




小学英语人教版课件 篇1

Unit 1: Young (年轻的) funny (滑稽可笑的) tall (高的)strong (强壮的) kind (和蔼的、亲切的) old (年老的) short(矮的)thin (瘦的) Mr (先生) like (像、喜欢) strict (严格的)smart (聪明的、巧妙的) active (积极的、活跃的) quiet (安静的、文静的)very(很、非常) but (但是) Unit 2: Mondy (星期一) Tuesday (星期二) Wednesday (星期三) Thursday (星期四) Friday (星期五) Saturday (星期六) Sunday (星期天)day (天) have (有、吃) on (在…..时候) do homework (做作业)watch TV (看电视) read books (读书) Unit 3: eggplant (茄子) fish (鱼) green beans (青豆) tofu (豆腐)potato (土豆) tomato (西红柿) for (为) lunch (中餐) we(我们) tasty (好吃的) sweet (甜的) sour (酸的) fresh(新鲜的) salty (咸的) favourite (最喜欢的) they are (他们是)fruit (水果) grape (葡萄) Unit 4: Cook the meals () water the flowers (浇花) sweep the floor (扫地) clean the bedroom (打扫卧室) make the bed(铺床) set the table (摆饭桌)wash the clothes (洗碗碟) do the dishes (收拾衣服) use a computer (使用计算机) Unit 5: curtain (空调) trash bin (垃圾箱) closet (壁橱) mirror(镜子) end table (床头柜) bedroom (卧室) kitchen (厨房)bathroom (卫生间) living room (客厅) in (在…里面) on(在…上面) under (在…下面) near (在..旁边) behind (在…后边)clothes (衣服) Unit 6: river (河流) flower (花) grass (草) lake (湖泊) forest(森林) path (路) pake (公园) picture (照片) hourse (房子)bridge (桥) tree (树) road (公路) building (建筑物)clean (干净的)

小学英语人教版课件 篇2


Unit 1 How Do You Go There?



1. 能够听、说、读、写短语:on foot,by bike,by bus,by train。2.能够听、说、认读短语:by plane,by ship,by subway。

3.能用句子“How d0 you go to school? How do you go to Canada/„?”来替换 询问别人的出行方式;并能够用句子“I go by„”进行回答。4.听懂、会吟唱Let's chant的歌谣。



本课时的教学重点和难点是掌握四会短语和A Let's learn部分中运用某种交通工具去某地的表达法,并能替换关键词进行问答。


1. 教师准备Let's start部分和主情景图的教学挂图。2.教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带

3.教师准备A Let's learn部分的单词卡片。

四、教学步骤 1.热身(Warm-up)(1)复习副词:always,usually,often,sometimes,never的读音与词义。

T: When do you get up?/ When do you go to school?...(引导学生用always,usually,often,sometimes回答)(2)T:Today I go to school on bus.I usually go to school on foot.教师利用肢体动作帮助学生理解句子意思。

T:What about you? Do you go by bike or by bus? Do you go on foot? Or by car? 师生之间自由会话,引出几种常见的交通方式。引导学生看本课Let’s start部分的标图并回答问题。2.预习(Preview)(1)Let's chant 教师放本课Let's chant部分的录音,唱到on foot时,全班跺跺脚;唱到by Car/bike/bus/plane/train的时候,学生做出相应的动作。然后教师根据歌谣内容随机出示Let's learn部分的单词卡片加深学生印象,全班学生再跟录音边唱边做一遍。

2. 新课呈现(Presentation)Let's learn(1)教师做动作,自问自答:“How do I go to school? I go to school by bike.”并在黑板上写下:by bike。教师再重复刚才的句子并问某一学生: What about you? How do you go to school? 教师帮助学生说出完整的句子:“I go to school by„”并将相应的短语写在黑板上。(2)看短语贴卡片游戏

教师依次出示画着不同交通工具的短语卡片,让学生迅速地贴在黑板上的“by”短语旁边,教师领读短语和句子“l go to school by...”(3)“快速反应”游戏

教师说出某个短语,如:by bike,让学生做相应的动作并说出句子,如:I go to school by bike.

(4)教师拿出刚才学生可能没有提到的交通工具的图片,如:by plane/subway/ ship/boat等,呈现和练习这些短语。然后指着课本上的配图问: “What can you see in the pictures?”注意引导学生理解“地铁”的含义:“It's an underground railway in a city.It travels very fast.”教师领读新学短语。(5)学生听录音,跟读Let's learn部分的内容。教师注意纠正学生的语音、语调(6)教师引导学生进行单词的拼读竞赛。可空出单词中的元音字母让学生填写,也可打乱组成单词的字母的顺序,让学生重新排序,组成单词。(7)Let's play 教师请学生说一些地点,比如:school,Beijing,the US,the moon等;教师鼓励学生大胆想象出行方式和所去地点。然后学生两人结对进行句型操练,一人问“How do you go to Beijing/the USA/the moon?”另一学生给出答案:“I go by train/plane/spaceship.”

4.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)(1)Main scene 教师引导学生看主情景图,说出其中表现的交通方式。学生多能说出:on foot by bike,by subway。如有学生问及小丑骑的独轮车以及幼儿骑的三轮儿童车教师可补充说明那分别是unicycle和tricycle;而自行车bike的另一说法:bicycle,意为两轮车。

(2)学生做Let's learn部分的活动手册配套练习;教师指导学生规范书写。新学伊始,教师非常有必要对学生重申一下书写的要求。(3)学生背诵并抄写四会单词;

(4)学生预习c Let's sing部分的歌曲。




1.能听、说、读、写四会掌握句子:“How do you go to school? Usually I go to school on foot.Sometimes I go by bike.”并能在情景中正确运用。2.能够表述自己以何种方式上学并简单陈述原因,如:Usually I go to school by bus, because it's fast.

3.能够听董Let's try的录音内容并选出正确选项。掌握Let‵s talk and read and write部分的句型。4.学会调查和统计、分析数据,并能表示出来。


1.本课时的教学重点是听、说、读、写句型:How do you go to school? Usually.Sometimes I go by„




2.教师准备本单元A Let's learn部分的单词卡片。

3.教师课前在黑板上画出空白柱状图,用于统计班内学生上学方式的调查 4.学生每人准备一张卡片,画一个印象最深刻的交通标志。

四、教学步骤和建议 1. 热身(Warm-up)T: “Good morning!How do you go to school today? What about you?Do you go by bus,too?”然后学生复习Let's chant部分的歌谣。2. 预习(Preview)(1)教师出示单词卡片,提问:“How do you go to school?”学生根据图片内容回答: “I go to school by„”师生会话直到班级里大部分学生能够准确说出图中交通工具的名称以及该句型。然后学生两人一组练习句型:“How do you go to school? I go to school by„”(2)Let's try 3.新课呈现(Presentation)Let's talk(1)教师放课文录音,之前向学生提出问题:“How does Sarah go to school? listen.”学生听后模拟Sarah来回答问题。

(2)学生跟读录音,然后两人一组替换句型中的关键词练习对话。(3)Group work T:“How do I go to school,do you know? Ask me,please!”然后教师在黑板上画一辆自行车、一辆公共汽车和一辆计程车的图案,并分别在后面两图旁标当地的价格,如:l yuan,7 yuan,回答说:“Usually I go to school by bike。because it's good exercise.Sometimes I go by bus,because it's cheap.It costs l yuan.Sometimes I go by taxi,because it's fast,but it's too expensive.It costs 1o yuan.

教师让学生四人一组,了解同学用何种互方式上学,并鼓励学生简单阐述原因,如:My home is near.It's fast.It's cheap.good exercise.„(4)Let’ read 学生四人小组阅读,并完成课后练习。(5)听录音,跟读。教师对学生人有疑问的地方讲解。4.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)(1)学生回家调查父母及其他亲戚的上班方式,写一篇小作文。





1. 能够充分理解并正确朗读对话,能完成文后回答问题的练习。

2. 能够了解辅音,/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/与元音/i:/,/i/的发音规则.3. 了解Good to know部分的内容,能够辨认常见的交通标志,如:Crossway,No entry,No bikes,Turn right和No left turn。


1. 本课时的教学重点是学生能够充分理解并正确朗读对话。

2. 本课时的教学难点是如何指引他人在不同地点换用不同的交通工具到达某一


1.教师准备录音机以及A Let's read,C Pronunciation和c Let's sing部分的录音。


四、教学步骤和建议 1.热身(Warm-up)教师放c Let's sing部分的录音,学生跟唱。可组织男女生各唱一遍,看谁好。3. 新课呈现(Presentation)Let's read(1)“最佳路线”活动 教师用简笔画呈现两个情境:Bob家住在山上,山脚有一条河,河对岸有公交车站通向学校;May家离学校很远,家附近有个地铁站,May的学校附近.虽没有地铁站,但有一路公交车直通地铁站的入口。教师让学生分组活动,设计最佳上学路线,原则是省时方便。教师注意指 导学生使用连词then来表示动作的先后顺序。教师要求各组派一人假设自己是Bob或May,上讲台汇报。(2)教师说:“Now let's read the dialogue and find out how Sarah goes to the park Can you draw the route on your paper?”学生两人一小组分角色朗读对话,教师在教室里巡回走动,解惑答疑,并指导学生简单画出Sarah的路线。

(3)教师展示学生画出的路线并示范如何描述Sarah去公园的路程:“First,Sarah Can go to Zhang Peng's home by bike.Next, Sarah and Zhang Peng go to the bus stop on foot.Then they can go to the park by bus.”教师板书first,next,then,让学生知道恰当使用一些连词有助于表达更为流畅。然后请几名学生依照顺序来描述Sarah和Zhang Peng去公园的路线,比一比谁说得最好。(5)教师放Let's read部分的录音,学生跟读。(6)学生两人一组练习对话。

4、巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)(1)教师随意抽取一张学生课前填写的调查表,对该学生说:“You've been to Harbin.Is it a nice city ?What can you see there? How do you go there?”问同组其他三名学生以上几个问题。学生仍以四人一小组的形式展开活动,用问题:“Do you go to„by„? 测某一小组成员到达表格中目的地的方式。一人只有一次猜测机会,不对,大家再一起问:“How do you go there?”该学生回答。每小组选一名代表描述自己曾去过的某个地方。(2)Good to know 教师询问学生课本上各个交通标志的意思:“What's the meaning?”然后帮助学生回答:“Turn right.Crosswalk.One way.”等。再让学生完成图与文字搭配的练习。鼓励学生展示课前绘制的交通标志图并寻找更多交通标志与其他同学进行交流.(3)学生听录音、跟读对话。





1. 能够听、说、认读以下短语:Stop at a red light.Wait at a yellow light.Go at a green light.能够听、说、读、写短语和单词:stop,wait,traffic lights,traffic rules。

2. 能够了解基本的交通规则,即红灯、黄灯、绿灯的功能;并能听懂英语指令做出


二、教学重、难点分析 1. 本课时的教学重点是掌握四会短语和单词:stop,wait,traffic lights,traffic rules。2. 本课时的教学难点是书写短语traffic light,traffic rule和理解动词stop,wait的含义。


1. 教师准备兔子舞的音乐和录音机、本课时的录音带及教学挂图。2. 教师自制教具模拟红绿灯:即在一块板上挂红黄绿三张圆形纸卡。3. 学生准备本课时的单词卡片。

四、教学步骤和建议 1.热身(Warm-up)“兔子舞”游戏

教师放兔子舞的音乐,全班学生排成长队,后面学生把手搭在前面学生的肩膀上,随着音乐的指令“Left-Right-Go-Turn around-Go,g。,go”,队伍开始向前慢慢移动,教师最好也参与游戏。

2.预习(Preview)(1)师生一起吟唱Let's chant的歌谣。(2)教师从歌谣中引出问题:“How d。you go to school?”请学生根据实际情况回 答,复习A部分主要句型。

3.新课呈现(Presentation)(1)教师指着教室里的日光灯说:I like the lights because I can see things clearly at night.Can we see lights in different colours in our city ? Yes!turn light , traffic lights.„

(2)教师边画简笔画,边说:“We have red,yellow,and green lights.We call them traffic lights.,教师板书traffic fights,然后问学生:“What do they mean,do you know?,学生可能会用汉语回答,教师点头表示肯定,再请学生回答:“When do we stop/wait/go?’’引导学生回答:We stop at a red light...-(3)教师出示自制红绿灯,请一名学生随意指向不同的颜色,教师示范动作,比如:看见绿灯,教师一边向前走一边说:“It is a green light.I can go.Go-go。go!,看见黄灯,停住不动但摆动双臂示意要走:“It is a yellow light.I must wait.Wait-wait-wait!I can go in a moment.”看见红灯,提问学生:“The light is red。Call I go? No,no,no!It's dangerous!I must stop.Stop-stop-stop!”

(4)教师板书stop,wait,go在相应的交通灯旁。为了帮助学生区别stop与wait,可以适当使用汉语解释词义。(5)Let's play 教师请出若干名学生,根据指令做相应的动作,连续做错两次动作的学生将被淘汰,如:教师说red light,学生停着不动,教师说yellow light,学生做好走的准备,教师说green light,学生往前走。然后换一组学生再做这个游戏,由其中一名学生来发指令。也可让全班学生分成六人一组分别进行小组活动。最后教师小结:“Stop at a red fight.Wait at a yellow light-Go at a green light Red light.yellow fight,green light.These are traffic lights.”教师再指着以上三句话总结说:These are traffic rules.(6)教师继续提问:“What does the‘ traffic rule ’mean?”板书并解释traffic rule,鼓励学生说出Let's learn部分的三个句子。然后教师说.Yes.These are traffic rules.You must remember the traffic rules.”通过手势帮助学习理解remember的意思。(7)教师放Let's learn部分的录音,学生跟读。

(8)教师引导学生以竞赛的形式书写四会单词和短语。可先引导学生利用学生卡片背面的灰体词进行单词描红,学生边描边拼读单词。4.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)(1)师生讨论不同的出行方式及其应当遵循的交通规则。下列问题可供参(2)学生做B Let's learn部分活动手册配套练习。(3)学生背诵并抄写四会词语。




1.能够听懂、会说并能书写句型:“How Can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go by the No.15 bus.”能够在情景中正确运用。2.能够在对话中正确使用礼貌用语,比如:“Excuse me.Thank you.You're welcome.”等。


1.本课时的教学重点是四会掌握句型:How Can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go By the No.15 bus.

2.本课时的教学难点是学生能够在实际情景中恰当地表达使用某一交通工具到达某一 目的地。


1. 教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。

2. 教师准备一张简易地图,要能够呈现本校附近的一些建筑物。

四、教学步骤和建议 1.热身(Warm-up)(1)教师将全班学生分为两组,每组选派一名代表上讲台发指令。如:Green/red/yellow light,各组学生在座位上做动作,做错者坐下,即被淘汰,最后站着的人数多的组胜出。(2)教师让学生用自己的话描述交通规则,表述正确者为小组争得一分,描述有新意者得三分,如:It's a yellow light,I must wait.Now the light is green,I can gO.Don't go at a red light,a car may hit you. 2.预习(Preview)Let's try 教师放Let's町部分的录音,学生听录音选择相应的图片。录音内容如下:

Man:Excuse me.how can I get to Dongfang Primary School? Zhang:You can g0 by the No.14 bus.It's next t0 the nature park. Man:Thank you.

Zhang:You're welcome.

教师检查有多少学生能够准确区分14与40的发音,如果答对率低,教师要注意纠正。教师还可以板书一组相似的数字,如:13/30,18/80,15/50,教师说英文,学生说出中文的数字,帮助学生区分/-ti:n/与l-u/。3. 新课呈现(Presentation)Let's talk(1)教师根据学生平时常去的场所提问,如当地的一家电影院、风景点、或学生的祖父母家等:“How can you get to„?Can you go by„?Is it fast/slow/expensive t0 go by„?”进行师生间的自由会话,再让学生感知一下新句型:How can I/you get to„?然后,教师请学生根据课本中提供的地图回答问题:“How can I get to Zhongshan Park?”引导学生回答,提示他们坐15路公交车为:“By the No.15 bus.”教师提供完整的答句:“Yes.I can go by the No.15 bus.”教师板书这组句子。(2)教师继续提问:“It's a place.You can buy food,drink,fruit,vegetables,school things and clothes there.What is it?(It’s a supermarket.)”教师最好出示一张当地比较有名的超市的照片或图片来给出谜底。教师再提问:“How can I get there? By bus or by bike?”然后领读句子:“I can go to the supermarket by„”帮助学生理解supermarket是一个合成词,来源于super与market。(3)“你说我问”活动

该活动可以进一步巩固生词supermarket与句型“How can you get t0„?”教师先示范:“I usually go shopping in Hua Lian Supermarket.I like it.”引导学生提问:“How can you get t0 the supermarket?”教师根据实际情况回答:I can go by the No. bus.Sometimes I go by bike because it's not far.(4)教师与学生一起继续学习地点名词,如:bank,post office,cinema,教师出示单词卡片引导学生初步认读生词。待学生能基本识别后请本上的配图,提问:“Where is the post office?”学生迅速指向课本相应位置并说:“It's here.”教师也可以通过变换提问方式来提高学性,如:“Can you see a fast food shop in the map?'’让学生一边指地答。(5)教师引导学生看地图,回答教师的提问:“How can I get to the bank/post office/ cinema„?’’可先用短语回答,如:“By bike-/On foot_/By the No.15 bus.”再 引导学生使用完整的句子回答问题。(6)教师说:“Now let's listen to the tape and find out where Jim is going and how he can get there.'学生听该部分录音,回答问题。(7)教师再次放该部分录音,学生跟读。

(8)学生两人一组看地图,替换关键词自编对话,(9)教师把组成四会句子的单词打散后发给学生,或者空缺出四会句子中的重点单词,请学生填会句子。Let's check 教师放录音,学生听录音完成判断题。

4.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)(1)教师出示自制地图,请一名学生协助示范对话:


(2)学生拿出上一课时布置的作业,即画一张从家里到学校(或从学校到家)的路线图,四人一组互相描述自己的路线。教师请几名学生以对话的形式汇报同组学生的情况:How do you go t0 school? I go on foot,because my home is near.(3)学生做本部分活动手册配套练习并书写四会句子。教学反思:



1、能够读懂Let's read部分,并能判断短文后的句子是否正确。能够理解Story time的故事。



1、本课时的教学重点是帮助学生理解句型:In China/the US,drivers drive on the right side Of the road.In England and Australia,however,drivers drive On the 1eft side Of the road.

2、本课时的教学难点是学生对文化差异的了解:在中国和美国等国家车辆靠右行驶,但在 有些国家车辆靠左行驶,比如英国、澳大利亚、新加坡等地。






四、教学步骤和建议 1.热身(Warm-up)(1)教师说口令:“If you go by car, by bike or 0n foot,you must watch the traffic 1ights and know the traffic rules.Red!Yellow!Green!”学生听音做动作:stop,wait,go。教师不断变换速度,做错动作的学生出局。

(2)教师说动作词,学生说出相应的交通灯的颜色,比如:wait--yellow,go—green,stop—red,学生之问比一比,看谁的反应快。2.预习(Preview)教师举起左手,说:“This is my left hand.Show me your left hand!Then,show your right hand.”确定学生能够区分left和right后,请一小组学生上讲台,教师发出的指令做动作:“Turn left.Turn right.Turn back.”然后换另一小组,快做动作准确的小组获胜。

3.新课呈现(Presentation)Let's read(1)教师站在课前画好的分道线的右侧,往前走,边走边说:“Now I'm walking on the left side of the road.I know the traffic rules.Do you think so?”教师重复.Story time(1)做B Let's play的游戏,请一名学生代替教师发指令:“stop,wait,go”,其他学生听指令做动作。教师说:“You are good children because you know the traffic rules.Let me do it.’’然后教师故意做错几个动作,在学生提醒的时候,抓紧时机说:“I'm sorry.I am against the traffic rules.”然后板书:be against the traffic rules。(2)教师放c Story time的录音,学生听录音回答问题:“Where do Zoom and Zip want to go? How do they go there?”

(3)学生打开学生用书第13页,教师提问:“Why don't they go by taxi? Why does the policeman stop them?”学生读对话回答问题。

(4)教师放两遍录音,第一遍全班学生跟读,第二遍学生分角色跟读。4.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)(1)学生分组戴上头饰表。演A、B部分的对话和c部分的故事。教师注意启发学生的角色意识,尤其是扮演警察的学生要注意表演时的语气与神态需符合身份。(2)学生做本部分活动手册配套练习。教学反思:

小学英语人教版课件 篇3


2、知识目标:学生能掌握句型:Which is faster,the car or the duck?The car is faster.







(2) 能正确口头运用Which is faster, the cat or the duck? The cat is faster来进询问并作出正确的回答。



根据《新课程标准》的要求,强调要激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。让学生主动有效地参与学习过程。为使学生成为课堂上的主人,因此本人在教学中运用情景教学法,创设情景帮助学生通过情景理解教学内容,逐步培养学生用英语思维的习惯,同时运用游戏教学法及表演法,通过小组合作学习,创造一种和谐融洽学习氛围。本人主要是按照“任务型教学”的结构来设计课堂活动的, 通过引导学生参与讨论的学习方式,即“探究学习、合作讨论、主体参与”,体现了教育要以人为本,要尊重学生的认知规律和情感发展规律。通过Games,Music, Songs等在课堂上的运用,让学生在学中玩,玩中学,融情入境,做到寓教于乐。





1. Sing a song.

T: Good, Do you remember this songSs: Yes.

T: Let’s sing this song , OK? Ss: Yes.

设计意图: 通过唱《Which is slower》,让学生复习前面学习过的句型,一方面提高学生学习兴趣和集中力,另一方面为下面的内容作好辅垫

2.Free talk.

T: Hello, Everyone! Ss: Hi, Teacher..

T: Do you know which place has many animals? Ss: Zoo.

T: Do you ever go to the Zoo? Ss: No, I don’t.

T: That’s OK! Today , we will go to the zoo. Are you ready?Ss: Yes. 设计意图:通过真实的交际训练引出本节课要学习的内容,利用日常谈话为学生创设轻松的学习氛围, 消除学生的紧张情绪, 并由此自然地引出本课所要学习的话题。

T: Now, we are going to take the bus to the zoo. Let’s go. Ss: Yes.

(1)Show some animals’ pictures , have ss guess..

Ant, butterfly, fox,fish, duck,bear, snail,bird, chicken……..

(2) Have Ss read the English phrases after the teacher for some times.


(3)Show two animals, have ss say a sentence.

T: Now,Look at the picture, let’s say a sentence, OK? Ss: OK

T: For an example:Which is faster, the cat or the duck? The cat is faster.

( use the CAI , finish the step)

Ss: Which is slower , the sail or the ant? The sail is slower.

There are so many animals, now, let’s talk about them in my groups, and fill the chart.

S1: Which is nicer, the green fish or the red fish?S2: The green fish is nicer..

(6) Ask and answer.

T: Which is bigger, the bird or the chicken?Ss: The chicken is bigger.

Ss: Which is heavier, the bear or the panda? T: The bear is heavier.


2. Learn Reading.

T:We had seen so many animals , how to tell our friends or parents , now, let’s read a passage.

(1) Show new reading.


This is a zoo. There are so many animals in it. They are very happy. Look, the cat and the duck are running. The cat is faster. The bear and the panda are eating. The bear is heavier. What a happy picture!

(2)Read after the teacher, and answer some questions.

* What are the cat and duck doing?Ss; They are running.

* Who are eating?Ss: The bear and panda are eating.

Which is heavier , the bear or the panda? Ss: The bear is heavier..

(3) Groups work.

Have ss finish the blank.

In the zoo, the cat and the duck ________________. The cat is ___________. _________________ are eating. The bear is _____________. What a happy picture!

Show one group’s answer on the blackboard, have ss check together.


3. Write a passage.

Today, we knew how to say the animals , now, let’s write “in the zoo”

(1) play the music, have ss write.

Passage 1 :In the zoo, the animals are _________. Look, the green fish and the red fish are ___________.( swim) The green fish is __________( nice) on the leaf, the snail and the ant are _______________( run) ,the snail is __________( slow)

Passage2:In the zoo, the animals are happy. Look, __________________________________.

Have ss read their writings one by one in groups, choose the best one in each group.

(3) Share : Teacher give some comments on those good written works.


Show some pictures, have ss must protect our animals.

Write a passage on the book.

Blackboard design:

Which is faster, the cat or the duck? The cat is faster.

小学英语人教版课件 篇4



Unit 3 My Birthday

 Topic: birthday  Language systems: 1.Lexis:“ 四会”掌握 12个月份单词:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.序数词:first, second, third, fouth, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth.“三会”掌握常见的节日词组:National Day, Women‟s Day, Children‟s Day, Teachers‟ Day, New Year‟s Day…

2.Grammar: 有关询问别人生日和日期的句型:When is your birthday? It‟s in June.What‟s the date? It‟s June 9th.ction: 学会询问别人生日和日期,回答某人生日在哪个月份和具体日期。4.Phonology: 字母组合ear, eer, ch, sh在单词中的发音规律。同时在let‟s learn教授新


 Language skills: 1.Listening: 听懂一些表达生日和日期的单句、对话和一段完整的语篇,根据关键信息完成一些相应的听力练习。

2.speaking: 能和他人交谈或向他人介绍有关自己和家人的生日情况;能够询问并回答某天是几月几号.3.reading:读懂对话或短文,培养一些基本的阅读技能,如:如何快速查找关键信息,根据上


4.writing:规范书写四会单词和句子,并能根据图片和提示语写一段话介绍自己或他人的生日情况,能介绍自己喜爱的节日及原因,养成良好的书写习惯和写作习惯。 Objectives: 1.能力目标


(2)能够用“When is your birthday?”询问对方的生日,并能用“My birthday is in „.”来表达自己生日所在的月份。能够表述家人或朋友的生日在哪一天,如:“Uncle‟s birthday is June 2nd.(3)能够询问并回答某天是几月几号,如:“What‟s the date? It‟s February 2nd.”(4)能够询问并回答某人生日是否在某一月份,如:“Is her birthday in June? Yes, it is.”(5)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“When Is Your Birthday?”和本单元的歌谣。


(1)认读A、B部分Let's learn、Let's talk中的单词和句子,并掌握四会单词。(2)掌握Read and write中的四会句子,读懂对话内容,完成句子填空。(3)能够了解字母组合ear, eer, ch, sh在单词中的发音规律并能读出例词。


(1)引导学生热爱自然、关心环境与气候变化。(2)引导学生注重合作,广泛阅读,扩大知识面。(3)引导学生了解中西方共有的或特有的节日和风俗。 Evidence:




 Procedures: The 1st lesson: MainScene/Let‟s start/Let‟s chant / A.Let‟s learn / Let‟s try The 2nd lesson:A Group work/ A.Let‟s talk/Let‟s find out/ C Let‟s sing

The 3rd lesson: A.Read and write/Good to know The 4th lesson: let‟s chant /B.let‟s learn/ Pair work /Task time The 5th lesson: B.Let‟s try/Let‟s talk/Group work/ Pronounciation/Let‟s check The 6th lesson: B.Read and write/Let‟s play/Story time *******************************************************************************************

The 1st Lesson Specific vocabulary: 能够听、说、认读12个月份的名称,并能书写其缩写形式。Specific target sentences: 听懂并运用句子“When is your birthday?”询问对方的生日,并能用“My birthday is in „.”来表达自己生日的月份。

Specific functional exponents: 能用所学的语言表达自己的生日在哪个月份,并在实际情景中运用。

Source of material: 挂图、月份词卡、录音带、金太阳VCD、标有12个月份的大转盘。Assumptions:五年级上册的Recycle 2 Let‟s chant部分的歌谣涉及到月份的名称,已为本课时的教学内容做了铺垫,在一定程度上减轻了学生的学习难度。本课时的月份与前一单元的四季相辅相成,以旧引新,重点学习12个月份的名称。

Step 1 Warm-up 1.教师播放Unit2 P14 Let‟s chant的录音或VCD,让学生跟唱。

(设计意图:通过吟唱歌谣调节学生的情绪,激活学生已学的知识,使学生的思维快速集中到课堂上。活动类型R)2.Look and talk(看图对话)T: Do you like spring? S1: Yes, I do..T: What‟s the weather like in spring? S1: It‟s warm and windy.T: What can you do in spring? S1:I can fly kites.I can plant trees.(设计意图:通过与学生交流,让学生回顾四季气候特征以及人们能在该季节进行的活动,以旧引新,自然、流畅地引入新课。活动类型A)

Step 2 Revision

T: There are 4 seasons in a year.But how many months are there in a year? Ss: There are 12.T: What are they? Please listen and chant.Then tell me.教师播放五年级上册的Recycle 2 Let‟s chant部分的录音,在黑板上按顺序贴出12个月份的图片(暂时不出示单词)。学生带着问题跟唱。


Step 3 Presentation Let‟s learn & Let‟s start 1.教师利用图片和语言,根据四季的划分呈现和教授12个月份的单词。

如:T:(指着12个月份的卡片)There are 12 months in a year.Which months are in spring? Ss: 三月/四月/五月…

师根据学生的回答出示单词卡片教授March, April,May.并板书它们的缩写形式:Mar./Apr./May 同样地教授其它月份的单词。

(设计意图:利用月份与四季的关系,自然引入新单词,以旧引新,使学生在实际情景中正确理解、认读单词。活动类型A)2.教师指向某一月,向学生介绍说:“My birthday is in „.”,并在当月画上一个大的生日蛋糕,让学生理解“birthday”的意思。然后询问学生:“When is your birthday?”引导学生回答:My birthday is in….(设计意图:承上启下,根据实际呈现新句子,使学生在实际情景中正确理解、运用句子。活动类型A)3.让学生带着任务去听录音 T: When is John‟s birthday?

T播放A Let‟s learn录音, Ss listen to the tape ,then answer.(设计意图:让学生听录音并找出教师提出的问题答案,锻炼学生理解能力,有利于调动学生的学习兴趣,有助于集中注意力,提高听说效率。活动类型R)4.Read the new words follow the tape.Read follow T one by one Read in pairs.(设计意图:整体呈现单词后,让学生一一认读新词,逐步让学生掌握正确的读音。活动类型C)4.Game: T出示月份转盘,请Ss结合句子:“When is your birthday?My birthday is in….”进行游戏(设计意图:利用游戏来操练巩固所学单词与句子,让学生在学中玩、玩中学。活动类型R)Let‟s chant 1.T将全班学生按生日所在月份分成六组,分别进行听指令作出反应。如:January or February, raise your hand.2.T播放Let‟s chant录音,学生听懂内容后根据指令做动作,然后跟着节奏,边说边做。(设计意图:歌谣与TPR相结合,既能让学生体验英语语句的节奏感,又能达到操练巩固新知识。活动类型C)

Step 4 Consolidation 1.Let‟s try T播放Let‟s try部分的录音,Ss完成写月份的练习。

(设计意图:该练习从说到听到写相结合,有利于学生当堂巩固12个月份及“When is your birthday?”句型。活动类型R)2.完成《同步精练》相关练习

(设计意图:通过在课堂上进行听力和笔头练习,巩固和运用知识,并且及时反馈学生的掌握情况。活动类型R。)Step 5 Homework 1.课文P26&P28听录音三次,读两次,并背诵月份的缩写形式。2.抄写月份单词,每个一行.3.预习Let‟s talk.********************************************************************************

The 2nd Lesson Specific vocabulary: 能听、说和认读一些节日名称:Tree-planting Day, New Year‟s Day, Children‟s Day, Army Day, National Day, Christmas Day.Specific target sentences: “ When is your birthday? My birthday is in….”/“ When is Children‟s Day? It‟s inJune.”

Specific functional exponents: 询问别人的生日在什么时候。

Source of material: 月份单词卡、标有12个月份的大转盘、录音带、金太阳VCD。Assumptions: 学生已经在第一课时学习了12个月份的单词,初步接触了句型“When is your birthday? My birthday is in….”本课时的教学重点是强化第一课时的句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in….”并听、说、认读新句型:Is your birthday in…,too? Step 1 Warm-up

1.教师播放P26Let‟s chant的歌谣,学生边跟节奏唱边做动作。

2.教师出示标有12个月份的大转盘,在转动指针前提问:Which month is it?让学生猜测,如:“It‟s January/February.”等。


Step 2 Preview

师生之间进行如下对话: T: Hello,A.When is your birthday? SA: It‟s in January.T: What about you,B? Is your birthday in January, too? SB: Yes, it is.T: When is your birthday, C? Is your birthday in January, too? C: No, it‟s in March.学生模仿以上对话进行“连锁问答”


Step 3 Presentaion Let‟s talk 1.T利用实物投影仪,出示A部分Let‟s learn的Birthday Chart(生日图表),掩盖住 Mike, Amy, Zhang Peng 的名字,然后与学生进行问答: T: When is Wu Yinfan‟s birthday? Ss: It‟s in January.T: Is Sarah‟s birthday in January, too? Ss: No.T: When is Sarah‟s birthday? Ss: It‟s in March.(设计意图:通过教师的提问,学生根据记忆来回答问题,运用新句型引出新的对话教学,起到承上启下的作用。活动类型A)2.T出示Mike,Amy,Zhang Peng 的头饰,提问:When is Mike‟s birthday? What about Amy? What about Zhang Peng? Let‟s listen and find out.Ss listen to the dialogue twice and find out the answers.(设计意图:利用任务型教学的形式,让学生带着问题去听,检测学生的听力与理解能力。活动类型R)3.Read the dialogue follow the tape.And read in roles.(设计意图:纠正语音、语调。活动类型R)4.Make a new dialogue in pairs.(设计意图:学以致用,培养学生的语言运用能力。活动类型A)Let‟s sing First ,Ss listen and learn to sing.Then try to make a new one by yourself.(设计意图:让学生巩固所学句子,并运用句子。活动类型C)Group work 先组织学生进行“我是小记者”的采访活动,各组派2名学生当“小记者”,将采访到的同学的生日所在月份记入调查表。最后,邀请部分“小记者”汇报,如:There are 3 birthdays in May.等。

(设计意图:学生运用所学句型,收集数据。活动类型C。)Let‟s find out

1、师问学生:“Do you like June? Why?”,有的学生可能说出有六一儿童节,教师帮助学生说出“Children’s day”。



4、师提问学生:“When is Children’s Day?”,请学生答出:“It’s in June.”。然后两人一组进行Pair work, 完成Let‟s find out部分的连线和问答练习。最后通过师生问答或学生轮流问答的方式全班一起进行校对答案。

(设计意图:利用图片让学生学习一些重要节日的英文表达,并拓展运用“When is ….?”句型。活动类型A/R)Consolidation 完成《同步精练》和《活动手册》 配套练习

(设计意图:通过在课堂上进行听力和笔头练习,巩固和运用知识,并且及时反馈学生的掌握情况。活动类型R。)Step 4 Homework

1.Listen to the tape 3 times , read and recite P29 Let‟s talk twice.py the dialogue twice, and make a new one on exercise book.*******************************************************************************************

The 3rd Lesson Specific vocabulary: 四会掌握birthday, uncle;三会掌握chart, cousin.Specific target sentences: 四会掌握句子:When is your birthday? It‟s in May./My birthday in June./ Uncle Bill‟s birthday is in June, too.Specific functional exponents: 能用所学的语言提问并回答自己和他人的生日在什么月份,并在实际情景中运用。

Source of material: 挂图、月份和家庭成员的单词卡、学生的家庭照片、生日记录表格、录音带、金太阳。

Assumptions: 学生在四年级时已经学习了家庭成员的单词,在上两个课时已学习了月份单词与句型:“When is your birthday? My birthday is in….”

Step 1 Warm-up Game: Sharp eyes 师利用PPT快速呈现关于家庭成员的图片或单词,学生快速认读。


Step 2 Preview Greet each other and communication:(学生出示家庭照片)

T: How many people are there in your family ?

S1: Four.T: Who is that man?

S1: He‟s my father.T: When is your father‟s birthday? S1: It‟s in June.…


Step 3 Presentation Read and write 1.Present and teach a phrase“a birthday chart for my family”

T: There are so many people in my family.I want to make a birthday chart for my family.出示准备好的空白表格,贴在黑板的另一侧,板书:a birthday chart for my family。师生一起拼写单词,并朗读短语三次。

(设计意图:解决知识难点:a birthday chart for my family为下面的阅读扫除障碍。活动类型R。)

2.Read the text quickly, try to find out “Who is making a birthday chart for his family?”.(设计意图:通过寻找问题答案,初步了解对话大意,培养学生他们通过阅读捕捉信息大意的能力。活动类型C)

3.Ss read the text again, circle the family menbers of John‟s family.找出文中出现的家庭成员单词,并重点学习称呼:Uncle Bill, Cousin Alice(设计意图:通过阅读找词,学生进一步辨认家庭成员的单词,并学习称呼。活动类型R。)4.Read the text, tick or cross.a.()John‟s grandpa‟s birthday is in May.b.()John‟s birthday „s in June.c.()There are three birthdays in May.d.()Aunt Alice‟s birthday is in November.(设计意图:通过阅读课文进行判断句子,深入理解对话大意,培养学生对知识的理解能力与推断力。活动类型C)5.完成课后练习题1、2 6.Ss ask some questions and answer them.(设计意图:课堂上给予学生质疑的机会,培养学生积极思考、发现问题的兴趣。活动类型C)7.Read the text aloud.(设计意图:模仿录音朗读,纠正语音、语调,在朗读中更好地理解课文。活动类型R)

8..Finish the exercises in activity book and check in.(设计意图:检查学生练习是必要的,否则学生会不重视老师布置的练习。老师采取相互批改的方式,既可以让学生有改正的余地,也可以培养学生能检查别人错误的能力。活动类型R)Good to know T shows the 12 animals about “Chinese Zodia”.Ss know about “Chinese Zodia ”.(设计意图:利用图片引导学生了解12生肖的英语名称,扩大学生的知识面。活动类型A。)Step 4 Sum up

Summarize what we have learned in this lesson and show the points.Step 5 Homework 1.抄写四会句子2次;

2、给自己的家人做一张“birthday chart”.********************************************************************************

The 4th Lesson Specific vocabulary: 四会掌握20以内的序数词。

Specific target sentences: Where is your birthday? It‟s ….句型的灵活运用。

Specific functional exponents: 能简单用所学的单词和句型询问和回答自己的生日。Source of material:

PPT课件etc.Assumptions and Anticipated problems : 序数词是一个教学的难点,在四年级和五年级上册有学习过first 和second的用法,Where is the teach‟s office? It‟s on the first floor.结合这一知识点来引入序数词的学习,以旧接新,自然引入学习。

Step 1:Warm-up

1、Sing the song“Ten little candles dance”。

2、T :“How many candles are there?”,(设计意图: 吟唱这首歌,并在这节课中复习数字,是为了分散本课时的难点,提前进行体验教学。活动类型A)Step 2:

Free talk Where is the teacher‟s office? Where is the computer room? Is the art room on the … floor?(设计意图:通过日常对话,既可以锻炼学生的听说能力,也可以让学生复习之前所学习的知识,为今天的学习作铺垫。活动类型 A)

Step 3 :presentation

1.运用金太阳CAI来引入,Show the CAI, read the numbers quickly.2.Ask the Ssto find out the regular pattern:first, second, third, fifth是特殊的,其他的都是在基数词后加“th”。教师领读单词“first--tenth”。

3.Learn eleven-twentieth in the same way.(设计意图:从数字开始入手,通过播放课件,让学生在比较、体验中易于理解词汇。找到序数词和基数词之间的规律。活动类型C)Step 4:Practice 1.Listen to the tape and read after the tape and ask:“When is your birthday? It’s October 1st.”,而后提问学生:“When is the boy’s birthday?”,鼓励学生说出“It’s October 1st.”。2.Group wok: 二人小组做一个对话调查:“When is your birthday?”

3.Listen to the dialogue, then ask: What’s “National Day” and “Independence Day” 4.T introduces about “National Day” and “Independence Day”.(设计意图:让学生带问题去听和读,目的性更加强,同时还可以锻炼学生的听力。印象更加深刻。活动类型R)5.Guessing game.T Shows the festival“Women‟s Day, Army Day, Children‟s Day, Teachers‟ Day, New Year‟s Day”.T: asks:“When is Teachers’ Day?”,Ss:“It’s September 10th.”。… 然后由T说出日期,让学生猜出节日。6.完成《同步》相应练习。

(设计意图:通过书面书写,检测学生对本课时知识的掌握情况,以便调整下一课时的教学设计。活动类型R)Step 5:Summary What did we learn in this class? Ss say …

Step 6:Homework:

1、Copy the new words;

2、Review “Story time”.********************************************************************************

The fifth lesson Specific vocabulary: 四会掌握favourite,don‟t,grape.Specific target sentences: 听懂及正确问答句型:What’s the date? It’s October 1st.Who has a birthday in October? Me

Specific functional exponents: 能运用所学的语言介绍和询问自己的生日 Source of materials: 金太阳课件、单词卡片、录音带,小黑板。


Step 1 Warm up

Listen to the song and guess the festival.“Jingle Bell”,“Happy New Year”“It’s New Year’s Day”。

(设计意图:通过歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,组织课堂教学。并让学生猜歌曲中的节日。活动类型R)Step 2 Revision: Daily talk:

1.利用单词教学卡片复习序数词,通过快速读来进一步巩固单词。2.Free talk: What day is it today?

What‟s the date today?

When is your birthday? What about you?(设计意图:引导学生复习序数词,询问同学的生日,紧密围绕本课的教学重点。通过完成Let‟s try 的活动,复习旧的知识。活动类型R)

Step 3:Presentation 1.接着Free talk 的问答T:“What day is today?”,S:“Today is „”。

T::“What’s the date?”,S::“It’s „”。

2.教师拿出一本挂历,然后问同学,Show the calendar, asks:“What’s the date?”,3.教师拿着年历从一月开始问学生:“Who has a birthday in January? Please stand up.”,而后教师问起立的学生:“What’s the date?”,让一月份生日的学生答出具体日期。


T:Let‟s watch the video, and answer the questions:“When is Sarah’s birthday? When is Zhang’s birthday?”学生观看课文视频,然后回答问题,板书重点句型。

(设计意图:先引导学生复习句型What day is it today?, 一步一步逐渐引入对话的教学,再通过带着问题去观看课文video整体呈现课文内容。活动类型R)

Step 4:Practice 1.Listen to the tape and read after the tape twice.2.Read after the teacher twice.3.Ss read in roles. work: two students in a group act the dialogue. up in front of the class.6.拓展延伸:Group work(P32), 根据课文提供的图片,两个同学一组,谈论自己的生日在哪个月。Teacher and a student make a demo: A: Is your birthday in March? B: Yes.A: What‟s the date? B: It‟s …(活动类型:A)


Step 4:Sum up and feedback.1.完成Let‟s check内容,P35 2.完成同步训练


Step 4:Homework

1.完成课文P34页Task time: Make a personal calendar.2.模仿课文对话,改编一个对话,写在1号作业本上,不少于8句。

The Sixth lesson Specific vocabulary: 听说掌握单词 sending an e-card, good idea.Specific target sentences: 四会句型:What’s the date? June 9th.Is her birthday in June? Yes.Specific functional exponents: 能运用所学的语言介绍自己的生日,并能和同学谈论自己的生日

Source of materials: 金太阳课件、单词卡片、录音带,小黑板。

Asumptions:经过第一到第五课时的学习,展开这一课的阅读教学。这篇文章的趣味点是Zoom is sending an e-card to grandma.But grandma doesn't have a computer.抓住这一问题,引导学生进行学习,更能够调动他们的积极性。

Step 1 Warm up

Let‟s sing(P36),播放金太阳课件,全班拍手有节奏地唱。


Step 2 Rivision:

1)Review the month words.先全班快速朗读单词卡,然后让学生拼写出月份的缩写形式。

2)Daily talk:教师说:My birthday is in March.Is your birthday in March,too? When is your birthday? What‟s the date?(设计意图:引导学生复习月份的词汇,谈论自己的生日,紧密围绕本课的教学重点,复习旧的知识。活动类型C)

Step 3:Presentation 1.教师投影课文插图,分别指着图片中的Zoom,Zip问: What can you see in the picture? Can you guess what‟s Zoom doing?(设计意图:引导学生根据其已有的知识来猜一猜和回答,激活学生已有的知识经验,激发学生阅读的兴趣。活动类型A)

2.Ss read the dialogue for the first time, and answer the question: What is Zoom doing? 3.Ss read the dialogue for the second time, and answer the question: When is grandma‟s birthday.(设计意图:让学生带着问题阅读对话,先抓住课文的整体内容。让学生明白课文讲的是什么内容。活动类型:C)

4.Read the third time, answer the question: Can grandma see the card?(设计意图:让学生带着问题阅读对话,抓住课文的一个细节问题,挖掘出课文的趣味点。)

5.Read the third time and finish the sentences on the textbook.完成课文的回答练习。(设计意图:强化对课文内容的掌握。)



Step 4:Practice 1.Ss read after the tape twice.2.Ss read after the teacher twice.3.The whole class read the text together.s of 4 read the text in roles.5.延伸拓展:Let‟s play: birthday bingo(活动类型:A)


7.Read Story time, and find out: Is Zoom smart? How can Zoom have dinner in the restaurant?(设计意图:通过Story time 来做一个阅读的延伸,加大学生的阅读量。活动类型:R)

Step 5:Sum up and feedback.完成同步训练配套练习。Step 6:Homework

1.Read the text for 3 times.2.抄写课文一次,并写出中文意思。

小学英语人教版课件 篇5

Unit 4单元分析


studybathroombedroomliving roomkitchenphonebedsofashelf


it’s=it isaren’t=are notthey’re=they are

heytheyopen the dooron the tablenear the phonein the door3、帮助学生在掌握单词的基础上造出句子,编出对话,学以致用。







1、对于较长的单词如bathroom ,bedroom ,living room, kitchen的掌握以及对于第一次

出现的介词短语如open the dooron the tablenear the phonein the door的掌握。

2、对于礼貌用语“Thank you , Excuse me, After you”的掌握与应用。





1.Teaching aims

To act quickly after listening to the T.Master the sentences: This is my home.You can see a bedroom...New words: study bathroom bedroom living roomkitchen

Practice: This is my home.You can see a bedroom, a living room…

2.Teaching aids

A tape-recorderA picture

Several word cards

3.Important points

The pronunciation of the new words

4.Teaching steps


Do some oral work and sing a song.2)New contents

At first, the teacher shows Amy’s house using the computer.“What can you see in the


“I can see a study.”

“I can see a bedroom.”

…….5.Homework Work

To say the sentences smoothly

Listen to the tape and recite the new words.1.Teaching notes


1.Teaching content

1)Learn the dialogue and act it out.2)Let them master the sentences

1.Teaching aims

Master the phrases: in the living room, in the study, in your desk, in your hand…

Use the dialogue smoothly.3.Important points

The pronunciation of the new words

4.Teaching aids

A tape-recorderA picture

Several word cards

5.Teaching steps


Sing an English song.Ask the students to introduce their homes.2.Revision

Learn the drills and practice the drills.T: What’s this?Ss: An eraser.T: yes, what does it like?S: It looks like a fish.T: Where is my eraser? Is she in the…?

Ss: Yes, she is.(No, she isn’t.)

Show them several pictures.T: Oh, how beautiful!Where is it?

S: This is my bedroom.(This is my

Living-room.This is my bathroom.)

T: Is this your..?S: Yes, it is.(No, isn’t.)

Game.-Where is my pen?-Is it in the …?

-No, isn’t.-Is it in the …?

-Yes, it is.Tell them the difference between “Is it…?” and “Is she…?”

Listen to the tape and imitate.Practice in groups and act it out.6.Homework

To say the sentences smoothly

Recite the dialogue and listen to tape.2.Teaching notes

Lesson 21

1.Teaching Aims

Let them master the words :


(listeningspeakingreadingand writing)

And the sentences

Welcome to my ……home ……

This is my ……room ……

When they see the pictures, they can recognize and say their English names..2.Teaching Aids

a tape recordercardspictures

3.Important points

4-skill words:


4.Teaching steps

1).Greeting and organization

Sing an English song and do oral work.2).Revision

A:Act the dialogue of lesson 21

B: Review these words:



Read the words and spell them.Ask a student come to the front to read all the words, and the others after him or her.4).Practice

Listen to the tape, imitate and practice the sentences.Read and spell the words.5.Homework

Spell the words , then write them:


1.Teaching notes


1.Teaching Aims

Let the students master the words and phrase :


Let the students listen and read these drill:

Sit on …Make …

Watch TV.Answer…Open…Set…

2.Teaching Aids

a tape recordercardspictures

3.Important points

Learn to say the words: phoneshelffridgetablesofa

When they see the subject, they can recognize and say their English names..4.Teaching steps

1).Greeting and organization

Sing a song and do a oral work.2).Revision

Review these words:



The teacher shows the phone of the room and points at somethingone by one, and the students say it in English.In this way, learn to say the new words:


Ask a student come to the front to read all the words, and the others read after him.4).Play a game:

Passing the eight words between eight groups, and then checking which group did quickly and right.5).Practice

Listen to the tape, imitate and practice the words:phone…

Read and spell the words.6).Let’s do

Sit on the sofa.Make the bed.Watch TV.Answer the phone.Open the fridge.Set the table.5.Homework

1.Listen and read the new words and drill.2.Recite “Let’s do”.2.Teaching Notes


1.Teaching content


A: Are they on the …?A: Are they near…?

B: Yes, they are.(No, they aren’t.)

2)Learn the dialogue and act it out.3).Let’s chant.2.Teaching aims

Let them master the short sentences:

Open the dooron the tablenear the phone

Learn the new drills.Use the dialogue smoothly.3.important points

1).The pronunciation of the new words

2).A: Are they on the …? B: Yes, they are.(No, the are


4.Teaching aids

A tape-recorderA picture

Several word cards

5.Teaching steps

1).Greeting and organization

Sing an English song and do oral work.Ask the students to introduce their home.2).At first, the teacher talk to the students.T: Where are the key(book…)?

S: It’s on the table(in the desk, near the phone…)

T: Where are the keys(books…)?

S: They are on the table(in the desk, near the phone…)

T: Are they on the table?S: Yes, they are.(No, they aren’t.)

Then learn to say the drills.And practise the drill with the Ss.From “the T asks, the

S answers” to “the S asks, the S answers.”

3)Then practise these drills smoothly.Play a game.S1:Where are the keys? S2:Are they in he …?

S3: No, they aren’t.S2: Are they in the …?

S3: Yes, they are.Tell them the different of “Is it…?” or

“Are they…?”

Listen to the recorder and in groups and act it out.6.Homework

Recite the dialogue.To say the sentences smoothly

3.Teaching notes

Lesson 24.Teaching Aims

1)Let the students master the four-skill words :


2)Let the students read these sentences:

What can you see in my room? I can see…

When they see the objects, they can recognize and read them and do the action about them.2.Teaching Aids

a tape recorder.3.Difficult words and emphasis:

4-skill letters and words:


4.Teaching steps


Chant together and do a oral work.2).Revision

Spell the word: Windowdeskdoorchairbed

Phrase: w_nd_wd_ _rd_skch___



When the teacher point at the subject, the students say the word and spell it.Then write these

words.Read the drills smoothly:What can you see in my room?

I can see…

Read and choose: Listen to the T and choose A,B,C or

4).Listen to the tape, imitate and read..5).Game

The teacher asks a student come to the front of the class, and tell him/her a word, then asks other students guess the word.5.Homework

Spell and write the four-skill words :

小学英语人教版课件 篇6


三.Design of Teaching Objectives 教学目标设计

To know the skills of writing.

Enable the students to use advanced vocabularies and various sentence patterns.

Enable the students to know the importance of doing exercise.

四.Teaching Important Points(教学重点)

1.The skills of a good composition

五.Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点)

1.The practice of different sentence patterns

2.A projector and a computer for multimedia

Step I Greeting and leading in (3 minutes)

T: What makes a good composition?

(Let students think about these questions and show their ideas.)

Step II Pre-Writing (10 minutes)

T: students a picture about fish to make them know the three parts of a good composition.

T: 2.ask them a question again, what makes a good paragraph. And then do some exercise of writing skills.

Step III. While-Writing (20 minutes)

最近,国家教育部要求中小学生参加冬季长跑活动:建议小学生每天跑1000米,初中生1500米,高中生米。对此,有些人表示支持,有些人表示反对。请你根据以下材料,写一篇以“Should we give more attention to students’ health or grades?”为题的短文,谈谈你的看法。


给学生一张评分表,让同学们互换作文,严格按照评分表上的给分点进行互评。 Let’s improve it:

Step Ⅵ Conclusion and Homwork(1 minutes)总结和布置作业 (1分钟)

Make a brief summary about How to Write a Good Composition and assign the homework.








小学英语人教版课件 篇7




选规范贴切的词,如read,see,watch,look at来表示看,但具体搭配如:Let’s go to see the movies

How many children like watching TV?


错误may I borrow your telephone?

正确may I use your telephone?



错误How long may these magazines be borrowed?正确How long may these magazines be kept?

Borrow是非延续性动词,不能与表示延续性的时间状语how long用在一个句子中,原句中的借多久实际上是借回去能保留多久

Please是一种礼貌用语,他的后面不能接宾语加动词不定式的复合结构,这句话中的请的真实含义是请求,要求,请求某人做某事,英语当中通常用ask sb. to do sth.表达

There be+主语有…

There are many trees on the hill.

Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩

A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口,忠言逆耳



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