



“bright bright, festive!”互联网改变了过去的交流方式。在日常生活中,和朋友之间分享一些喜欢的句子是很常见的,句子有的长,有的短,想要表达什么全凭我们自己的想法。你印象最深的一句话是什么?下面由幼儿教师教育网的编辑帮大家编辑的《中秋节英文祝福语简短语句大全》, 仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。


1、God of Wealth already follow you.

2、Sound blessing for me to breeze transmission, whereas caring for the occasional water I placed, although not often rode together, but it always about you.

3、cakes on the water, with penetration of courier from the moonlight.

4、It's a sentimental thing. The Mid-Autumn Moon, quietly hung in the

5、Wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

6、Still remember the happy time on Mid-autumn Festival when we were

7、The traditional festival, we will always be a very traditional kind of desire: a regular flower, Yuan, Chang, who often ... happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

8、When we are together, even the moon in the sky will be jealousy.

9、streets, and passed the old lady selling tea, into your ear: a happy Mid-Autumn


11、Try to find the most beautiful message, I did not do.


13、carefully done two cakes, one gave you,wish you happy holidays and all the best, youthful beauty,gave himself a blessed I know you.

14、please a mosquito looking for the most lovable you, it will tell you I want you, and ask it for me Truth between kindsfold you, as it will for me to send you a lot of red envelopes. I hope I was the first one you wish a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

15、Happy Mid-autumn Festival!I wish you a happy Mid-autumn Festival.

16、That is a full moon night, on three-under for you to: a child to dream of a round like, two days more than willing to sweet cakes, like beauty to three months cents.

17、window. My mother looked at it, as if it is a mirror, you and I watch each

18、my best wishes and blessings. May you have asweet dream!

19、Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.

20、Wishing us a long life to share the graceful moonlight, though thousands

21、Sound blessing for me to breeze transmission,whereas caring for the occasional water I placed,although not often rode together,but it always about you.

22、bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry Mid-Autumn

23、My dear,can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight? I miss you so.

24、shape. I wish you a good mood every day!


25、20** is a full moon night,on three-under for you to: a child to dream of a round like,two days more than willing to sweet cakes,like beauty to three months cents.


27、Like the moon,you my possession;Into the sweet cakes,blessed with a heart,I hope you live every day like the moon 15 as a success.

28、An inter-mining Mingyue for your viewing, weave a cool autumn you covered, as appropriate pieces of glass Moon Palace drunken your heart, and do a blessing Zhong Yuan your dreams.

29、The radius in good faith with respect to central, to send you a round of the Mid-Autumn blessing ... to: people love you more love you, you love the people you ever!

30、bright bright, festive!

31、more round full moon! I give you a most memorable Mid-Autumn Festival, in your

32、carefully done two cakes,one gave you,wish you happy holidays and all the best,youthful beauty,gave himself a blessed I know you.

33、The Mid-Autumn Moon,quietly hung in the window.

34、You cakes I stuffing, smell the meeting; You are my kite is the line, recovery being chased by you; You Mingyue I Springs, menu 10,000 years!

35、Would you like to go and admire the beauty of the moon with me tonight?

36、Without you,the moon is round though my heart is empty.

37、think Italy isstrong! I wish a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, mooncakes to remember

38、The moon cake is eaten away, but the sweetness remains.

39、Meanwhile, the yearning season, I will be sincere and best wishes to

40、On a night, the night you and me, you just gently Road to the sound of my


42、My dear, can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight? I miss you

43、Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our

44、wish your career and life as it phases of the Mid-Autumn Festival,bright bright,festive!

45、The Mid-Autumn Festival is a long epic will never be long estrogen; The family is an immortal flame burning forever forever warmth; Love is an altar wine too warm, never indulging fans forever!

46、desire: a regular flower, Yuan, Chang, who often ... happy Mid-AutumnwWw.Yjs21.CoM



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