




honest, brave, loyal, wise, handsome, smart, classical, fond of, match, mirror, fry, gun, hammer, saw, rope, movie, cast, deserted, hunt, hunt for, in order to, share, sorrow, care about, feeling, such as, airplane, lie, speech, adventure, notebook, drop a line, error ,survive, be into

solution, compass, , parachute, scared, formal, hike

I don’t enjoy singing, nor do I like computers.

I hate hiking and I’m not into classical music.

Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy that he has little time for his friends.

Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific when suddenly his plane crashes.

He realizes that he hasn’t been a very good friend because he has always been thinking about himself.

He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.

have little time, surf the Internet, all the time, on a flight, survive the crash, a deserted island, all alone, collect water, hunt for food, make fire, develop a friendship, share happiness and sorrow, have someone to care about, to give as much as to take

Direct speech and Indirect speech.

① Learn how to describe friends.

② Learn how to express your likes and dislikes

③ Learn how to make / offer apologies

④ Learn how to change the direct speech into indirect speech and vice visa.

⑤ Learn how to compose an e-mail.

Period 1---Warming up & Speaking

Period 2---Listening & Talking

Period 3&4---Reading (plus“Pre-”&“Post-”& language study)

Period 5&6---Language study& Practicing

Period 7&8---Integrating skills &Assessing

Teaching aims: how to describe a good friend

talking about likes and dislikes

honest, brave, loyal, wise, handsome, smart, classical, be fond of, be into, classical, hobby

2. Making sentences using the words above, for example,

I think a friend should be honest. He or she never tells lies.

A good friend is someone who is brave. He or she is not afraid of difficulties.


How to carry it out:

1. Greetings to the Ss:

Good morning, everyone! Stand up! Sit down, please! Class is over!

How are you today?

2. Do you have a good friend?/ what do you think should a good friend be like?/ what qualities should a good friend have? The students are asked to describe one of their good friends. Let them use as many adjective words as possible. At the same time I will write these words on the blackboard.

Then I will explain some new adjective words. And ask Ss. to make sentences using them.

Teaching aims: learn how to express your hobbies: likes and dislikes

1. Words and phrases to be studied

be into, fond (of), classical, all the time, surf the internet


love sth./ to do / doing doesn’t/don’t like/ love sth

like sth. /to do / doing I think that……is terrible or boring.

enjoy sth./ doing sth. hate to do/doing sth.

be into sth. be not into sth.

be fond of sth./ doing sth. I can’t stand……

be crazy about sth. don’t/doesn’t enjoy sth./doing sth.

How to carry it out:

1. Ask them to make a self-introduction

Hi, my name is……. I am ……years old. And I like ……, I don’t like……, etc.

2. How to introduce their friends

Hi, everybody. …… is my good friend. He is ……. He likes ……. He doesn’t like ……. We’re friends because we have the same interests.

3. First ask the Ss. to read the text themselves. And then fill in the chart on page three. After that I will check the answers together. Then I will divide them into several groups and let them discuss the question who can be good friends. After about 5 minutes, I will ask them to answer it trying to use the useful expressions and tell the reasons. ( A group survey )

Teaching aims: how to deal with the problems or misunderstandings happened among good friends.

How to carry it out:

1. Ask the Ss. to listen and find out what they (two friends) are arguing about and give suggestions to them in oral or written form.

2. Go on listening on WB on page 85.

3. Ask the Ss. if they have some other ways/methods to solve such problems. First divide them into several groups and then give them 5 minutes to discuss it. Let them decide what the most effective way to solve such problems is.

1. Peter is often late for football practice. I think that he should try to be on time in the future.

2. Mary usually borrows things without asking and she doesn’t return things on time. She should ask the owner is she wants to borrow something and try to return it on time in the future.

3. Adam borrowed John’s CD player yesterday and now it is broken. Adam can ask his uncle to fix it.

1. Solution: Try to understand your friend/Try to talk about the problem in a different way.

2. Solution: Start by telling each other that you are sorry and take it from there. A simple apology is often enough.

3. Solution: Keep your secrets to yourself.

Friends often help each other. But sometimes there are some misunderstandings or unpleasant things occurring among them. To learn the skills or strategies is very important to keep good friendship. Under such circumstances, a simple apology is enough and works well. But how to make apologies?

Teaching aims: how to make apologies between friends when some unhappy/unpleasant things or misunderstandings occur.

Words and useful expressions:

a. She works in a restaurant.

b. The machine won’t work.

c. Your suggestion works well.

why did/didn’t you……?

You promised to ……

I am very sorry……

Please forgive me.

I forgot.

It won’t happen again.

You said that you would……

How to carry it out:

1. Study the example on page 85.

First, hand out cards. Divide the Ss. into several groups, and let them choose their cards and make a short conversation using the expressions on page 86. Then I will check it one by one.

2. Finish the exercises 2 on page 86.

3. Think of some other situations and let the Ss. discuss and find out the solutions and then act them out.


b. make a name card.(full name, age, likes, dislikes……)

1. Ask the Ss. to read the questions of pre-reading. First I will explain some new words.

Match: a piece of short wood which can be used to make fire.

Some phrases: strike a match; put a match to sth; matchbox (box for holding matches). Mirror: a piece of glass which can be used to reflect images.

Some phrases: a driving-mirror; a hand mirror; look at yourself in the mirror.

Fry: to cook or be cooked in boiling fat or oil.

Gun: a kind of small weapon, which can be used to kill both persons and animals and of course you may use it to protect yourself.

Hammer: you may use a hammer to hammer a nail into the wood.

Saw: this is a kind of tool that can be used to cut the wood into two or pieces, but it is not a knife.

Compass: the instruments that can be used to distinguish the directions.

2. Then let them make up sentences using the new words.

3. I have to divide the class into seven groups, in each group there will be eight students. And I will make them discuss the questions and illustrate their reasons. I will make the students elect one captain for each group and report their reasons. The captain of each group can have a same idea or a different one. Then if the other groups don’t agree with the speaking group, they can debate.

I think a knife is the most useful, because I could use it to cut things, to fight animals, and to …….

Andy thinks that a box of matches is the most useful, because ……

Reading the whole text:

1. Brief introduction to Tom Hanks

2. Some background knowledge to this famous film Cast Away

3. List some simple questions on this passage to let the Ss. find the answers while reading the text. And then make them answer them.

Who is Chuck Noland?

Why did he land on a deserted island?

How many years had he stay there?

Is he alone?


4. Finish the first two questions of post-reading on page 4.

5. Divide the whole class into several groups to discuss Question 4 of post-reading on page 4 or hold a debate among them.( Divide them into four groups. Each group represents one view of points.)

6. Explain the language points in the text one by one. At the same time, make them make up sentences using what they have learnt.


a. Try to memorize the new words & expressions.

b. Try to recite the third paragraph.

c. Write a composition: words limits: 100

If you were alone on an island, what would you do in order to survive?

7. Some knowledge points:

a. In the movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks played a man named Chuck Noland.

Cast: cast, cast. To throw sth. on purpose or with force.

Cast sb. away: usually used in the passive voice. It means that leaving sb somewhere because of the wreck.

Play: to act the role of sb. e.g. he is playing Hamlet on the stage

b. Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy that he has little time for his friends.

So +adjective / adv. + that + a sentence 如此. ……. 以至于……..

e.g. That shirt is so nice that I have to buy it even if I have to borrow some money from my friends.

He did so well that he was praised by the boss.

c . (phrase) a successful manager

d. One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes.

“When” means “just at that time”. It is usually used in the following structures:

e.g. we were at work that afternoon when suddenly a fire broke out.

b. be doing sth. + when…

e.g. we were having a meeting when someone broke in angrily.

c. be about to do sth. + when …..

e.g. I was about to go out when someone knocked at the door.

e. Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island.

Survive: continue to live or exist in spite of nearly being killed or destroyed.

Survive an earthquake, accident, etc.

e.g. the plants may not survive the frost.

Deserted: with no one present. A deserted street, area, etc.

d. all alone: all by himself or it means that only by himself.

e. He has to learn how to collect water, hunt for food, and make fire.

f. challenge: N. invitation or call to take part in a game, contest, fight, etc. to prove who is better or stronger, etc.

to issue / accept a challenge.

Challenge V. challenge sb (to sth.) e.g. challenge sb to a game of tennis.

Challenging adj. 具有挑战性的,激励的 e.g. a challenging job, test.

g. In order to survive, Chuck develops a friendship with an unusual friend---a volleyball he calls Wilson.

In order to do sth. means “ so as to” but “so as to” could not be used in a negative sentence.

Develop a friendship with sb.

h. He realizes that he hasn’t been a very good friend because he has always been thinking about himself.

Realize(se): understand e.g. I realized that they had told the secret the others before they told it to us.

Have / has been doing sth. 现在完成进行时

Think about and think of:

作“考虑”和“想起”解时两者同意,可以互换使用。但是作“对……有看法”或“评价”时则只能使用think of.

e.g. do you ever think about your childhood?

What do you think of the film?

i. even if is equal to even though. 让步状语从句

j. He talks to him and treats him as a friend.

Treat……. as(pre.)….. e.g. I decided to treat his words as jokes.

share: to have or use sth. with others.

share sth. (with sb.) e.g. there is only one bedroom, so we have to share. I mean I have to share the bedroom with you.

l. it is important to have someone to care about

it is +adj. +to / for sb to do something

e.g. it is difficult for us to pass CET 4

it is very kind of you to help me with my homework.

m. Care about: be worried, concerned or interested. 忧虑,关心,惦念

e.g. People all over the world are caring about the future of Iraq.

They don’t care about what will happen to the family.

Care for: (一般用于疑问句和否定句) 喜欢或爱某人;照看,照顾某人;(否定句)对某人或某事物爱好或喜爱

e.g. he cares for her deeply.

Who will care for him if his wife dies?

I don’t care much for opera.

n. He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.

Should have cared: should have done, this is the subjunctive mood. It means that you should do something, but really you didn’t do that.

o. We must give as much as we take.

As + adj. / adv. +as + noun. / a sentence

e.g. You should finish the work as early as possible.

We will do the work as well as we can.

Can you give me the apple as big as yours?

p. human being: man, woman or child; person

q. The lesson we can learn from Chuck and all the others who have unusual friends is that friends are teachers.

此句的基本结构是the lesson is……..that……..

Who 引导的是定语从句修饰的是all the others, 但that 引导的是表语从句,在表语从句中必须使用陈述语序。

e.g. the trouble is that I have lost his address.

r. such as and for example: such as + noun. For example, +noun or sentence and the phrase for example can be used at the end of a sentence.

e.g. many people, such as children and old men, lost their lives in the war.

Many soldiers, for example, Lei Feng, have done very great deeds in their lives.

s. friendship helps us understand who we are.

help sb +to do / do sth.

You may help me to finish the job.

Teaching aims: Learn the rules of transformation of the Direct and Indirect Speeches and transform them fluently and correctly.

How to carry it out:

1. Greetings to the Ss.

2. Dictation of words & phrases.

3. “Word study” on Page 4. Fill in and then translate them.

4. “Vocabulary” on page 87 in WB.

5. Give instructions on the translation work and do “Vocabulary 3”. Let the Ss. hand it in.

当我们引用别人的话时。如果我们引用别人的原话,那么被引用的部分就叫直接引语,一般用“ ”引起来。如果我们用自己把意思转述出来,那么这样的话称为间接引语。间接引语在多数情况下都构成一个宾语从句。由直接引语转化成间接引语可以分成下面几种情况:


⑴Lin Tao said, “I am ready.”

Lin Tao said (that) he was ready.

⑵He said (to me), “I have left my book at home”

He told me that he had left his book at home.

⑶She said, “I will come here again tonight.”

She said (that) she would come there again that night.


He asked, “Can you come here tomorrow.”

He asked (me) if I could go there the next day.

He asked, “ are you a teacher?”

He asked me whether / if I was a teacher.


⑴.He asked, “How are you getting along with your studies.”

He said me how I was getting along with my studies.

⑵.She asked, “Where will you have lunch ,Tom.”

She asked Tom where he would have lunch.

(3) She said, “ what are you doing?”

She asked me what I was doing.


The teacher told us that the earth turns around the sun.


This week(month ,etc) that week(month)

Last week(month) The week (month etc) before

Three days (a year, etc) ago three days (a year etc) before

Tomorrow the next (following)day

Next week(month) the next (following)week

5、如果直接引语是祈使句,将say变为ask或tell等,直接在动词前加“to” 。否定式加not to,这个请求或命令由一个复合宾语表示出来。

He said, “Come in, please.”

He asked me to come in.

He said, “Don’t do that again ,Peter.”

He told Peter not to do that again.

Grammar exercises 1:

Ask someone to answer.

1. Do “Grammar” 1 on Page 5 in SB, paying enough attention to the students’ common errors.

2. Do “Grammar” 1 on Page 87 in WB.

3. Do “Grammar” 2 & 3 individually, in pairs, or in groups. Of course, this part can be assigned for the students’ homework.

4. “Grammar” 2 on Page 5-6 in SB is optional. You may do it by way of pair work or group work, or even simply omit it. But in this part, I should emphasize some words and phrases:

be angry with sb.

miss sth / sb.

I am scared.


Finish Question 2 on page 87 after class. And check it next period.

Integrating skills &Assessing

Teaching aims: how to compose an E-mail

How to carry it out:

1. Greetings to the Ss.

Point out some common problems coming forth in Ss.’ homework.

3. Reading and Writing on page 6 & 7 on the Ss.’ Book.

Study the instruction and read the two quoted messages to decide whom of the two to make friends with.

Pay special attention to the following words and phrases:

e-pal, click it away, drop sb. line




5. Get the Ss. finish writing on page 7 & 90.

6. Finish “Reading” on page 88 & 89.

Handouts for Ss. to self assess. Add some other items.


1. Ask the Ss. to write an E-mail to me.

2. Preview the new unit especial the new words.





(1)上课的习惯。上课前把课堂上要用的东西如教科书、练习本、笔、纸放在桌上一定的地方。预备铃响就安静下来, 收心, 唱唱英文歌,造成英文气氛。学生在课堂上怎样站, 怎样坐,都应作要求。因为这些反映学生的精神面貌。

(2)严守纪律,专心听讲的习惯。为此,教师要使学生个个 处于紧张的思维状态,让学生个个有事做,不给予调皮的机会。这两点在初一上必须解决,迟了就麻烦了。

(3)服从指挥的习惯。教师叫干什么就干什么;该听的时候 就静静地听,该说的时候就大声地说;提问时不能争先恐后,搞乱秩序,要举手发言;做游戏时,兴高采烈之际也要听指挥。

(4)文明礼貌、尊重别人的习惯。静听别人读、说,不嘲笑 错误,敬重学习的好成绩。

(5)主动积极,大胆开口,正确再要求规范、工整、美观。这两点在初一上必须解决,迟了就麻烦 了。


(7)改正自己错误的习惯。教师在课堂课后,书面口头都应 要求学生改正自己的和同学说写错误,从而迫使学生非注意和动脑筋不可。

(8)每天课后自觉复习,朗读、背诵、记忆的习惯。学一 点,会一点,记住一点,才能逐步提高外语快速反应。课外作业一定要先复习再作题。 培养良好学习习惯必须尽早开始,从易处着手;严格要求,决不例外。



在热身阶段,我通过改编生日歌曲,把Good morning巧妙地放入歌曲中,引入课题。 激起学生学习兴趣的同时,也达到了铺垫新知的作用。为了让孩子们在真实情境中感知学习内容,我通过介绍Amy的一天学生家庭生活,让所学的句型Good morning/afternoon/evening穿插在故事中,即联系实际,又能激发学生的学习兴趣。

此次听课教研活动的主题涉及一年级学生课堂常规,为了让孩子们从小养成良好的课堂学习习惯。现代教育观认为,教育不仅要让孩子学到科学文化知识,更重要的是让孩子掌握学习的方法和途径,而良好的方法有赖于良好的学习习惯。好的习惯可以克服惰性、化解困难、培养自信。差的习惯让人玩物丧志、不思进取。小学是基础教育时期,在打好孩子基本功的同时,培养他们良好的学习习惯是关键。我结合自身的.教学风格,设计了各种活动,比如炸弹游戏,拍手游戏等来巩固所学的新知Good morning/afternoon/evening,让孩子们在玩中学,学中完,真正达到了寓教于乐的目的。同时,我还通过各种评价方式,调控课堂的同时,激励学生学习的兴趣。

当然,通过这一堂课,我也认识到自己还有很多待改进的地方。比如,在一年级英语课堂教学中,教师不必顾忌使用,有时候中文的提示往往会达到事半功倍的效果。 Amy的一天这个故事,没能充分利用好,可以在巩固拓展环节时,和学生一起,把故事复述一遍。既达到了复习的目的,又可以让学生在真实场景中运用所学知识。整节课下来感觉“前紧后松”,前半节课节奏很快,但新单词未深入,导致后面学生很难在真实场景中运用,难点难以突破。板书设计可以更科学,应把三个重点句型一直贴在黑板上,起到提示的作用。最好的Homework全是英文,学生看不懂,不应该为了展示而去设计,要充分考虑到学生的实际特点和需要。






























师:老师把刚才发生的事编成了一个故事,我们一起来听听。 (教师有感情地完整讲述故事,帮助幼儿进一步了解故事内容。)






















[中图分类号] g633.41 [文献标识码] a [文章编号] 1674-6058(2018)19-0038-02

活动阅读教学是提高学生英语素养和教学效果的重要手段。在新时代背景下,高中英语阅读教学须以学生为主体,创新设计阅读教学活动形式,从教学和学生的实际出发,制订教学目标、活动程序,以令人耳目一新的活动促进学生乐学,进而全面提高教学有效性。下面以北师大版高中英语module 2 unit 4 lesson 4教学设计为例,**如何通过主题和内容的挖掘,为学生设计有情境、有层次、有实效的英语阅读活动。






1. 学习单词weekend, drank, show, anything, else.

2. 全体学生能运用:What did you do? I stayed at home with your grandma. We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV.

3. 掌握动词过去式的句子。

4. 能朗读课文,并能进行角色表演。



重点是掌握A-Let’s learn的四会单词和短语,并询问别人的身体状况。 教学难点:



录音机、磁带、图片 第几课时: 1

探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)

Step 1: greeting

T: hello boys and girls.

S: hello MS Wang.

T: good morning/good afternoon class.

S: good morning/good afternoon MS Wang.

T: nice to see you again.

S: nice to see you, too.

Step 2: warmer

Review some words we have studied in last class.

Dialogue practice.

播放Let’s try的录音

Step 3 presentation

(1)生阅读let’s talk的短文并圈出不认识的单词:was drank


am. is---was


(3)教师播放Let’s talk 的课件,并要求学生回答问题:what did mike’s grandpa do last weekend?

(4)教师再次播放Let’s talk 的课件,学生跟读并思考问题:

How was your weekend?

What did you do last weekend?

What are you going to do next weekend?

Step 4 practice



(2)make a report


板书设计 作业布置

Unit 2 Last Weekend

What did you do last weekend?

I ……


am. is---was






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  • 2024小学优质课件分享六篇 教案课件是每个老师在开学前需要准备的东西,每个老师都应该认真编写教案。教案不仅是为了遵循课程安排,更是构建和谐课堂关系的有效途径。幼儿教师教育网编辑特意为大家整理出了最新的“小学优质课件”,相信你在阅读后会对此有所启发!...
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  • 英语日记(分享六篇) 有哪些值得借鉴的周记模板呢?周记是以“周”为单位的文字记录,在人生发展的历程中少不了周记的存在,通过写周记我们可以更好地掌握自己的情绪变化。这份“英语日记”是幼儿教师教育网倾心打造的希望您会喜欢,本文旨在为您提供有价值的信息希望您能从中收获一些新的想法!...
    2023-11-03 阅读全文

关于“英语学习课件”的知识你掌握得够了吗看看这篇文章吧。老师会根据课本中的主要教学内容整理成教案课件,需要我们认真写好每一份教案课件。 教学质量不仅教师的专业水平相关也和学生的反应有关。请您认真阅读本文并考虑收藏保存!...

2023-10-02 阅读全文


2024-06-12 阅读全文

俗话说,手中无网看鱼跳。。当幼儿园教师的教学任务遇到困难时,往往都需要参考一下我们提前准备参考资料。资料可以指人事物的相关多类信息、情报。参考相关资料会让我们的学习工作效率更高。既然如此,你知道我们的幼师资料有哪些内容啊?有请驻留片刻,小编为你推荐英语学习课件范例,欢迎大家参考阅读。一般现在时1、 ...

2023-12-20 阅读全文


2024-02-26 阅读全文


2023-11-03 阅读全文