are...练习说句子。






4、唱Let’s sing 的歌曲。

5、听录音看动画理解Story time 的内容。



2、听录音并跟读Story time。


四上Unit Two   My Schoolbag   2010.8 教材分析:本单元主要学习两个方面的内容。一是简单描述自己的书包并说出书包中物品的名称,主要指书和学过的文具用品。二是数量词和字母的学习。这些内容贴近学生的学习生活,很容易打动学生,激起他们学习的欲望。学生学习的积极性和主动性上来了,学习效率自然也会得到提高。 一、单元教学目标 1. 能够简单描述自己的书包,如:I have a new schoolbag .It’s black and white. My schoolbag is heavy.并能在实际情景中运用。 2.  能听、说、认读Chinese book, math book, schoolbag, story-book, notebook, twenty-one, thirty, thirty-one, forty, forty-one, fifty,并能结合句子进行使用。 3.  能听懂一些简单的指令并能按照指令做出相应的动作。 4.  能听、说、读、写字母Jj,----Rr,并能听懂、会说以这九个字母为首的单词。 5.  能听、说、读、写单词bag, pencil, pen, book, ruler, pencil-case . 6.  通过学习chant,熟悉词汇,同时培养学生的语言节奏感。 7.  学唱歌曲“Books and Pencils”,并通过唱英文歌曲培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 8.  了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。 9.  让学生了解课本的重要性并教育他们要爱护课本。 10.  了解我国是一个文明古国,有着50的历史文化,其中最为著名的是四大发明:造纸术、火药、指南针和印刷术。 二、教学重点、难点 重点:1.能够灵活运用学过的语句简单描述自己的书包和书包中的物品。 2.数量词的学习。 难点:文具以及书本数量的表达方法。 三. 课时安排:六课时 第一课时:A  Let’s learn  Let’s do  C Let’s sing 第二课时:A Let’s talk  Let’s play C Good to know 第三课时:A Read and write 第四课时:B Lets learn  Let’s chant  C Story time 第五课时:B Let’s talk  Group work C Let’s check 第六课时:B Read and write  C Let’s play  Task time   四上U2A1(词汇课)   2010.8 教学内容:A Let’s Learn  Let’s do  C let’s sing 我的设计 教学目标:1.能听、说、认读单词Chinese book, English book, math book, story-book, notebook和schoolbag。 2.能够听懂Let’s do 口令并作出相应的动作,以及掌握under, on, in, near的运用和判断 3.欣赏跟唱歌曲“Books and Pencils”。 教学重点:掌握书包及各种教材图书的名称:schoolbag, Chinese book, math book, English book, story-book, notebook . 教学难点:根据指令熟练的做出相应的动作,以及掌握under,on,in,near的运用和判断。 教学准备:1.教师准备语文书、数学书、英语书、笔记本、故事书各一本,常见的文具和一个书包。 2.教师准备录音机、磁带、词卡。 3.学生准备书、文具。 教学过程:   一、Preparation 1.Enjoy the song: “Books and Pencils”。 2. Free talk. (1)教师利用自己准备的文具和学生自由对话。 T:How many pens can you see ? S1: …….. T:How many pens do you have ? S1: …….. (2)教师询问两三位同学后,让学生两人一组利用手中的文具自由操练。 二、Presentation A、教学单词 1.教学English book. (1)(接上一环节)教师检查一两组同学后接着说 T: I have some books too. Look,教师出示英语课本 What’s this? Yes, this is an English book. (2) 教读English book--an English book-- This is an English book.然后板书让学生认读。 (3)词句链接。用句型How many English books do you have?学生回答I have…先师生练习再生生练习。 2.Use the same way to learn “Chinese book, math book”. 3. 教学story-book  (1)T:(拿着一本数学课本)Is this a math book ?   S: Yes.   T:(拿着一本故事书)Is this a math book ?   S: No. T: Good job! This is a story-book.  (2) 教读、板书、认读story-book.并做词句链接练习。 4. Use the same way to learn“ notebook” 5. 教学schoolbag 教师把所有的书都集中到一起然后说Oh, I have so many books. So I need schoolbag to put all these books in it. 教师出示书包实物,教读单词、板书教学生认读单词。 6. 听读正音。  听录音、跟读新单词。要注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。 7.引导学生总结归纳单词特点,例如,首字母的大小写、单词之间所空的字符、间隔符等。 8. 合作学习。   Read the new words in groups. (会的同学要注意帮助读的不太好的同学。) B、Let’s do 1.导呈  T:(把英语课本放到自己的头上)Look! The English book is on my head. Put your English book on your head. Ss按照老师的指令把英语课本放到头上。 T:用其他书籍进行替换练习。Put your Chinese book on your head / Put your math book on your head Ss:根据指令做出相应的动作。 2.让学生根据老师的指令做动作。   T: Put your English book on your schoolbag / Put your note book in your schoolbag / Put your story- book under your math book/ Put your math book near your schoolbag 三、Practice. 1. 看封面说单词。教师拿出不同的书,让学生快速说出书名。如:a math book、Two story-books. (教师要注意帮助学生正确运用复数。) 2. 看词卡,读单词。教师出示本课的单词卡片,学生读出相应的单词。 3. 幸运星。 教师把各种书都放进书包中,然后教师从中随便抓住一本但不拿出来,等学生猜过之后再拿出来,看看哪些学生猜对了。猜对的同学便是幸运星。教师示范一两次后,可请一名学生上来代替老师做,其他同学猜。 4. 同桌合作说做Let’s do中的动作,然后听录音,边说,边做。最后分小组操练、展示。 四、Production. 1. 简单描述、展示自己书包内的.学习用品。 使用句型I have a Chinese book ………….and …. 2. 听录音,学唱歌曲:“Books and Pencils”。 五、Progress.  1. 做一些听力题或是单词归类题。例如:圈出不同类的单词 (1)  A Chinese book B. pencils C. a math book (2)  A. schoolbag  B. English book  C. notebook  (3)  A. desk  B. story Cbook  C. chair 2. 做资料中的同步练习。 Homework.  1.听Let’s learn部分的录音并跟读。 2.和同伴一起做Let’s do部分,还可以适当改变句子中的文具及其所在的位置。 3.把学到单词和歌曲说唱给爸爸妈妈听。   四上U2A2(对话课) 2010.8 教学内容:A Let’s talk  Let’s play  C Good to know 我的设计 教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说“What colour is it ? It’s …… ”   2.了解书是由纸做成的,造纸术是中国的四大发明之一。 教学重点:掌握询问和回答颜色的句型:“What colour is it ? It’s …… ” 教学难点:灵活运用学过的句子简单描述自己的书包。 教学准备:1.教师准备语文书、数学书、英语书、笔记本、故事书各一本和两个不同颜色的书包。 2.教师准备录音机、磁带、词卡、头饰。 3.学生准备书、文具、书包。 教学过程:  一、preparation   1. Sing the song: Colour Song 2.教师出示颜色卡片,让学生说出其相应的颜色。 3.利用课本和词卡复习单词:Chinese book, English book, math book, story-book, notebook和schoolbag。教师首先出示课本或者书包,让学生说出相应的单词,然后出示单词卡片,让学生认读单词。   二、Presentation 1. 教学What colour is it?It’s ……. (1)复习完单词之后,教师顺手拿起我们的英语课本说,This is our English book. It’s yellow. 板书句子It’s yellow.教学生认读句子。 (2)接着第一步的话题,Our English book is yellow. Then look at our math book. What colour is it? 学生很清楚教师问的是什么,他们能根据刚才所学的It’s…很容易就得出答案。此时教师把句子What colour is it?板书到It’s yellow.的上方,让学生再次体会上下语境的关系。 (3)使用其他物品对What colour is it? It’s ….进行操练。 2.帮助学生理解a fat panda等其他对话内容 (1)猜谜。教师出谜学生猜,There is an animal in the zoo, it is black and white. What is it? 学生回答It’s a panda.教师此时用简笔画在黑板上画出一只较胖的熊猫,And it’s a fat panda.教师可以用手势帮助学生理解fat的意思,也可以引出thin与其进行比较帮助理解。 (2)在原有简笔画的基础上缓慢画出两条书包的背带,Look carefullu, the panda is changing. Oh, it is changing into a schoolbag. What colour is the schoolbag? 学生回答It’s black and white. (3)引导学生想象,假如这个熊猫书包是你的What do you have in it?帮助学生使用句型I have…,…, and….来回答。学生作出回答是教师可以顺势询问Really? May I have a look? 这是三年级所学的句型,学生能自然而然地回答Sure, here you are.   三、Practice 1.听音答题。(注意提醒学生合上课本听)  What colour is Amy’s schoolbag?  A. black  B. white  C. black and white 2.听音正音。要求Listen ,point and repeat. 3.合作共建 小组内分角色朗读对话,组长注意分配好角色,同时要注意角色互换。 4.表演展示。Act the dialogue in pairs. 四、Production 1. Let’s play.(P17) 教师请一名同学和自己一起做示范表演,然后让学生在小组内利用手中的文具进行操练,然后进行小组展示。  2. Good to know. a. 帮助学生了解书是由纸做成的,造纸术是中国的四大发明之一。 b. 让学生了解中国的四大发明是什么。(造纸术、印刷术、指南针、火药) 五、Progress. 1.做本课时的同步练习题。因为本课时是对话课,所以最好有具体情


Unit 6 Meet my family


教学内容: A/Let’s learn Let’s play 教学目标: 1.能听、说、认读单词:family,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother.2.能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭。


听说认读四会单词:family parents uncle aunt baby brother 教学难点:

理解parents uncle aunt baby brother等词的含义。教学准备:Family tree,本课时单词图片、课件。教学过程:


1、播放第二册学生用书Unit 2《Father and mother》的歌曲,让孩子边唱边表演。

2、教师在黑板上画出family tree,请孩子把father mother等贴在family tree相应的位置上,大声读一读。

3、教师出示课件(自己的家庭照片),用This is my„.She/He is.„进行介绍和描述。


1、教师出示课件说:“Do you know this is my family? 教师把family这个单词贴在黑板上family tree的顶端。教师:I have a big family.How many people in my family? 学生回答。再问:How many people

in your family.鼓励孩子回答。This is my mother.This is my father.They are my parents.教师带读,学生练词。教师把parents贴在family tree上相应的位置。教师指自己的家庭成员说:“This is my uncle.This is my aunt。”并把两个单词贴在family tree上,说:“My uncle is my father’s or mother’s brother.My aunt is my father’s or my mother’s sister.”

2、播放课件:教师说:“This is Amy’s family.How many people in Amy’s family.Who are they? ”指课件中的单词认读。

3、教师分别出示Amy的家庭成员的照片,让孩子说说单词。让孩子扮演Amy。其他孩子表演Amy的家庭成员,孩子用“This is my„.” 介绍家庭成员。


1、Listen to a song 《Come and see my family 》



(四)扩展性活动(Add-activities)边看视频边学唱《Come and see my family 》 课后反思:



A/Let’s talk Let’s count 教学目标:


2.能听、说、认读本课句型How many people are there in your family ?并能进行替换练习。3.了解英语国家的一些称谓方式。教学重点:

熟练掌握句型How many „are there„?的用法并能在实践中运用。教学难点:

理解Let’s talk中句子的含义,并能进行初步的运用。教学准备:Let’s learn图片,本课时课件 教学过程:


1、Sing the song(上节课扩展练习的中的歌曲)鼓励孩子边唱边演

2、单词抢答: 教师出示单词卡片,学生快速抢答

3、教师少拿一张卡片,让孩子猜猜。“How many cards in my hand?” 教师将卡片码成一沓,问:“How many cards in my hand?” 教师将卡片藏在身后,问:“How many cards in my hand?”


1、教师出示上一课Let’s learn部分的课件。说:“This is Amy’s family.How many people are there in my family? Who are they?” 引导学生回答:“They are my father, my mother, my aunt ,„”


教师分别请几名学生拿着自己的家庭照片提问:How many people are there in my family? Who are they?”大家试着猜一猜,用句子:”There are „people in the picture.They are my„.”来回答。

3、教师让学生猜一猜自己的照片:(把照片在孩子面前晃一下)问:How many people are there in my family?。学生说:“There are 6 people in your family.”教师说:“My family has 6 members.”

4、教师提问一些学生How many people are there in the picture?将答案写在黑板上,再请孩子用My family has „ members.的句型说一说。


5、教师指着人数较少的家庭说:“That’s only 3”学生跟读练习。


播放课件,让孩子边听边看。但学生在最后一组对话发生疑问时,教师说:“But, that’s only 6.”学生提出疑问时,教师指着小狗说:“Gee, and my little puppy.”puppy的含义。让孩子跟读课文。

7、Let’s count(本节课授课中,根据各小组回答问题和听讲情况,教师为每组设立一个苹果树,随时根据学生的表现贴苹果评价)教师和学生一起总结:问:“How many apples are there on the tree?”引导学生回答。



1、Who are they? 教师快速出示Amy 的家庭成员照片,让孩子猜猜Who are they?



一学生蒙上眼睛,几组学生分别clap hands、step feet、knock at the door, 让孩子猜一猜How many people are there? 运用句型: How many people are there in your family? Who are they? My family has „members 课后反思:


教学内容:A/Let’s spell 教学目标:






教学准备:Let’s spell 动画课件


一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1. 让学生背诵字母表或唱字母歌。2. 复习五个元音字母的发音

(二)呈现新课(Presentation)1. 呈现单词,学生自读。


3)观察每个词中不同颜色的字母是什么? 4)每个词的发音有什么规律? 5)你能举出其他的例子吗? 2.全班总结

1)学生发言 2)学生补充 3)教师强调 3.听力练习4.书写单词

1)教师范写 2)学生练习书写








B/Let’s talk Let’s play 教学目标:


2.能够听懂、会说句型What’s your father?My mother is a doctor.并能做替换练习。

3.会唱歌曲“Father and Mother” 教学重点:

词汇:doctor, nurse, driver, farmer, baseball player.句型:What’s your father? My father is a doctor.教学难点:

单词发音:baseball player My father is a doctor.中的“a” 的强调。教学准备:B Let’s learn 单词图片,本课时课件。教学过程:


1.做游戏:教师出示单词father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, 让学生认读。2.教学歌谣:可爱的home。Home是我可爱的家,墙上的picture美佳佳。

右边的woman是mother, 左边的man是father.可爱的friend是谁呀?

是我student 人人夸。

3.Sing a song《Come and see my family》


1.Talk about the family: How many people are there in your family? Who are they? 2.模仿老师说句子,做连锁游戏:My mother is thin, she likes music.What about your mother/father/brother/sister„? 3.教师指着自己说:I’m a teacher.再指着一名学生说:He is a student.然后自问自答:What’s he? He is a student.教师问学生:What’s he? 引导他们说出:He is a student.4. 教师出示画有医生、护士和农民的图片,问学生:What’s he/she?引导他们说出:He/ She is a doctor/nurse/farmer.并教读这三个单词。

5.教师分别出示画有football player和driver的图片,启发学生通过提问What’s he/she?来得知答案。并学习football player, driver.6.看教学视频课件做对话练习。可参考的对话内容:

What’s your father? My father is a doctor.He’s tall.He likes sport.What’s your brother? He’s a football player.He’s strong.He likes sports.What’s your mother? My mother is a nurse.She’s thin.She likes music.What’s your father? My father is a driver.He’s fat.He likes playing computer games.What’s your grandpa? He’s a farmer.He likes painting.7.跟读课文。

8.看B/Let’s learn的课件,学习单词。

9.教师引导学生模仿从事各种职业的动作,教师发指令“Act like „” 10.两人一组操练Let’s play的内容,一人发指令,一人做动作。教师可适当告诉学生一些其他职业的词汇。


1.猜猜看。教师请一个学生上来表演人物,要求表演出人物的职业、外貌特征和兴趣爱好,让其他学生猜:He is a„/ He’s „/He likes„ 2.计时猜词竞赛


比赛规则:教师准备好写有英文单词doctor, farmer, nurse, driver, teacher, student, baseball player的单词卡。每个小组依次到教室前面参加比赛。比赛前,小组内的第一名学生坐在椅子上,其他学生面对该名学生蹲在地上。教师站在这名学生的椅子后面,手拿单词卡放在他的头上。比赛计时3分钟,教师最好指派一名学生帮忙计时。比赛开始,教师出示第一张单词卡,蹲在地上的学生要看着这个单词用动作或语言来表述出此单词的含义。(如用语言表达则不能直接说出单词的中文意思,如果说出,视为犯规。)坐在椅子上的学生要根据组内同学的表述来说出英文单词。猜对计分并换人。第二名学生坐在椅子上,继续猜词。如有学生没猜对单词则不能换人,教师出示下一张单词卡让该学生继续猜,直到猜中单词时才可换人。按此规则小




B/Draw and say Read and write 教学目标:

1.能听、说、认读本课句型Is this your father?What’s your mother? He looks strong.并能在情景中运用。

2.能听懂、会说本课对话,并在实际情景中运用。3.理解会说Read and write 部分内容。教学重点:

理解句型Is this your„? What’s his/her job? 教学难点:

句型: Are they farmers?的运用 教学准备:Read and write 动画课件 教学过程:


1.让学生认读单词:baseball player, driver, doctor, farmer, nurse 2.Look and




a teacher/doctor/nurse/farmer/driver/baseball player.(二)呈现新课(Presentation)

1.教师提问:What’s your mother/father? 学生回答问题后,继续问其他学生。

2.教师指着一学生家庭照片上的人物问:Is this your mother/father? 启发学生回答:Yes, she /he is.No, she/he isn’t.3.教师指着一学生照片上的两位老人说:They look old.Are they your grandpa and grandma?引导学生回答:Yes, they are my grandpa and grandma.教师再继续问:Are they workers ?鼓励学生用Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.来回答。

4.教师分别出示Amy的叔叔,姨,爸爸、妈妈和爷爷、奶奶的图,问学生:Who are they? 5.让学生观看教学课件后回答问题。

出示uncle的图片问:Who’s this man? What’s his job? 出示aunt的图片问:Is this Amy’s aunt? What’s her job? 出示father的图片问:Is this Amy’s father? What’s his job? 出示mother的图片问:What’s her mother? What’s her job? 出示grandpa和grandma的图片问:Who are they? Are they farmers? 6.跟读课文。


1.教师课前收集学生父母的照片,分别出示给全班学生看,让他们用句型Is this your„?来猜照片上是谁的父母。



来。其他学生通过他们的动作表情,用Are they„?来猜他们所表演的是哪种职业。课后反思:



B/Let’s check Story time.教学目标:

1.通过对本单元的学习,能够正确完成Let’s check等的练习。2.学会唱英文歌曲。

3.通过自己阅读,小组交流,教师解疑等方式,能理解Story time.教学重点:

能够正确完成Let’s check等的练习。教学难点:

通过自己阅读,小组交流,教师解疑等方式,能理解Story time。教学准备:Let’s check 动画课件,Let’s sing 动画。教学过程:

(一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1. 指教室中的各个事物复习单词。

2. 游戏:教师念单词的前一个或两个字母,学生迅速从指出并读出单词。


1. 小组合作,完成课本练习。1)自己做 2)组内交流

3)班内回报 2.Let’s check 1)做练习2)朗读句子 3. 学唱歌曲 Let’s sing 4.Story time 1)自己阅读 2)小组讨论交流 3)回答教师问题 4)跟读句子 5)尝试表演






PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit6 A.Let’s learn 说课稿


本课时的内容是四年级上册Unit6.Meet My Family AB部分的Let’s learn,Let’s play本单元围绕“家庭”这一题材开展,使学生能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭及人员。“小学单元整体教学”就是在通盘考虑《英语课程标准》对小学英语教学的目标要求,以及教材分析和学情分析的基础上,教师针对一个单元,整体组织教学内容,整体设计教学方法,整体安排教学时间,整体设计单元主题作业。单元整体教学有利于教师实现多样化教学方式的统一;整合时间资源,使有限的课时产生乘法的效益;有利于学生合理认知组块的建构,促进学生知识的记忆、保持和提取,促进学生语言综合运用能力的发展。


有效的教学目标的设计首先要求的是准确和明确,新英语课程标准指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力,而综合语言运用能力又以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面的综合素养为基础。基于以上认识,以及对教学内容的分析和教材特点,我将教学目标定为:(1)能力目标:能够简单介绍自己的家庭成员。如:This is my dad / uncle /......He is strong and tall.(2)知识目标:能够听、说、认、读单词: cousin, parents, uncle, aunt, baby brother.(3)情感.策略等有关目标: A.情感态度: 注重培养学生热爱家庭,热爱生活的美好情感。B.学习策略:积极运用所学英语进行家庭成员之间的称呼问候。











播放三年级下册歌曲《Father And Mother 》。学生在欢快的歌曲中边演边唱,使紧张的心情得到最大的放松,等待着英语课的开始。


准备一些关于家庭称呼的单词:mother ,father ,sister ,brother 和一些介绍人物的形容词: tall, short, strong, thin,让学生快速认读。


首先告诉学生这节课要介绍给大家一个新朋友,以认识新朋友和她的家庭开始。我创设的这个情境是把自己放在学生之中,成为他们中的一员,自己把准备好的人物头饰AMY戴在自己头上,说: I am Amy now.Nice to meet you.和大家用英语打招呼,让学生把我当成Amy,更好的进行下面的对话。四年级的学生已经有了一定的语言基础,所以我把单词在句子中呈现,词不离句,句不离词,让学生在句子中体会所学单词的含义。本课重点是对五个单词的教学,小学生年龄小,好玩,好动,不愿将过多的时间花在记忆单词上,所以教授单词时寓单词教学于娱乐中,增强学习的趣味性,调动学生的积极性,我采取了拆词法,例如:family ,我把它拆开,拆成学生认识的单词,爸father 和and 妈mother 我I 爱love 你you,爸妈我爱你等于家庭,这么教学生不但感兴趣,还可以很形象的把这个单词记住,而且还很有意义。猜迷法,例如:教授uncle, aunt 时,我会让孩子猜谜语,Your uncle is your mother or father’s brother.Your aunt is your mother or father’s sister.孩子经过思考应该可以猜出单词 uncle ,aunt 的含义。这两个词有好几个意思,所以我也会告诉他们怎么记住他们,我把一个儿歌教给学生:uncle uncle本领大,叔伯舅舅没叫差,aunt aunt也不差,姨婶姑姑都用它。孩子在顺口的儿歌中把这两个词记住了。



A、猜失踪单词。就是我们经常做的“What’s missing?”的游戏,给学生看一组单词,数秒后,随意抽掉一张,让学生猜 “What’s missing?”,培养学生的瞬间的记忆力和观察力。







1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型What’s the time,please ? It’s …

2、能运用句型What time do you …? 了解同学一天的作息时间,完成信息交流的任务。

2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型What’s the time? It’s …


2、Sing a song 《This is the way 》

3、Free talk围绕本单元句型交谈。

4、Say the number before .




Step 2 Review .

师拿出教具钟,边拨边问:What’s the time,please?


Step 3 C Ask and answer .


2、Practice in pairs .生口头操练。


在学生回答完时间后,引导学生根据画面内容用It’s time to …的句型作补充回答,进行自编对话。


Step4 D Work in groups .

1.Review .

a.生听口令做动作。get up have breakfast .go to school have lunch go home watch TV go to bed .



a.师示范第一栏:T: What time do you get up /go to school …?

S: I get up /go to school …at …



What’s the time ,please ?

It’s …


用What time do you …的句型了解家人一天的作息时间。


一、Listen and choose(听录音,将所读的'字母写在括号中)

二、Listen and choose(听录音, 选出您所听到的单词)

( ) 1. A. where   B. who    C. what

( ) 2. A. forty    B. fifty    C. thirty

( ) 3. A. nose    B. nurse   C. noodles

( ) 4. A. wall    B. ball   C. floor

( ) 5. A. bathroom  B. bedroom   C. classroom

三、Listen and choose(听录音, 选择正确的答语)

( ) 1. A.It’s near the door.    B. There is a picture.

( ) 2. A. I can see 9.      B. I have 9.

( ) 3. A. It’s black and white.   B. It’s yellow

( ) 4. A. Her name is Amy.   B. His name is Zhang Peng.

( ) 5. A. I’d like some fish and bread. B. I like fish.

四、Listen and number(根据录音顺序用1. 2. 3…, 给下列活动标序号)

( ) 1. Watch TV.

( ) 2. Listen to music.

( ) 3. Open the door.

( ) 4. Act like a driver.

( ) 5. Put your pencil in your desk.

1. —How many story-books do you have?

—I have (twenty thirty).

2. She has (long hair short hair) and big eyes.

3. Go to the (living room bathroom). Watch TV.

4. —What’s your mother?

—She is (farmer driver).

5. —What would like for breakfast?

—I’d like two eggs and some (milkwater).

1. I’d like some    and chicken for dinner.

2. My father is a   . He’s tall. He likes sports.

3. Welcome to my   . It’s nice.

4. Mike is a   . Amy is a girl.

5. Mr Lin is my English   .

七、Look and write(根据大写字母提示,按字母表顺序写出其对应的小写字母)

八、Read and choose the right answer(找出下列每组单词中不同类的单词)

( ) 1. A. study     B. kitchen   C. sofa

( ) 2. A. sister     B. brother   C. fish

( ) 3. A. vegetable    B. noodles    C. shelf

( ) 4. A. strong     B. sports   C. quiet

( ) 5. A.window    B. wall     C. water

九、choose and write(用所给单词填空,每个单词只用一次)

1.    is she?

2.    is his name?

3.    are you?

4.    people are there in your family?

5.    is your seat?

十、Read and choose the right answer(单项选择)

( ) 1. —We have a new computer.  —Really?   .

A. Let’s go and have a look.   B. Let’s go to school.

C. Let’s go to the classroom.

( ) 2. —Where is my schoolbag?  —   .

A. It’s a panda.B.It’s yellow. C. It’s a panda. It’s on the desk.

( ) 3. —How many notebook do you have?  — I have   (52).

A. fifteen   B.fifty-two  C. fifty

( ) 4. —What is your pen?  —It’s red.

( ) 5. She  long hair, big eyes and ears.

( ) 6. —Who are they?  —They are my   .

( ) 7. What would you like  dinner?

( ) 8. What   you like for dinner?

( ) 9. Everything  ready.

( ) 10. Are they near the phone?

A. No, they aren’t.  B. Yes,there is.  C. No, there isn’t.

1. Let’s sweep the floor.

() 2.May I have a look?

() 3.Where is my book?

() 4. Who’s this girl?

() 5. How old is your father? A.36.

B.She’s my friend, Amy.

C.It’s in the schoolbag.

D. OK.

E.Sure. Here you are.

十二、Read and Write “T” or “F”(读短文, 判断正“T”误“F”)

Hello! Come and meet my family. This is my father. He is a doctor. He likes painting. This is my mother. She is a doctor, too. She has long red hair. That woman is my aunt. She has short hair and big eyes. The big boy is my brother. He likes music.

( ) 1. There are four people in my family.

( ) 2. My aunt has long red hair.

( ) 3. My mother is a doctor.

( ) 4. My father likes painting.

( ) 5. My brother is a driver.

1. who  2. thirty 3. nurse 4. floor 5. classroom

1. Where is my seat?

2. How many books do you have?

3.What colour is it?

4.What’s his name?

5.What would you like for lunch?

1. Open the door.

2. Put your pencil in your desk.

3. Listen to music.

4. Watch TV.

1. —How many story-books do you have?

—I have twenty.

2. She has long hairand big eyes.

3. Go to the living room. Watch TV.

4. —What’s your mother?

—She is driver.

5. —What would like for breakfast?

—I’d like two eggs and some milk.

1. I’d like some rice and chicken for dinner.

2. My father is a doctor. He’s tall. He likes sports.

3. Welcome to my home. It’s nice.

4. Mike is a boy. Amy is a girl.

5. Mr Lin is my English teacher.


PEP小学英语四年级上册第六单元教案 四上Unit Six Meet My Family 单位:郑山镇沙店完小  主备人:郇超 .10.20 教材分析:本单元内容主要围绕家庭成员展开。通过学习,学生能介绍自  我的设计 己的家庭和描述自己的家庭成员等。学习内容贴近学生的生活,教师在学习中易于创设情景,学生也会比较感兴趣。 一、单元教学目标 (一)、能力目标 1.  能够简单介绍自己的家庭,如:This is my uncle. 2.  能够简单描述家庭成员,如:He’s a baseball player. He looks strong. 3.  能听懂一些简单的指令,如:Act like a …….并能按照指令做出相应的动作。 4.  会唱歌曲“Father and Mother”。 (二)、知识目标 1.掌握单词father, mother, sister, brother, doctor, nurse, driver, farmer,能熟练听、说、读、写。 2.认读、理解A、B部分let’s learn 、Let’s talk中的单词和句子及Let’s chant部分的句型。 3.了解Story time、Good to know 等部分的内容。 (三)、情感、策略、文化等有关目标 1.情感态度:培养学生热爱家庭,热爱生活的美好情感。 2.学习策略:积极运用所学英语进行表达、交流。 3.文化目标:了解英语国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习俗。 二、重点、难点 重点:1.能够简单介绍自己的家庭。 2.一般疑问句的学习和简单运用。 难点:综合运用本单元的主要句型描述自己的家庭成员。 三、课时安排:六课时 第一课时:A  Let’s learn  Group work  C Good to know 第二课时:A Let’s talk Let’s count 第三课时:A Read and write  Write and say  第四课时:B Let’s learn Let’s do C Task time  Let’s sing 第五课时:B Let’s talk  Let’s chant  第六课时:B Read and write  Write and say  C Story time  Let’s check  Let’s find out 四上U6A1(词汇课) 教学内容:A  Let’s learn  Group work  C Good to know 我的设计 教学目标:1.能听、说、认读单词:family,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother. 2.能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭。 3.了解英语国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习俗。 教学重点:能听、说、认读单词:family,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother.并能用英语简单介绍自己的'家庭。 教学难点:单词family的发音. 教学准备:1.教师准备自己家庭成员的单人照和全家福。 2.教师准备录音机、磁带、词卡。 3.学生准备单词卡、家庭成员的单人照和全家福。 教学过程: 一、Preparation 1. Let’s chant. (三下p34) Let’s go, boys. Let’s go, girls. Let’s all be a family. Who plays father? Who plays mother? Who plays brother and sister? I am father. I am mother. We are brother and sister. 2. Game: Who is he/she?  (1)教师描述班内一名同学的外貌爱好等,让学生猜猜是谁? (2)教师请一位同学描述,其他同学猜是谁。猜对的同学接着上来描述,让其他同学猜,以此循环2---3组。 二、Presentation A、单词导呈 1. Learn: parents (1)(接上一环节)T:(简单描述自己父亲的外貌、爱好等)Guess!Who’s he? Ss: … T: He is my father. T:(简单描述自己母亲的外貌、爱好等)Guess!Who’s she? Ss: … T: She is my mother. 教师把爸爸妈妈的照片放在一起,指着照片告诉学生,They are my parents. (2)板书、教读parents---- They are my parents. 2. Learn: uncle (1)T:(教师展示一张照片的背面,)Guess!Who’s he? Ss: … T: He is my uncle. He’s my father’s brother. (2)板书、教读uncle--- He is my uncle. 3. Use the same way to learn aunt. 4. Learn:baby brother (1)T;(出示一张班内有弟弟的学生的全家福)Look!This is XXX.然后指着上面的弟弟说:This is her baby brother. (2)板书、教读baby brother---baby brother。 5. Learn:family (1)T:(展示自己的全家福照片)Look! What is this? Ss: … T: This is a picture of my family. (2)板书、教读family---This is my family. B、听读正音。  听录音、跟读新单词。要注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。 C、合作学习。   Read the news in groups. (会的同学要注意帮助读的不太好的同学。) 三、Practice. 1. 看照片说单词。教师拿出不同的照片,让学生快速说出称呼。如:uncle. 2. 看词卡,读单词。教师出示本课的单词卡片,学生读出相应的单词。 3. 幸运星。 教师把准备好的单人照片放到信封中,然后教师从中随便抽出一张但不拿出来,等学生猜过之后再拿出来,看看哪些学生猜对了。猜对的同学便是幸运星。教师示范一两次后,可请一名学生上来做,其他同学猜。 4. Sing a song. 教师播放三年级下册第15页“Father and Mother”的伴奏音乐,让学生在唱第一遍时把father、mother换成parents和family。第二遍时换成uncle 和aunt。第三遍时换成parents和baby brother. 四、Production. 1. Group work 学生拿出自己准备的照片在小组内互相介绍自己的家庭。如:This is my father. He is strong.  2. Good to know.   教师介绍C部分Good to know的内容,学生跟说mom, mommy, dad, daddy, papa.教师让学生了解这些都是口语。 五、Progress.  (一) 检测题。 1. 圈出你所听到的单词 (1) A. father B. mother  C. uncle (2)  A. family B. baby brother  C. brother  (3)  A. uncle  B. aunt C. sister 2.选词填空。 A. parents B. uncle C. aunt D. family E. baby brother (1)My father and mother is my (  ). (2) My father’s brother is my ( ). (3)This is a picture of my (  ), my mother 、my father and me. (4)My mother’s sister is my (  ). (5)Look! He is my (  ),  a clever(聪明的) boy. 教师也可以根据情况选择基础训练中的相关题目。 (二)Homework.  1.听Let’s learn部分的录音并跟读。  2.画一幅自己的全家福,并试着用英语简单介绍自己的家庭。 四上U6A2(对话课) 教学内容:A Let’s talk  Let’s count  我的设计 教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说本课对话,并能在情景中进行运用。 2.能听、说、认读本课句型How many people are there in your family ?并能进行替换练习。 3.了解英语国家的一些称谓方式。 教学重点:熟练掌握How many …are there …? 教学难点:句子“My family has seven members.”的认读。 教学准备:1.教师准备全家福照片 2.教师准备录音机、磁带、词卡、头饰。 3.学生准备一张全家福。 教学过程: 一、preparation   1. Sing the song: One、Two、Three、Four、Five(三年级下册P26) 2.快速认读人物称呼词卡:family,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother. 3. Let’s chant. Let’s go, boys. Let’s go, girls. Let’s all be a family. Who plays uncle? Who plays aunt? Who plays grandma and grandpa? I am uncle. I am aunt. We are grandma and grandpa. Let’s go, boys. Let’s go, girls. Let’s all be a family. Who plays baby brother? Who plays baby sister? Who plays father and mother? I am baby brother. I am baby sister. We are parents. We are parents.   二、Presentation 1. My family has ….members. (1)T:(用事先准备好的文具提问)How many …can you see? Ss: … (2)T:(询问一两组后,出示自己的全家福)How many people can you see? Ss: … T: Good! My family has…members. My dad、my mom, my brother….and me. (3) 板书教读members-----My family has…members. (4)学生在小组内用自己全家福进行练习:My family has…members. My dad、my mom, my brother….and me. 2. How many people are there in your family?  ... Who are they?  (1)T:My family has…members. My dad、my mom, my brother….and me.   How many people are there in your family?   Ss:(教师可给予一定的提示)  …. (2) T:My family has… members. My dad、my mom, my brother…. and me.   How many people are there in your family?   St1: …. T:Who are they? St1: … (3)教师板书、教读How many people are there in your family?  ... Who are they? (4)教师示范后让学生在小组内操练How many people are there in your family?  ... Who are they? 3. But that’s only six puppy (1)T: My family has six members. My parents, my brother, my sister and me. 教师说的同时用简笔画在黑板上画出来。 Ss: ….. T:(指着黑板上的简笔画)But that’s only five. Oh, and my little puppy! Gee! (再在简笔画上添上一只小狗。) (2)教读But that’s only six !  And my little puppy! 并帮助学生理解这两句话的意思。 三、Practice 1.听音答题。(注意提醒学生合上课本听) How many people are there in Chen Jie’s family?  A. three B.  six 2.听音正音。 (1)Listen and point . (2) Listen and repeat. 3.合作共建 小组内分角色朗读对话,组长注意分配好角色,同时要注意角色互换。 4.表演展示。 Act the dialogue in pairs. 四、Production 1. Let’s count. (P71) 教师先做好示范和要求,然后让学生两人一组练习。 2. Make a survey. How many people are there in your family? Who are they? Name   How many?   parents   brother   sister   uncle                                                 &


Unit 5 There is a big bed 第五课时

教学目标与要求: 1.能够听、说、读、写五个表示相对位置关系的介词或介词词组 in front of

beside between behind above;

2.能听懂、会说句型Where is the ball? It’s in front of the dog.3.完成Find and say.教学重点:

Let’s learn 部分出现的单词:in front of

beside between behind above等。要求学生能结合所给句型进行替换,在情景中学习新词,并达到听说读写5个四会单词或词组。教学难点:

1.能够使用有关家居物品和相对位置关系的单词或词组,并能简单介绍自己的房间。2.名词单复数的用法 课前准备

1.两只不同的毛绒玩具和一个球 2.单词卡片 教学过程

一、Warm up 复习B Let’s talk 的对话

二、Presentation 1.教师引导学生用there be 结构和已学的方位词描述教室内物品的位置关系。

教师说: I have a balloon but I can’t find it.Where is the balloon?教师板书 Where is the balloon?并带读。教师请几名学生帮忙找气球,猜测气球可能的位置:Is it...? 教师将被吹起的气球分别放在一个纸袋的里面、上面、下面和旁边,请同桌学生就气球的位置展开问答。(1)教学above 教师将气球抛向正上方的同时询问学生:Where is tne balloon now?教师出示above 的单词卡片。引导学生说:It’s above you.教师板书above,带读单词。(2)教学beside 教师问一名学生:Who’s beside you ?引导学生回答。教师板书beside,带读单词。(3)教学between 教师指着同组前后相邻吧的三名学生,说:...is in front of...,...is behind...教师板书in front of 和behind,带读单词。2.阅读和朗读


引导学生完成书中Read and write部分,并与学生共同讨论。听录音,模仿朗读,理解短文内容。并完成练习。

三、Practise 活动设计1 学生打开教材,听录音跟读核心词汇。然后,教师板书单词,学生在练习本上抄写。

活动设计2 教师快速出示单词卡片,学生朗读单词。活动设计3 做Find and say 的活动。

四、Home work 1.用所学单词描述自己的房间 2.完成本节课的检测题 板书设计:


Unit 5 There is a big bed 第六课时


1.能够在教师的帮助下总结there be 结构与名词单复数的搭配规律,并能正确运用这一结构 2.能朗读表演本节课的小故事 教学重点:

能朗读表演本节课的小故事 教学难点:,掌握there be 结构与名词单复数的搭配规律,并能正确运用这一结构。教学过程 一.Warm up 运用单词卡片复习上节课的单词 二.Presentation 1.Let’s check部分的学习

播放两边录音,指导学生完成探究练习。2.Let’s wrap it up部分的练习

教师带领学生总结be动词和名词单复数的搭配原则。请学生独立完成连线和写句子的活动,然后师生一起评价 3.Storytme的学习


学生分小组表演故事,然后教师请几组学生进行展示。三.Consolidation 1.给出任务:小组内改编对话利用本单元的重点句子,表演展示。2.带领学生在小组内简单说说,总结本单元的重点知识。四.Home work 听录音、朗读、小组内表演对话。完成本节课的检测题。板书设计:


Unit 6 In a nature park 第一课时

教学目标与要求: 1.能听、说、读、写句型:Is there a river in the forest?Yes,there is./No,there isn’t.Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?Yes,there are./No,there aren’t.2.了解Let’s talk 的含义,并能听懂Let’s try的内容。教学重点:

能朗读表演本节课的小故事 教学难点:,掌握there be 结构与名词单复数的搭配规律,并能正确运用这一结构。教学过程 一.Warm up 运用单词卡片复习上节课的单词 二.Presentation 1.Let’s check部分的学习

播放两边录音,指导学生完成探究练习。4.Let’s wrap it up部分的练习

教师带领学生总结be动词和名词单复数的搭配原则。请学生独立完成连线和写句子的活动,然后师生一起评价 5.Storytme的学习


学生分小组表演故事,然后教师请几组学生进行展示。四.Consolidation 3.给出任务:小组内改编对话利用本单元的重点句子,表演展示。4.带领学生在小组内简单说说,总结本单元的重点知识。四.Home work 听录音、朗读、小组内表演对话。完成本节课的检测题。板书设计:




1.能听、说、读、写单词:forest,lake,mountain,hill,river;2完成Draw and ask的内容。教学重点:

能够听、说、读、写四会单词 教学难点:

能够熟练运用上述单词就自然公园展开回答 教学过程 一.Warm up 日常口语练习二.Presentation 1.Let’s learn部分的学习

教师展示本节课的单词图片。说We all like nnature parks.Let’s enjoy some picturea.然后,教师问:What’s in the nature park?学生分小组运用there be结构描述自然公园的景物。教师请一组同学汇报的时候,把相应的单词卡片贴在黑板上。教师引导学生学习词汇。(1)教学forest 教师带领学生复习对话后提问:Where will the children go?引导学生回答:They’ll go to the forest.教师板书forest,然后播放录音,学生跟读单词。(2)教学lake 教师问:Is there a lake in the forest?引导学生回答后,板书lake并带读单词。教师提问:Is there a lake in...?引导学生根据实际情况回答。(3)教学river 教师拿出一条河流的图片,背面朝向学生提问:Is there a lake?请同学们猜测后把卡片翻过来,引导学生回答:No,it isn’t.It’s a river.教师板书river并带读。(4)教学hill和mountain 教师说:There is a lake,a river and a forest in the nature park.同时在黑板上画出一个自然公园的轮廓,把lake ,river和forest的卡片贴在里面。教师问:What else?同时出示mountain的卡片,把它贴在公园轮廓里并带读单词。

教师出示一个小山丘的图片,问Is this a mountain?引导学生回答:No,it isn’t.It’s a hill.教师板书hill并带读。2.完成 Draw and ask 三.Home work 让学生完成本节课的活动手册。板书设计:




1.复习A部分的Let’s talk的对话。2.听说读Let’s spell中的习题。教学重点:

听说并正确拼读Let’s spell中的内容 教学难点:

四会句子的规范书写 教学过程 一.Warm up 1.日常口语练习2.听录音读单词 二.Presentation and practise 1.做Let’s spell中的习题

2.讲Let’s spell中的语音知识。3.完成Look,listen and write 四.Consolidation and extension 让学生完成活动手册书写四会句子 板书设计:




1.能听、说、读、写句型: Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?Yes,there are./No,there aren’t.2.能够理解对话大意


能够在情景中运用句型 Are there any...?Yes,there are./No,there aren’t.教学难点:,能够运用核心句型就自然公园展开问答 教学过程 一.Warm up 1.Let’s chant 二.Presentation 1.学习Let's talk

教师出示 village 图片,注意在出示图片时动作要快,给学生很短的时间来观看,然后收起图片说:This is my village.What's in it? Guess, please!教师提问:Are there any „ in the village? 板书并带读问句。此种快速看图的方法还可以训练学生观察能力。教师尽量就图画多问一些句子,让学生掌握答句的同时熟悉问句,如:“Are there any buildings in the village?”当学生回答没有时,引导他们说:No, there aren't.从而引出肯定回答:Yes, there are.同时板书此内容。

让学生根据记忆,向老师提问,教师要引导学生说:Are there any „ in your village? 听录音,跟读Let’s talk部分内容。给学生2—3分钟,自己读书。

同桌之间进行对话练习,然后选几组在班上说一说。2.Let's practice(趣味操练)(1)游戏----让硬币来回答(2)轻松一刻----Sing a song

nsolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)游戏----眼疾嘴快

将学生分为四大组,教师依次出示剪出轮廓的图片反面(bridges, small houses, tall buildings, trees, roads, mountains等12张景物图片),问:What’s in my village/city? 学生猜:Are there any „ in your village/city? 猜得又快又正确的小组得分。教学资源的利用:图片、挂图、硬币、录音机与录音带

三.Home work 完成本节课配套完成手册 板书设计:




1.能够听、说、读、写单词:village, house, bridge, building, tree; 2.能够听,说、认读单词village, city.3.能够运用句型:There are „ in„„; 教学重点:

Let’s learn 部分出现的单词:village, house, bridge, building, tree等。要求学生能结合所给句型进行替换,在情景中学习新词,并达到听说读写5个四会单词。教学难点:

1.利用所提供的情景以旧引新,让学生进入运用语言的状态。2.名词复数的运用和读音.课前准备: 1.教师准备教学过程中所需要的图片、声音和课件; 2.教师准备录音机及录音带。教学过程 一.Warm up 复习B Let’s talk 的对话 二.Presentation 1.呈现教材情境并教学village 教师呈现Let’s learn板块的图片,指着村庄的位置问:What’s this?引导学生回答:It’s a village.教师出示village的单词卡片并带读。

教师问:What do you think of the village?引导学生回答:It’s small/quiet/beautiful/nice/clean/...2.教学house和tree 教师说:Many of you say the village is beautiful.Why?引导学生回答,如Because there are many trees.Because there are many beautiful houses.教师依次出示tree和house的单词卡片并带读单词 3.教学building和bridge 教师说:Miss White and her students are in the village.Can you find them?Where are they?Where are ZhangPeng and Miss White?教师指着Miss White和张鹏的位置,引导学生回答:They’re in front of a building.教师出示building的单词卡片并带读单词。

教师说:The building has two floors.教师呈现一栋三层楼房的图片,问:What about this building?引导学生说:This building has there floors.教师可以呈现更多高楼的图片,让学生表达:This building has...floors.教师问:Where are Chen Jie and Amy?引导学生回答:They’re on a bridge.教师出示bridge的单词卡片并带读单词。

五、Practise 活动设计1 学生打开教材,听录音跟读核心词汇。然后,教师板书单词,学生在练习本上抄写。

活动设计2 教师快速出示单词卡片,学生朗读单词。活动设计3 完成Write and say

六、Home work 3.用所学单词造句子 4.完成本节课的检测题 板书设计:




1、能够听、说、读写本课句型:Are there any„„.? Yes, there are.No, there aren’t.及单词:mountain;

2、能用“There be„..”句型(陈述句、一般疑问句等形式)介绍山村并描述其特征;


本课时的教学重点是从听、说、读、写四方面掌握句型:Are there any „ in the „? Yes, there are.No, there aren’t.,单词: mountain 及在情景中理解并掌握Read and write 部分的内容。教学难点: 单词fish 的复数与其单数形式相同,mountain一词的认读和书写,以及句型:Are there any „ in the „? 的书写都是本课时的难点内容,教师要适当引导,提示学生正确使用。教学准备:


2、教师准备景物单词卡和B Read and write部分的挂图;

3、教师准备录音机和录音带。教学过程: 一.Warn-up(热身)

二.Presentation(新课呈现)(1)Read and write

教师出示本部分的挂图,左右两张图画分别标为图1和图2。教师说一个句子,学生迅速找到图画并报出图片号码。如:教师说:There are many small houses.学生说:Picture 2.教师给3—4分钟的时间,学生自学本部分的内容。

自学过程是学生对已学知识的回顾,是对所学知识的了解,是认读能力的培养,是自主学习的训练。学生在初步了解学习内容的基础上明确自己词句掌握情况,哪些认识、哪些不会。在学生自学之后,教师带领学生看挂图,说说挂图中的内容。如:There are many mountains in picture 2.There are many rivers in the village.教师播放录音,学生边听边阅读。学生初步了解全文的语音语调,试读词句。教师再次播放录音,学生跟读。再次巩固词句的读音。


教师让学生4人一组相互评判,有两个人分别扮演Sarah和Chen,另两个人作评委,评判个角色的扮演情况。之后,俩俩交换。(3)Finish the sentences 教师播放录音,指导学生完成Finish the sentences 的练习。完成过程中教师注意指导填写内容和书写规范。


3、Let’s practice(趣味操练)

4、Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)三.Home work 听录音、朗读、小组内表演对话。完成本节课的检测题。板书设计:



PEP小学英语四年级上册 Unit 6 Meet My Family 第一课时说课稿


我说课的内容是PEP教材四年级上册第六单元的第一课时,属单词教学课,它围绕家庭话题展开,此话题学生已在三年级下册中接触过,本课是在学生已掌握基本称呼的基础上学习更多的家庭成员称呼:family,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother。并能用句型This is my.......He is tall and strong, He likes 对家庭成员进行简单的介绍和描述,所以教师教起来比较顺手,学生也乐于学习,并易于在生活中进行运用。本课时共分为两个部分,第一部分,Let’s learn,这部分主要为学生提供了一幅较为形象的图片来教授五个要求听、说、认读的单词。第二部分,Group work,这部分主要是通过说一说的活动,从而巩固第一部分所学的五个四会单词。此部分是为培养学生语感、复习前面所学内容及运用语言表达的能力、为活跃课堂和培养兴趣而设置的。


新英语课程标准指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。而综合语言运用能力又以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面的综合素养为基础。基于以上认识,对教学内容的分析及基本教材的特点,我将教学 目标确定为:

1.知识目标: 能够听、说、认读单词:family、parents、uncle、aunt、baby brother,并能用“This is my„.He/She has„.He/She likes„.He/She is„.”等英语正确、流利地介绍自己的家庭成员。



Learning key points(学习重点): 使学生掌握单词:family, parents, uncle, aunt, baby brother并能在情景中运用。

Learning difficult point(学习难点):能用英语正确、流利地介绍自己的家庭。










StepⅠ 课前热身

1.Sing a song for our father and mother:《father and mother》 2.Family tree:look,how many people in my family?复习以前学过的家庭称呼。

StepⅡ.Presentation(呈现新知, 交流展示)

,I want you to come to meet my family ,ok ?Teach the word:family,引导学生进行对话练习。

the picture:this is my father,this is my mother,father and mother,we can call them parents.Teach the word: parents然后引导学生说I love my parents.3.CAI出示一张男士的图片,并做介绍: He is not my father.Who is he? 引出单词uncle.鼓励学生介绍自己的叔叔。4.CAI出示一位女士的图片,并介绍:“She is the family member.She is not my mother.Who is she?”引出单词aunt,用同样的方法巩固单词。

5.CAI展示自编的chant(uncle---uncle---He is my uncle.aunt---aunt---She is my aunt.I love them.They love me.)和学生一起朗读,培养学生对家人的情感。


本节课是小学英语四年级Book 3第六单元第一课时,本课时的教学目标是学生能听、说、认读单词:family, parent, uncle, aunt 和baby brother并能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭及成员,本节课的重难点在于学生能够掌握5个生词,并能交换简单的家庭信息。

首先,课前的热身活动。上课前我就播放歌曲《father and mother》,以帮助学生慢慢进入英语的环境,在不自觉当中接触到今天所学的一些单词,同时在新课过程中,渗透旧知的操练和复习。在学习人物后,让学生对其进行描述和介绍,引导学生运用句型“This is „.He is „.He has „.He likes „.”来介绍家人,达到对知识的实际运用和掌握,促使单词教学不仅仅是单词的单独教学,而是利用句型与实际情况进行了扩展,最后的综合巩固活动,让学生对自己的家庭进行描述和介绍,完成新课后的操练和巩固。


1.在教学环节上,每个环节的过渡语不够自然,有些环节甚至有些突兀,直接转移到下一环节。在备课时应该想的更细,句句考虑,课件出示liu xing's family,让学生模仿介绍自己的家庭成员时,其实这是本课时的一个重难点,程度好些的学生能够说下来,但是有些学生进行描述时时还是结结巴巴的。完全可以示范之后,全班一起来读一遍,效果可能会更好。





Recycle 2 学习内容 Recycle2 课时安排 共 3 课时,第 1 课时 学习目标

1、能够认识会说故事中的新句型Merry Christmas!How beautiful!


评价方法 针对目标1、2,通过指名提问、观察学生的口型、学生互评,来达到能清晰、正确说出单词或句子、敢于开口、积极参与对话交流、检测学生语言综合应用能力的目的。

学材分析 本节课是将4-6单元的中心语言融为一体的一个故事,让学生能够在复习充分的情况下,在具体情景中自然运用所学句型,进行表演。重点是让学生能听说后三单元的主要句型,在此基础上进行表演,教师可以引导学生不必拘泥于课本上的故事,细节稍有变化也可以,鼓励学生大胆创新,运用以前所学句型来表演对话,这也是本节课的难点。主要采取师生、生生互相合作,学生在愉快的学习氛围中习得和学得。

学生分析 只要让学生开始将后三单元的句型复习扎实了,在语言输出时就不会有什么大的困难了。教师给学生准备好道具,鼓励大家创新大胆,学生的热情一定比较高,情绪比较高昂。可通过学生的兴趣与积极性,营造学习氛围。学习重难点 教学重点: 通过会话表演活动培养学生在实际情境中运用对话的能力。教学难点: 新句型:Merry Christmas!How beautiful!新词汇Father Christmas、turkey、singer 教学法 跟读法、对话法、练习法 课前准备 单词卡片、教学课件、教学录音带和歌曲录音、布置教室的道具(布置圣诞节的场景)、小礼物

学习过程 二次备课

一 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)


2、做游戏Listen and do.教师把单词图片摆放在讲台桌上,让一个学生到讲台桌前看图发布相关的指令,另一个学生根据他的命令来做动作。看看哪组的学生表现更优秀。

3、复习第四至六单元的Let’s do 部分:教师播放录音,学生做动作或请学生发指令,其余学生边听边作。二 呈现新课(Presentation)

1、Free talk How many people are there in your family? Who are they? What’s your father/mother? Is your father/mother a singer? 师生,生生间做自由问答What would you like ? 教师出示各种食物的卡片(包括turkey beef potato等单词),学生根据爱好选择回答“I’d like some potatoes.” 教师说:“I’ d like turkey.Would you like it?”学生回答:“Yes, I’d like the turkey.No ,I wouldn’t like the turkey.”

2、Merry Christmas!

教师带着孩子们参观教室中的布置,师生问答What day is it today? Today is Christmas Day.Who’s he? He is Father Christmas.So many gifts!播放《A Merry Christmas》的歌曲,让孩子们伴随着歌曲拍手。教师对学生们说:“Merry

Christmas to you!”分别向学生问好。学生回答:“The same to you.”学生也试着说说,向老师和同学问好。

3、播放课件,学生观看。师生就内容进行讨论: Who are they? Where is Mike? How many people in the story? What can you see?



6、教师提供各种道具,各小组利用道具进行表演展示活动。三 趣味操练(Practice)扮演圣诞老人

学生轮流扮演圣诞老人,见到同学问候:“Merry Christmas!”

学生答“The same to you.”“Here’s a gift for you.”“Thank you.” 师生一起数一数收到礼物的数量 教师播放歌曲“A Merry Christmas”录音,让学生熟悉旋律并适当渲染课堂气氛。教师与学生进行日常口语会话练习。如:How many people are there in your family ? Who are they ? What’s your father / mother ? Is your uncle / aunt a singer ? 教师简单介绍圣诞节的文化背景。教师提供头饰、圣诞老人的帽子等道具,让学生表演对话(以小组竞赛的方式进行)。对于表演得好的学生,教师可奖励给他们小礼物,并说:Merry Christmas,引导学生回答:The

same to you.目标检测 小组结合表演对话


Make a Christmas Day card.发挥自己的想像力和创造力,制作圣诞节贺卡或礼物送给朋友 板书设计 Recycle 2

Merry Christmas!How many gifts are there? He is Father Christmas now.Here’s the turkey.教学反思

学习内容 Recycle 2 课时安排 共 3 课时,第 2 课时 1.学习目标 1.能利用学过的单词进行听力,选择分类、填空等。2.2.能根据学过的句型进行问答,达到实际运用。


评价方法 针对目标1、2、3,通过指名提问、观察学生的口型、学生互评,来达到能清晰、正确说出单词或句子、敢于开口、积极参与对话交流、检测学生语言综合应用能力的目的。

学材分析 本节课是练习课,教师可以在充分复习的基础上再进行语音习题训练。教师要尽量设计一些活泼的环节让学生不感到枯燥。对于用学过的词组描述人物的练习,教师可以设计一些实际活动来引起学生的兴趣,主要采取师生、生生互相合作,学生在愉快的学习氛围中习得和学得。

学生分析 在复习熟练的基础上,孩子们会更好的发挥能力,语音练习,语句描述。可通过学生的兴趣与积极性,营造学习氛围。学习重难点 教学重点:通过本课的练习,适当复习前面单元所学的词汇和句式 教学难点:用所学句子自由问答;能准确听懂并完成书写。教学法 跟读法、对话法、练习法 课前准备 单词卡片、课件、教学录音带


一 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)

1、Sing the song:《We wish you A Merry Christmas!》



3、Free talk How many people are there in your family? Who are they? What’s your father/„? Is he/she a nurse/..? Do you want to be a teacher/„? 师生问答,生生问答。

二 呈现新课(Presentation)

1、Look ask and anawer.学生看图自由问答。

How many people are there in the family? Is this John’s „„? What’s herhis job?

2、课件出示Listen and number the rooms 教师与学生就图片进行问答: How many rooms? What can you find in the picture? Listen and number the rooms 听录音完成。

3、Look ,listen and write.学生看图,看填空。听音填空 核查。教师讲解

4、Play a game 把学生分成男女生组,哪组回答对问题那组加分,看看最后谁胜利 从这些问题中找出后四单元的重点句型。三 趣味操练(Practice)猜词比赛

请一个孩子到前面说:“The word has seven letters.They are n-o-o-d-l-e-s.”,其余的学生仔细听,看谁最快猜出单词。猜对的同学必须把单词拼读一遍。

目标检测 看书上的图片自由问答对话 课堂巩固:

读一读后三单元的内容 板书设计


Recycle 单元(章)主题 Recycle 2 任课教师与班级 四年级

本课(节)课题 Recycle 2 第 3课时 / 共3 课时

教学目标(含重点、难点)及设置依据 教学重点:通过本课的练习,适当复习前面单元所学的词汇和句式 教学难点:听音,正确的涂色;在游戏活动中,正确的拼读单词


教具准备: 房间、物品、食物等的单词卡片



歌曲录音Color song 颜色转盘


教 学 过 程

一 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)

1、Sing the Color song




教师问学生:“What can you see ?”学生就所见到的词说一说。

4、Listen and do

“Point the noodles/run to the living room/„”


二 呈现新课(Presentation)

1、课件出示Listen and color的课件。


What can you find in the picture?

Where is the shelf?



生生之间提问:“What’s this? Where is the phone?”

回答:“It’s in the bedroom./。。”

3、Listen and point

小组之间学生互相发出口令:“ Find the living room and point.”

4、Listen to the tape, and coloring.5、学生两人一组,以问答的形式讨论图的内容。

What color is the shelf?

Is it red?

6、教师将一些食物的贴在厨房和客厅的大图片中,问:“What would you like ?”

学生说:“ I like some beef./..”说对的孩子发给一个相应的头饰。

请说对的同学到前面做成一圈,教师说出一个单词“turkey”, 带头饰的孩子必须迅速拼出单词。否则就站在前面出题。


三 趣味操练(Practice)

找朋友 把学生分成若干小组,每个小组一个主题。组长发给每人一张词卡(允许几个孩子拿的相同),组长出示单词,有相应词卡的孩子必须马上走到组长面前。错的孩子走到前面出题。

四 扩展性活动(Add-activities)


请一个孩子到前面说:“The word has seven letters.They are n-o-o-d-l-e-s.”,其余的学生仔细听,看谁最快猜出单词。猜对的同学必须把单词拼读一遍。


快速反应:教师说职业名称,全体学生做能体现各种职业的动作。教师与学生进行日常口语会话练习。如:How many people are there in your family ?Who are they ?What’s your father / mother ?游戏:从教室的两个角落分别往后传一个盒子,音乐盒,拿盒子的两个学生分别从盒子中抽出一张卡(如grandpa , doctor),然后一起用卡上的两个词进行对话:What’s your grandpa ? My grandpa is a doctor.教师把单词贴在黑板上。继续传盒子做游戏,直至盒子中的8个人物和8种职业图片全部贴在黑板上为止。课堂巩固:





一、教学内容: BOOK 3 本册书共六单元,课本内容共分六部分: Unite 1 My Classroom Unite 2 My Schoolbag Unite 3 My Friends Unite 4 My Home Unite 5 What Would You Like? Unite 6 Meet My Family!


为确保良好的教学效果,在教学新内容时要强调听准,辩清,观察,模仿,练习运用。即: 听音——仔细静听;辩音——辨清发音;观察——注意观察;模仿——认真模仿;

练习——积极练习;运用——实际运用; 课堂练习















主要内容 1

Unit 1 2

Unit 1 3

Unit 1 4

Unit 2 5

Unit 2 6

National Day 7

Exam(unit 1-2)8

Unit 3 9

Unit 3 10

Recycle 1 11

Unit 4 12

Unit 4 13


Unit 5 15

Unit 5 16

Unit 6 17

Unit 6 18

Recycle 2 19

General revision 20

Terminal exam Unit 1单元分析



window board light picture door floor classroom computer wall teacher’s desk fan what in the we have new go where


many our seat near classmate clean have a look good idea all right good job








1、对于较长的单词如classroom, classmate, computer的掌握以及对于第一次出现的词组和短语如have a look, good job的掌握。

2、对于礼貌用语“Thank you , Excuse me, After you”的掌握与应用。



本单元共6课时,每周3课时,2周完成。Lesson 1 1.Teaching Aims Let the students master the words: window, classroom, floor, light, door, board, and picture.When they see the objects, they can recognize and read them and do the action about them.2.Teaching Aids A bloom, a piece of cloth, a picture A board-wiper and a tape-recorder.3.Important points Picture, classroom, window, board, and blackboard 4.Teaching steps(1)Greetings The teacher asks the question : “What day is it today?” The student answers : “Today is Monday.”

Then the question “What’s the weather like today?”(2)New content

The teacher reads the words like that the classroom, the windows, the door, the floor, the board and the lights in English one by one.Then the teacher asks students to read after him.He asks:” What’s in the classroom?” Choose several students who knows the answers to answer by using the words they’ve just learned.The teacher shows the cards of the words while the students are answering.Then the teacher points at the card and asks the students to read after her one by work One student asks the question and the other answers.Then the teacher asks some groups to show the work.Practice The teacher hands the cards of the bloom, the piece of cloth, the picture and the board-wiper to the students and asks them to read after her.Then the students listen to the tape while the teacher is doing the actions: opening thedoor, turn on the light, Sweep the floor, clean the window, put up the picture and clean the board.Then the teacher does the actions again and asks students to follow.After that, choose several pairs of students to do it like her.During this period the teacher says something about the verbs like open, turn, sweep, clean and put.Listen to the tape and read after it.5.Homework Ask the student to remember the new words and listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the American accent.Listen to the tape.6.Teaching notes

Lesson 2 1.Teaching Aims Let the students recognize and read the words and expressions(classmate, seat, and have a look)and use the dialogue freely.2.Teaching aids A tape-recorder some pictures some cards 4.Teaching steps(1)Greetings

Say “Hello” to each other.-What day is it today?-It’s Tuesday today.-What’s the weather like today?-It’s sunny today.(2)Revision The teacher hands the cards and asks all the students to read them one by one as quickly as they can.Listen to the music and do the action“开门,开灯,擦窗,擦黑板” and ask the students to say them in English.(3)New content.The teacher shows the text sentence on the blackboard using the computer sentence by sentence and ask who can read them.Let the student who can read them to read and then choose 2 or 3 students to read after him.After that the teacher reads the sentences and let them follow him.Then listen to the tape and follow it.Practice Divide them into some small groups and let them practice in groups and then asks some of them to show the text.Chant Listen to the tape and ask the students to imitate.Then practice the chant in pairs by clapping hands.After that, choose 2 groups to play this game in the front of the classroom.4.Homework Listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the accent.Read the text smoothly.5.Teaching notes

Lesson 3 1.Teaching aims Let the students master the letters A , B , C , D, E.Remember the words and expressions: computer, wall , fan and the teacher's desk 2.Teaching aids

a tape-recorder pictures cards 3.Teaching steps(1)Greetings Says “Good morning!” to everybody and talk something about the weather and the date.(2)Revision Let the students listen to the tape and follow it sentence by sentence.Then all the students read the text together.Next, ask some ones to read the text.At last, ask some questions and let them answer.(3)New content The teacher asks the students to look at the board while he writes “Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee ”.Then ask the students to practice them on their exercise-books.Then ask some ones to come to the board and write the letters to them.Next, let others see wether there is mistake.“Fill in the blank”.A: The teacher gives the students several letters of a word.B: Let the students guess what the word is.Then ask them to fill in the blanks.Do exercises about the 6 words.3)Listen to the tape and ask the students to do the students’ book.Then the teacher checks the answers.Bingo

Let the students look at the “Bingo” in the book and the teacher explains it to them.Then listen to the teacher and cross it.Choose the students who do it very quickly and finally be winner.4.Homework Let the students to memorize the words.Recite the whole dialogue.5.Teaching notes

Lesson 4 1.Teaching aims Let the students know the word clean(verb and adj.)and the expressions “Good job, Good idea, All right” and use them freely.Let the students master the sentence “Let’s do… ” and “Let somebody do… 2.Teaching aids A clean paper, a dirty paper, a table cloth and some pictures.3.Teaching steps(1)Greetings Say ”Good morning” to the class and ask them “ How are you?” After getting the answer the teacher talk about the date and the weather.(2)Revision Ask one student to say the furniture in his house and describe its colour in his house.(3)New content 1)

The teacher reads the text first.Then ask the students to read after her sentence by sentence.When the students arereading the text themselves, the teacher writes” clean, Good idea, Good job, All right” on the blackboard.Then explain these words and expressions(When the teacher explain the word “clean”, she shows the clean paper and the dirty one to the class.And then use the tablecloth to wipe the dirt on the paper.Tell them clean is not only an adj.but also a verb)and ask the students to read them.After that, divide the whole class into several groups.Let them practice the story in groups.Then choose 2 or 3 Groups to act it.Game Choose 1 student to come to the teacher’s desk.The teacher shows the pictures one by one and let the student guess what the picture is.Play the game some times.4.Homework Ask the students to memorize the text and listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the tape.5.Teaching notes

Lesson 5 1.Teaching aims Let the students master the letters(Ff Gg Hh Ii)and the handwriting.They can fill the blanks when some letters of a word, which they’ve just read, have given.Let them master the song.2.Teaching aids A tape-recorder, four plates, a tablecloth 3.Teaching steps(1)Greetings Say ”Hello” to one of the students.Talk about the weather and the date.(2)Revision Ask one student to wipe his table with the tablecloth.Choose another student to speak the action of the first student.Then ask the monitor to Prize him ”Good job!”(3)New content Listen to the tape and ask the students to read after the tape.The teacher writes ”Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii” on the blackboard and ask the students to write them on the notebook.Then let them check in pairs and write the letters carefully again.Let the students fill in the blanks on the textbook.Then draw the very picture on the “plates”.This is a competition.Listen to the tape.The teacher sings the song and asks the students to follow her.The teacher and the students sing together.Then ask a little “singer” to sing to the whole class.4.Homework Let the students write the letters on their homework-notebook.Listen to the tape and sing the song after class.5.Teaching notes

Lesson 6 1.Teaching aids A tape-recorder 2.Teaching aims Review the last unit.Check the knowledge they have learned in this unit.3.Teaching steps(1)Greet to each other.And talk about the date and the weather.(2)Review A: The teacher let some ones to write the letters on the board and check their homework.B: Divide the students in to several groups.Talk about the pictures they’ve painted.Then choose 2 or 3 groups to describe their ideal classroom.C: Each of the groups can make up a dialogue by using the pictures on the textbook and the bag and the ball that the teacher gives them.Then choose 4 groups to act.Listen to the tape and practice it in groups.Ask some one what is the main idea of the story and let him show the main idea to the students in Chinese.Then read the story together.Let the students know what is a bee.At last, point out the important points and let them remember them.Greeting sentences “Thank you.Excuse me.After you.” Tell the importance of these sentences to the whole class.Then ask them to make up a dialogue with these sentences.Let some groups to act out their plays.Next, listen to the story.4.Homework Let the students remember all the word and expressions that appeared in the text.Memorize every text in this unit.5.Teaching notes

Unit 2 单元分析 1、教学内容

A: 本单元的对话句型

How many … … do you have? I have … ….What colour is it? It is … ….B: 本单元有关学习用具的单词,要求学生做到听懂、bag pencil pen book ruler pencil-case 2、教学要求

A: 能听懂、会说每一课会话;

B: 能听懂、会说每一课出现的常用单词; C: 能听懂 put on,put in and put ……under.并做出正确反应。

3、教学重点难点 A: 会话的熟练听说 B: 常用单词的熟练听说

put on, put in ,put ……under.较难学,注意区分


本单元共6课,每一课约用1课时,共记6课时,两周完成。Lesson 7

1、Teaching Aims A: How many …… do you have? B: I have…….put on / in / ……under

2、Teaching Aids A tape-recorder,an English book, a Chinese book, a storybook, a notebook and a math book.3、Important points

put……on ……./in……/ under…….4、Steps(1)Greetings After the greetings and let them sing a song with the teacher.(2)Revision.“What is in our classroom?”

会说。Let the students answer it.They can say the words like that, Desk, chair, light, window and so on.(3)New content The teacher hands out a schoolbag with many books in it, and asks the students what are in the bag.“Can you read them?” Let some ones to read them and then asks others follow him.Then listen to the tape and practice more.Then, asks them read them as quickly as they can.(4)Phrase The teacher picks up a ruler and put it in the desk / put it on the desk / put it under the book.Next, ask what they can see.Ask some students to answer.They can know the words of in, on under and so on.Let them read after the teacher and do the actions : put in put on put under.Practice more and more in order to let the students remember them well.(5)Homework Master the new phrases.Listen to the tape and imitate the accent.(6)Teaching notes 本文的重点句型是I have a 和单词math/Chinese/English book and schoolbag, notebook and so on.Let’s do 部分学生在音乐的环境下能很有节奏地做出来。Lesson 8

1、Teaching Aims A: Let them master the sentences: & quot;What color is it?“ ”It is …… “ B: Using the sentences freely.2、Teaching Aids A tape-recorder

a schoolbag with some books in it 3、Teaching Steps(1)greetings Greetings and then practice the chant “ work and play” with the students clapping hands together.(2)Revision Review the question “How many … can you see?”

The teacher say the phrase and the students do the actions.Put the book in the desk.Put the pen under the book.And so on.(3)new contents Use a question ”Do you have a new schoolbag?“ to show the dialogue to students.Then let students read after you one by one.Listen to the tape and ask some students to read it.4 Homework Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.Make a new dialogue.5 Notes

Lesson 9 1.Teaching aims Let the students master the numbers that after 20.(thirty…forty….fifty)2.Teaching Aids a tape-recorder and some cards.3.Teachings Steps 1)

Greetings Say “Good morning” to everybody and sing a song together with them.2)

Revision All the students listen to the tape and read after the tape.3)New content The teacher shows some cards to the students and ask them what they are.Let some ones to answer.Then the teacher teaches the new words to them.And let them listen to the tape.Give them some minutes and let them practice by themselves.4)Practice The teacher asks “How many students in our class?”

“How many windows in our primary school? Teach the number 21—50.Listen to the tape and imitate.Imitate and practice the whole dialogue, then act it out.5.Homework Listen to the tape and imitate the accent.Recite the new words and write them.6.Teaching notes Lesson10 1.Teaching Aims A: Let the students master the dialogue B: Act a short dialogue in pairs 2.Teaching Aids a tape-recorder, story-book, crayons, sharpeners, erasers and a picture-book 3.Important sentence What is in it? 4.Steps 1)Organization Say ”Hello“ to everyone, and then chant “ work and play” with the students clapping hands together.2)Revision.Ask the following questions: How many books do you have? Revise the numbers in this way.3)New words

Show the teacher’s schoolbag to the students and do the actions that make the students feel the bag is too heavy.Then say “I have a new bag, but it’s too heavy.” Ask them what’s the meaning of heavy.Then take out the things in the bag and then say” Now it’s light!~” Write heavy and light on the borad.Tell them the new words heavy and light.4)Learn the dialogue Then let students see what’s in it.There are many things in it.Then ask them to see the dialogue in the book.Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue.5)Group work Divide the students into many small groups and let them practice in groups “How many ……do you have?” “I have ……” 5.Homework

1.Remember the new words.2.Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue.6.Notes

Lesson 11 1.Teaching Aims A: Remember and write the following letters and words well: Oo Pp Qq Rr book ruler pencil-case B: Solve the problem with the new words in this unit, for example fill the blank, ect.2.Teaching Aids a tape-recorder some cards 3.Keys and difficulties 1)

4-skill letters and words: Oo Pp Qq Rr book ruler pencil-case 2)

New words: queue rice quiet 4.Steps 1)Organization

Say ”Hello“ to everyone, ”Let's begin our class." 2)Revision

Revise the new words that they’ve learned in this unit.3)Shopping game

The teacher ask the students” Whether there is someone who like go shopping with his mother in the market.Stick the card on the board and ask the students to act “ON SALE 50% OFF”.4)

Do the exercise Let them look at the book at page of 23 and listen to the tape.Then let them see the second part and see what they are, and fill blank with the words.At last, the teacher check them..5.Class work and homework 1)listen、read and write the letters and words:

Aa Bb …… Oo Pp Qq Rr book ruler pencil-case 2)Listen to the tape and master the dialogues what they’ve learned.6.Notes

Lesson12 1.Teaching Aims Understand the main idea of the story according to seeing the pictures.Sing a song named “Books and pencils” 2.Teaching Aids

a tape-recorder , some pictures.3.Difficulty and Key points 1)Some phrases are difficult :

Be made of the inventor of paper put away 2)Understand the following phrases: Put away have a good dream take out 4.Steps 1)Organization A: greetings B: songs and chant 2)Good to know Ask students whether they know who invented paper.Tell them the knowledge about invention of paper.4)Story

First ask the students to see the pictures and guess the main idea.Choose 3 students to retell the story.And then the teacher tell the story.Let them read after the tape.5)Song

A: read the sentences of the song.B: Listen to the tape and learn to sing the song.C: sing the song with clapping hands 3 times.5.Homework 1)Revise the dialogues of this unit.2)Sing the songs.5.Teaching notes


Unit4 At the farm


本单元教学内容: 本单元通过农场里农作物以及各种动物的学习,从而展现了农场中缤纷多彩的生活。虽然与学生的实际生活相隔甚远,但其内容与学生的日常生活联系紧密。要求学生能用本单元的句型与单词进行有关农场里各种动物和各种农作物的表达。


1、能够区分农场上常见的蔬菜和牲畜,如: tomato, potato, green beans, carrot, horse, cow, sheep, hen

2、能够运用句型,如: ——Are these „?——Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.——What are these/those? ——They are „.——How many„ do you have?



1、单词:tomato, potato, green beans, carrot, horse, cow, sheep, hen及其复数形式的表达;

2、句型: ——Are these „?

——Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.——What are these/those? ——They are „.——How many„ do you have?


1、单词复数形式的表达 –s 和-es ;

2、字母组合 or 在单词中的发音。









1、听、说、认读主要语言结构: What are these?Are these…? 并能根据实际情况进行简略回答。


二、教学重点: 句型 What are these? Are these…? 及其简略回答。

三、教学难点: these 的发音。

四、教具准备: 教学光盘、单词卡片。


1、Warming up and reviewing(1)教师和学生聊一聊每个人喜爱的蔬菜。(I like…Do you like…?)(2)教师说谜语,引导学生用 Are they…?来猜猜是什么蔬菜。

①They are red.They look like apples, but they aren’ t apples.What are they? ②They are tender and green.What are they? ③They are long and orange.Rabbits like eating them.What are they? ④They are round, pink and white.What are they? ⑤They are brown.French fries are made of them.What are they? 学生猜对了,教师回答 Yes,they are.并拿出相应的单词卡片请学生拼读;如果猜错了,教师回答No, they aren’ t.再请其他人猜, 直到猜对为止。

2、New step(1)教师请学生将装有蔬菜卡片的盒子盖好放在桌子上,然后走到同学们中间,随意指着几个盒子问: Are these…? 并引导学生根据实际用 Yes, they are./ No, they aren’ t.如果学生回答的是No, they aren’t.教师继续问:What are these? 并引导学生用 They are …回答,适时板书句型框架。

(2)教师将自己带来的蔬菜实物分别放在几个盒子里,请几个学生过来边摸边问: Are these…?或 What are these? 教师做出相应的回答。

(3)学生两人一组运用黑板上的句型互相猜猜对方盒内的蔬菜。(4)播发 Let’ s talk 的录音,学生听录音,后跟读模仿。(5)分小组做对话练习。


1、完成 Let' s play 部分,操练句型: What are these? Are these…?


1、听读第P38的A Let’ s talk 部分的录音,读给同伴、朋友或家长听。





1、能听、说、认读单词: tomato、green beans、potato、carrot 以及它们的复数形式。

2、通过说唱 B Let’s chant的歌谣巩固所学单词的复数形式。

二、教学重点: 单词: tomato、cucumber、potato、onion、carrot

三、教学难点: potato 和 tomato 的复数形式。


1、Let’ s learn B 部分的课件和录音。



4、Let’ s chant 的录音。


1、Warming up and reviewing(1)回顾上节课所交句型

(2)请学生欣赏 Let’ s chant 部分歌谣,教师要根据歌词适时举起相应的图片。

2、New step(1)教师手举一个西红柿,说:I like tomatoes.Do you like tomatoes?引导学生用 I like …或 I don’ t like…根据自己的实际情况表达。(2)教师再拿起一夹青豆,边说边完全呈现: Oh,it’s long and green.They are green beans.Do you like green beans? 让学生在回答中学习单词。

(3)出示土豆:Do you know it? French fries are made of it.It’s a potato.Do you like potatoes? 学生根据用 I like …或 I don’ t like…根据自己的实际进行情况表达。

(4)请学生猜谜语:They are long and orange.Rabbits like eating them? What are they? 学习单词 carrot。



(2)让学生观察歌谣中 like 后的蔬菜单词和 Let’ s learn 中的单词有什么不同。启发学生说出 like 后的名词是以复数形式出现的。教师适当强调 tomato和 potato 的复数形式拼写的变化,carrot 的复数形式读音的变化。

六、Homework(1)读课文第 39 页并背诵 Let' s chant。(2)抄写新单词





(1)让学生掌握含有字母组合 or 的单词发音和认读书写。(2)能听、说、读、写 horse, fork, homework, world map 四个词语。

二、教学重点: 能听、说、读、写 horse, fork, homework, world map 四个词语。

三、教学难点: 正确书写 horse, fork, homework, world map 四个词语。

四、教具准备: 教学光盘、单词卡片。


1、Warming up and reviewing(1)师生做日常口语练习: T: What are these? Ss :They are„T: Are these„? Ss: Yes, they are./No, they aren' t.(2)请学生表演 A 部分 Let’ s talk 的对话。

2、New step(1)播放 Read, listen and chant 的录音,让学生听歌谣。


(3)播放 Read, listen and number 的录音, 让学生给单词排序。


3、Consolidation 完成 Look, listen and write 部分的练习。

六、布置作业 :听A Let’s spell 录音。





(1)能听懂“What are those? Are they...? How many...?”,并能在情景运用。



二、教学重点: 句型 What are those? Are they…? How many…do you have? 的理解与应用。

三、教学难点: 名词复数及其读音规则。

四、教具准备: 教学光盘、单词卡片。


1、Warming up and reviewing(1)欣赏本单元歌曲。

(2)提问: What can you hear in this song ? 学生说出在歌中听到的动物的单词。

2、New step(1)教师拿起几支笔握在手中,不要露出笔尖。引导学生用 Are they 来猜猜是什么笔, 教师根据实际回答:Yes, they are./No, they aren’ t.(2)教师随手拿起几个笔袋: Are they pencil-boxes?学生回答: Yes, they are.或 No, they aren’ t.然后教师说: They are not pencil-boxes.They are pencil-cases.(3)组织学生分组利用自己的学习用品问答 A: Are they …? B: Yes, they are./No, they aren' t.(4)学生汇报练习情况,当学生对话后,教师要接着问: How many…do you have? 引导学生答出相应的数量。

(5)打开 Let’ s talk 部分课件,学生观看1-2遍,在情景中理解对话的语句。

(6)教师就对话内容提问,检查学生的理解情况。(显示课件的插图)Are they sheep? / goats? / horses? / donkeys? /hens? / cows? How many …?



3、Consolidation 启发学生替换有关动物单词,创新对话。A: Are they …? B: Yes,they are./ No, they aren’ t.(They are …)A: How many … do you have? B: I have „






(1)能够听、说、认读单词: sheep,hen,cow,horse。

(2)了解单词 sheep,hen,cow,horse 的复数形式。


(1)单词: sheep,hen,cow,horse 及其复数形式的表达。

(2)句型: What are they? 和 Are they…?的问答。

三、教学难点: horse,sheep,goat 的复数形式表达。

四、教具准备: 教学光盘、单词卡片。


1、Warming up and reviewing(1)教师提问: I love animals very much.Do you love animals? What animals do you know?


2、New step(1)教师说: Do you know a farm? There are many animals at a farm.Let’ s go and have a look 教师出示 Let’ s learn(A)部分挂图,说: Look,it is a farm.So many animals.What can you see?(2)学生听懂后,教师可先试着让学生指图回答,能说出英文的学生给与表扬,也可让学生用中文回答。

(3)告诉学生我们要学习有关 farm 的内容,教读 farm。

(4)让学生观看课件 2 遍,教师只点击有关单词部分,学生跟读。(5)教师出示单词卡: sheep,hen,cow,horse,goat,lamb,让学生进行认读,教师可以将一些发音规律,帮助学生记忆单词。如: ee 在 sheep 中发[i: ]ow在 cow 中发[aU],oa 在 goat 中发音等等,也可以启发学生说说怎样记住每个单词。(将卡片贴到黑板上)


3、Consolidation(1)请一位同学拿一张卡片(复数形式的图片)站在前面,不让全班看到正面是什么,其他人用 Are they…?来猜图片内容。猜错了,该同学要说:No,they aren’ t.猜对了,说:Yes, they are.2、学生两人一组做猜卡片的游戏。

六、布置作业 :将 Let’ s learn 部分的图讲给家长听。





(1)能让学生运用These/Those are...写句子。


(3)会唱 Let’ s sing 的歌曲。

(4)能听懂 Story time 的内容。

二、教学重点: 掌握两个重点句子: “These/Those are...” 的正确书写。

三、教学难点: 在四线格中的正确书写 These/Those are...四、教具准备: 教学光盘、单词卡片。


1、Warming up and reviewing(1)日常口语交流。A: What are these/those? B: They are...A: Are these/those...? B: Yes, they are./No, they aren' t.(2)复习A、B 两部分的词语及对话。

2、New step(1)让学生练习运用 These/Those are...练习说句子。(2)在学生能说的基础上在让学生书写这样的句子。



(4)唱 Let’ s sing 的歌曲。

(5)听录音看动画理解 Story time 的内容。


(1)唱第 40 页的歌曲给家长听;(2)听录音并跟读 Story time。




Unit 4单元分析


studybathroombedroomliving roomkitchenphonebedsofashelf


it’s=it isaren’t=are notthey’re=they are

heytheyopen the dooron the tablenear the phonein the door3、帮助学生在掌握单词的基础上造出句子,编出对话,学以致用。







1、对于较长的单词如bathroom ,bedroom ,living room, kitchen的掌握以及对于第一次

出现的介词短语如open the dooron the tablenear the phonein the door的掌握。

2、对于礼貌用语“Thank you , Excuse me, After you”的掌握与应用。





1.Teaching aims

To act quickly after listening to the T.Master the sentences: This is my home.You can see a bedroom...New words: study bathroom bedroom living roomkitchen

Practice: This is my home.You can see a bedroom, a living room…

2.Teaching aids

A tape-recorderA picture

Several word cards

3.Important points

The pronunciation of the new words

4.Teaching steps


Do some oral work and sing a song.2)New contents

At first, the teacher shows Amy’s house using the computer.“What can you see in the


“I can see a study.”

“I can see a bedroom.”

…….5.Homework Work

To say the sentences smoothly

Listen to the tape and recite the new words.1.Teaching notes


1.Teaching content

1)Learn the dialogue and act it out.2)Let them master the sentences

1.Teaching aims

Master the phrases: in the living room, in the study, in your desk, in your hand…

Use the dialogue smoothly.3.Important points

The pronunciation of the new words

4.Teaching aids

A tape-recorderA picture

Several word cards

5.Teaching steps


Sing an English song.Ask the students to introduce their homes.2.Revision

Learn the drills and practice the drills.T: What’s this?Ss: An eraser.T: yes, what does it like?S: It looks like a fish.T: Where is my eraser? Is she in the…?

Ss: Yes, she is.(No, she isn’t.)

Show them several pictures.T: Oh, how beautiful!Where is it?

S: This is my bedroom.(This is my

Living-room.This is my bathroom.)

T: Is this your..?S: Yes, it is.(No, isn’t.)

Game.-Where is my pen?-Is it in the …?

-No, isn’t.-Is it in the …?

-Yes, it is.Tell them the difference between “Is it…?” and “Is she…?”

Listen to the tape and imitate.Practice in groups and act it out.6.Homework

To say the sentences smoothly

Recite the dialogue and listen to tape.2.Teaching notes

Lesson 21

1.Teaching Aims

Let them master the words :


(listeningspeakingreadingand writing)

And the sentences

Welcome to my ……home ……

This is my ……room ……

When they see the pictures, they can recognize and say their English names..2.Teaching Aids

a tape recordercardspictures

3.Important points

4-skill words:


4.Teaching steps

1).Greeting and organization

Sing an English song and do oral work.2).Revision

A:Act the dialogue of lesson 21

B: Review these words:



Read the words and spell them.Ask a student come to the front to read all the words, and the others after him or her.4).Practice

Listen to the tape, imitate and practice the sentences.Read and spell the words.5.Homework

Spell the words , then write them:


1.Teaching notes


1.Teaching Aims

Let the students master the words and phrase :


Let the students listen and read these drill:

Sit on …Make …

Watch TV.Answer…Open…Set…

2.Teaching Aids

a tape recordercardspictures

3.Important points

Learn to say the words: phoneshelffridgetablesofa

When they see the subject, they can recognize and say their English names..4.Teaching steps

1).Greeting and organization

Sing a song and do a oral work.2).Revision

Review these words:



The teacher shows the phone of the room and points at somethingone by one, and the students say it in English.In this way, learn to say the new words:


Ask a student come to the front to read all the words, and the others read after him.4).Play a game:

Passing the eight words between eight groups, and then checking which group did quickly and right.5).Practice

Listen to the tape, imitate and practice the words:phone…

Read and spell the words.6).Let’s do

Sit on the sofa.Make the bed.Watch TV.Answer the phone.Open the fridge.Set the table.5.Homework

1.Listen and read the new words and drill.2.Recite “Let’s do”.2.Teaching Notes


1.Teaching content


A: Are they on the …?A: Are they near…?

B: Yes, they are.(No, they aren’t.)

2)Learn the dialogue and act it out.3).Let’s chant.2.Teaching aims

Let them master the short sentences:

Open the dooron the tablenear the phone

Learn the new drills.Use the dialogue smoothly.3.important points

1).The pronunciation of the new words

2).A: Are they on the …? B: Yes, they are.(No, the are


4.Teaching aids

A tape-recorderA picture

Several word cards

5.Teaching steps

1).Greeting and organization

Sing an English song and do oral work.Ask the students to introduce their home.2).At first, the teacher talk to the students.T: Where are the key(book…)?

S: It’s on the table(in the desk, near the phone…)

T: Where are the keys(books…)?

S: They are on the table(in the desk, near the phone…)

T: Are they on the table?S: Yes, they are.(No, they aren’t.)

Then learn to say the drills.And practise the drill with the Ss.From “the T asks, the

S answers” to “the S asks, the S answers.”

3)Then practise these drills smoothly.Play a game.S1:Where are the keys? S2:Are they in he …?

S3: No, they aren’t.S2: Are they in the …?

S3: Yes, they are.Tell them the different of “Is it…?” or

“Are they…?”

Listen to the recorder and in groups and act it out.6.Homework

Recite the dialogue.To say the sentences smoothly

3.Teaching notes

Lesson 24.Teaching Aims

1)Let the students master the four-skill words :


2)Let the students read these sentences:

What can you see in my room? I can see…

When they see the objects, they can recognize and read them and do the action about them.2.Teaching Aids

a tape recorder.3.Difficult words and emphasis:

4-skill letters and words:


4.Teaching steps


Chant together and do a oral work.2).Revision

Spell the word: Windowdeskdoorchairbed

Phrase: w_nd_wd_ _rd_skch___



When the teacher point at the subject, the students say the word and spell it.Then write these

words.Read the drills smoothly:What can you see in my room?

I can see…

Read and choose: Listen to the T and choose A,B,C or

4).Listen to the tape, imitate and read..5).Game

The teacher asks a student come to the front of the class, and tell him/her a word, then asks other students guess the word.5.Homework

Spell and write the four-skill words :



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